Publicerad: 2024-10-24 13:27 | Uppdaterad: 2024-10-24 14:37

Aktuella utlysningar, vecka 43, 2024

Tips från KI Grants Office om aktuella utlysningar

Svenska och nordiska anslag

SVFE-A Mobility Program 2025 - L’Institut français de Suède

The SFVE-A program (Svensk Fransk Vetenskap–Anslag, SFVE-A) gives researchers established in a Swedish or a French institution the opportunity to participate in a mobility program between both countries to establish new, or to strengthen existing research collaborations. The program is open to researchers affiliated to a French or Swedish institution,without nationality requirement. The program is intended for a) researchers with a PhD in order to: (i) Organize a scientific workshop in France or Sweden in order to prepare large-scale projects (bilateral, regional or European); (ii) Carry out an academic or scientific visit in France or Sweden; and b) PhD students who want to: (i) Complete a PhD in joint supervision  between a French and a Swedish institution; (ii) Apply for the “European doctorate” label. The grant contributes to travel and accommodation expenses. Maximum grant is SEK 1500.

Closing date: November 11, 2024

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The Norhed Foundation’s prevention grant via the Swedish Heart-Lung Foundation

Through its collaboration with the Norhed Foundation, The Swedish Heart Lung foundation seizes the opportunity to further invest in lifestyle-related interventions for preventing and treating cardiovascular diseases. 

The grant primarily centres on diet and physical activity, addressing both primary and secondary prevention while emphasizing lifestyle-oriented measures as integral components of cardiovascular disease treatment. The foundation encourages applications for projects with a comprehensive outlook, highlighting the significance of lifestyle considerations. This support should preferably be applied for by research networks consisting of at least two research groups and in the form of a project grant. 

The main applicant can only be awarded the grant once. There are two grant types available: Norhead Foundation, worth up to SEK 2 million per year for up to three years and Heart-Lung Foundation, worth up to SEK 1 million per year for up to three years.

Closing date: November 20, 2024

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Reseanslag - Radiumhemmets Forskningsfonder 

Reseanslag delas ut för forskningsanknutet deltagande i kurser och kongresser inom klinisk cancerforskning. Anslag kan beviljas för aktivt deltagande i vetenskapliga kongresser, virtuella konferenser, ordförandeskap vid session eller workshop, inbjudan som föreläsare och deltagande i kurser. 

Closing date: December 1, 2024

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Forskningsstipendium - Svensk Urologisk Förening (SUF) and Maud & Birger Gustavssons Stiftelser 

Stiftelserna  stöder forskning och utbildning inom olika områden av medicinen, i första hand inom ämnesområdet urologisk kirurgi, samt forskning och utvecklingsarbete för att förebygga och lindra sjukdom bland barn i utvecklingsländer. 

Closing date: December 31, 2024

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Forskningsstipendium - Sjuksköterskor för Palliativ Omvårdnad (SFPO) 

Forskningsstipendiet syftar till att bidra till forskning inom palliativ vård. Stipendiet är ett engångsbelopp á 20 000 kr som delas ut till en eller delas mellan flera sjuksköterskor och kan sökas av medlem i SFPO sedan minst ett år. Ansökan sker via mail till

Closing date: December 31, 2024

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JSPS Summer Program – The Swedish Foundation for International Cooperation in Research and Higher Education (STINT)  and Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS)  

STINT in collaboration with JSPS awards scholarships for research stays in Japan. The JSPS Summer Program is open for research in all fields of the humanities, social sciences and natural sciences. JSPS Summer Program 2024 gives Master’s and PhD students as well as recently graduated doctors a possibility to receive an orientation on Japanese culture and research systems during two summer months. Candidates are selected based on their potential contribution to strengthened research collaboration between Japan and Sweden.

Closing date: January 3, 2025 

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Thuréus stiftelsestipendier

Stipendierna är öppna för ansökan och stänger tisdag den 12 november kl 17:00. 

Thuréus stiftelse för främjande av geriatrisk forskning

Thuréus stiftelse för främjande av allmän odontologisk och stomatologisk forskning

Samma uppgifter finns att finna via nedanstående länk. Skriv in stipendienamnet i sökrutan. Klicka sedan på ”Visa information om stipendiet”. 
Det går även att få fram stipendiet genom att klicka i rutan för ”Endast stipendier öppna för ansökan” och sedan välja Thuréus  för geriatrisk forskning eller Thuréus, allm odontologi,  och sedan på ”Visa information om stipendiet”. 

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Östersjöstiftelsen utlyser medel för forskning och forskningssamarbeten om Östersjöregionen och Östeuropa 

Stiftelsens utlysningar är öppna att söka för forskare såväl i som utanför Sverige.

Läs mer i bifogad information om vilka möjligheter som finns och vad som gäller för medelsförvaltare av anslag från stiftelsen.

Informationsmöte kommer att hållas, på engelska, digitalt måndag 25 november kl 10.00
Hur man anmäler sig står i bifogad information och kommer även att finnas på vår hemsida.

Europeiska anslag

Research grants - Spine Society of Europe (EUROSPINE) | EuroSpine)

This supports research that advances knowledge of the spine, including its characteristics, injuries, disorders and diseases. We welcome both clinical and non-clinical research applications related to the spine, with the following considerations

  • Clinical studies should go beyond case series and propose innovative approaches.
  • Non-clinical studies should not focus solely on product development.

Eligibility: We cordially invite the following individuals and groups to apply for a grant in 2024:

  • Doctoral/PhD Students
  • Postdoctoral fellows (postdocs)
  • Researchers/Clinicians in the early stages of their research careers

To be eligible for funding, the applicant or at least one member of the research team must be a member of EUROSPINE, the Spine Society of Europe. In addition, all applications must be submitted in English to ensure effective communication and evaluation.

Four grants of €15,000 each will be available.

Deadline: 12 November, 23:59 CET 

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EHRA training fellowships - clinical electrophysiology with emphasis on catheter ablation programme - European Society of Cardiology (ESC)

The European Society of Cardiology's European Heart Rhythm Association invites applications for its training fellowships - clinical electrophysiology with emphasis on catheter ablation programme. These enable medical graduates to conduct clinical training in the field of arrhythmias and cardiac pacing in an ESC member country preferably outside their home country. The aim is to help young candidates attain clinical competence and acquire experience in electrophysiology practice which will enable them to contribute to improving academic standards upon return to their own country.

Eligibility: Both individuals and EHRA recognised training centres may apply. Applicants must have completed their cardiology training but not yet obtained a consultant or equivalent permanent status. They must be a citizen or permanent resident of an ESC member country and an EHRA member. They should be preferably less than 40 years of age on the day of the application deadline.

Fellows will receive a sum of €35,000 per annum for their living expenses.

Deadline: 15 Nov 2024

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Digital and Computational Pathology Fellowship - European Society for Medical Oncology (ESMO) 

The ESMO Digital and Computational Pathology Fellowship intends to help physicians who wish to play a role in the field of digital and computational pathology.

Aims of the ESMO Digital and Computational Pathology Fellowship:

  1. To discover new solutions and potentially new methods that can be applied to digital and computational pathology.
  2. To run projects and develop collaborations that will facilitate implementation of digital and computational pathology in daily practice and in a broader way in the field of oncology.

The fellow will have the opportunity to be paired with a member of the ESMO Faculty corresponding to their field of research.

The fellowship has a duration of two years and will provide 200,000 euros to supplement the salary of one fellow for the entire duration of the fellowship

Eligibility: Applicants must satisfy all the below criteria:

  • Be an ESMO member.
  • Be aged 40 or under when applying. An extension to the age limit will be applied to those who have taken maternity or paternity leave during their training – the limit will be extended by one year per child.
  • Be a qualified medical doctor
  • The Fellowship may be carried out at any institution, worldwide, and Fellows are expected to spend 100% of their time on the proposed project.

Deadline: 17 November 2024, 12.00 am CET

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Clinical training fellowship programme - European Committee for Treatment and Research in Multiple Sclerosis (ECTRIMS)

The European Committee for Treatment and Research in Multiple Sclerosis invites applications for its clinical training fellowship programme. This supports neurologists and physicians to learn the latest techniques in patient management and care and help to foster their careers as multiple sclerosis physicians.


  • For physicians to obtain mentored clinical training in a European MS centre to enhance their MS clinical care expertise
  • One-year funded fellowships in a European laboratory or clinic
  • Citizens of any country are eligible to apply to this programme. However, clinical training must be undertaken in a European laboratory or clinic that is different than the applicant’s current workplace
  • The application requires documents from the candidate, the proposed mentor, and the proposed host training institute, as well as other professional referees
  • Successful fellows and their mentors will be asked to provide progress and financial accounting reports at the end of the fellowship year

Clinical Training Fellowships of three months, six months, or one-year duration will be available. ECTRIMS will provide a stipend of 55,000.00 EUR for a one-year training programme, or a pro-rated amount for other durations of less than a year

Deadline: 1 December 2024 (23:59 CET)

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Fellowship awards - European Society for Paediatric Infectious Disease (ESPID)

The European Society for Paediatric Infectious Diseases invites applications for its fellowship awards. These support basic or clinical research that utilises advanced techniques and methods to improve the health of children through the prevention or management of infectious diseases. Fellowships can take place outside or within the applicant's institution and country. Applicants must:

  • come from the European region or must be resident and working there;
  • be within a maximum of 16 years of a medical qualification, PhD, or other highest degree;
  • possess a medical qualification or a PhD, with preference given to physician scientists;
  • be either accepted for a paediatric infectious diseases fellowship programme, be working in such a programme or have embarked upon the nearest equivalent training pathway that exists in their country;
  • be good standing ESPID members.

At least one out of the mentor supervising the fellow at the host institution or the fellow's supervisor at their home institution must be a ESPID member in good standing. It is expected that candidates will spend the agreed period of the fellowship working in and living near the host centre.

Three fellowships with a total budget of €100,000 over 18 months to four years, are available. Funding covers salary and personal support for the fellow, travel costs for the fellow plus family between home and the host institution.

Deadline: 01 Dec 2024

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Amerikanska anslag

Federal Funding

Discovery of in vivo Chemical Probes for the Nervous System (R01 Clinical Trial Not Allowed)

Funding Opportunity ID: PAR-24-088

Upcoming deadlines: February 05, 2025; June 05, 2025; October 05, 2025

Abstract: The purpose of this Notice of Funding Opportunities (NOFOs) is to support investigators who have interest and capability to join efforts for the discovery of in vivo chemical probes for novel brain targets. It is expected that applicants will have, in hand, the starting compounds (validated hits) for chemical optimization and bioassays for testing new analog compounds.

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New Therapeutic Strategies for Genital Herpes (R21/R33 Clinical Trial Not Allowed)

Funding Opportunity ID: RFA-AI-24-068 

Upcoming deadlines: January 31, 2025

Abstract: The purpose of this notice of funding opportunity (NOFO) is to stimulate the development of new treatments for genital herpes that suppress shedding and lesion formation and reduce transmission. This NOFO invites applications that propose research into a broad range of therapeutic approaches, including but not limited to development of new or improved antivirals, monoclonal antibodies, therapeutic vaccines, and gene editing technologies for treatment of people living with genital herpes.

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Ending the Epidemic: New Models of Integrated HIV/AIDS, Addiction, and Primary Care Services (R01 Clinical Trial required)

Funding Opportunity ID: RFA-DA-25-072 

Upcoming deadlines: Marc h 19, 2025

Abstract: The purpose of this notice of funding opportunity (NOFO) is to support the testing of enhanced models of care that optimally integrate HIV and Hepatitis B and C, addiction, and primary care services. The National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) is interested in research that addresses gaps related to the delivery of comprehensive, integrated health services to include the full continuum of HIV/AIDS services, addiction prevention and treatment services, and primary care services, with a goal of improving the coordination of care, and improving health outcomes related to HIV, Hepatitis (optional), and substance use disorder (SUD) in the US.

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Towards a Better Understanding of the Neurological Effects of Infection-Associated Chronic Illnesses (R01 - Clinical Trial Optional)

Funding Opportunity ID: PAR-25-116 

Upcoming deadlines: February 05, 2025; June 05, 2025; October 05, 2025

Abstract: The purpose of this Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) is to solicit applications focused on the neurological and/or mental health-related manifestations of infection-associated chronic illnesses, including the post-acute sequelae of COVID-19 (Neuro-PASC) as well as other chronic illnesses with a potential infectious trigger (post-treatment Lyme Disease, myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome [ME/CFS], postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome [POTS], post-viral fatigue syndromes, etc.).

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Pfizer, Inc., US - Global Call for Collaborators, Pfizer Migraine Research

Upcoming deadlines: LOI – 13th November, 2024; Full application (by invitation) – 29th January, 2025

Amount: Up to $500,000 USD, for a length of 24-36 months. Indirect costs are capped at 28%.

Eligibility: Open to all (MD/PhD).

Abstract: This competitive call for collaborator(s) (CFC(s)) seeks to identify investigators with innovative research proposals who are interested in partnering with Pfizer and potentially other likeminded investigators on co-developing research studies in migraine. Proposals selected from this CFC(s) will work in collaboration with the Pfizer medical team to co-develop a research project and final study protocol. In all studies, the investigator will be the regulatory sponsor of the study.


American Parkinson Disease Association (APDA), US – Parkinson's Disease Research Grants

Upcoming deadlines: LOI – 16th December, 2024; Full application (by invitation) – April, 2025

Amount: One year grants up to a maximum of $75,000 will be awarded. 10% indirect costs.

Eligibility: All research scientists in the field of Parkinson’s research can apply, including scientists from outside the US. The selection committee will more favorably consider researchers who are new to the field of Parkinson’s disease.


Diversity in Parkinson’s Disease: to study the health inequities and/or differences among under-studied PD communities, across the spectrum of ethnicity, ancestry, geography, socioeconomic conditions, and gender. Current research has established the following: Diagnosis of PD among some under-studied communities is delayed; Some under-studied communities are less likely to receive quality PD care; Clinical trial enrollment among certain under-studied communities does not match their representation in the population; Differences in clinical features, response to treatment, co-morbidities, prevalence, natural history, genetics and biomarkers among various under-studied PD populations have not been fully explored. Projects should address one of these four issues. Projects can be designed to detect inequities or differences, understand the reasons for the inequities or differences, or test an intervention to improve disparities.

APDA Research Grants: to support research aimed at developing new insights into the pathophysiology, etiology and/or treatment of Parkinson’s disease. Grant proposals can address research questions anywhere along the pipeline from basic science to rehabilitation-focused projects. APDA seeks to promote the entry of new investigators into the field of Parkinson research, as well as to support important new ideas in the field worthy of investigation.

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Cancer Research Institute (CRI), US - Lloyd J. Old STAR Program 

Upcoming deadlines: Full application – 15th January, 2025

Amount: Up to $1,250,000. Lloyd J. Old STAR Program grants provide up to $250,000 per year for five years. Awarded funds are intended to be flexible and may be used for salary, technical assistance, supplies, capital equipment, or scientific travel. CRI does not provide funds for indirect costs.

Eligibility: The applicant must have an M.D., Ph.D., or M.D./Ph.D. (or equivalent). Applicants must belong to one of the following categories as of July 1 (following the deadline): Tenure-track assistant professor with a minimum of 3 years in this position (for Jan. 15, 2025, deadline must be appointed on or before July 1, 2022) OR Tenure-track associate professor with a maximum of 3 years in this position (for Jan. 15, 2025, deadline must be appointed on or after July 1, 2022). Adjunct or acting positions are not eligible. Applicants are expected to commit a minimum of 80% of their time to conducting research.

Abstract: The CRI Lloyd J. Old STAR Program—Scientists TAking Risks—provides long-term funding to mid-career scientists, giving them the freedom and flexibility to pursue high-risk, high-reward research at the forefront of discovery and innovation in cancer immunotherapy. Rooted in CRI’s exceptional track record of identifying and supporting people who have had a major impact in immunotherapy, these grants are not tied to a specific research project, but rather support outstanding researchers based on the quality and promise of their overall work.


Sleep Research Society Foundation (SRSF) and Sleep Research Society (SRS), US - SleepImage Call for Research Proposals, Pediatric Sleep Research

Upcoming deadlines: Full application – 1st February, 2025

Amount: The grant recipients will each receive up to 20 validated recording devices and access to Sleeplmage’s FDA-Cleared Software as a Medical Device (SaMD).

Eligibility: Open to all.

Abstract: SleepImage, in partnership with the Sleep Research Society Foundation, is proud to offer 2 grants to further pediatric sleep research. All data will be processed using the cloud-based SleepImage® System, which is FDA-cleared for clinical use in both adults and children aged 2 and older. This System offers advanced sleep analyses that provide insights into sleep quality, sleep-disordered breathing, and other sleep health metrics. Researchers can leverage the SleepImage System for comprehensive data analysis, enabling large-scale studies and real-time evaluations across diverse populations. Proposals should primarily be focused on sleep equity and its impact on global health.


Association for Frontotemporal Degeneration (AFTD), US - Holloway Postdoctoral Research Fellowship

Upcoming deadlines: Full application – 1st February, 2025

Amount: $120,000 over two years. Holloway Postdoctoral Fellowships are intended to primarily cover the recipient’s stipend or salary and benefits.

Eligibility: Applicants with a PhD and/or MD (or similar doctorate degree) engaged in postdoctoral research at an academic institution, teaching hospital, or nonprofit research institute. Current PhD candidates who will begin a postdoctoral appointment at a not-for profit institution no later than July 1, 2025. An applicant’s postdoctoral appointment must extend through the full 2-year funding period. Applicants may be entering the first, second, or third year of their postdoctoral appointment at the start of the fellowship term, provided the remaining appointment period meets this criterion.

Researchers holding temporary or permanent staff scientist positions are not eligible.

Abstract: AFTD Holloway Postdoctoral Fellowships will support projects across the full spectrum of FTD disorders (behavioral variant FTD, primary progressive aphasia, progressive supranuclear palsy, corticobasal degeneration, and FTD-ALS). Specific areas of need include the following; Cellular and molecular mechanisms implicated in FTD pathogenesis; Novel models that recapitulate the pathology and/or clinical phenotype of FTD, with consideration of ethological validity; Emergent technologies to (1) improve diagnosis, (2) monitor disease progression, (3) treat symptoms and/or underlying disease, (4) support caregivers; Bioinformatic or other computational biology approaches; Fluid, imaging, or digital biomarker discovery/development; and Understanding and addressing health disparities and the needs of populations underrepresented in FTD research. However, projects may address any area of basic, translational, or clinical FTD research as well as projects focused on FTD-related outcomes research and public health. 
