Publicerad: 2024-10-10 15:13 | Uppdaterad: 2024-10-10 15:20

Aktuella utlysningar, vecka 41, 2024

Tips från KI Grants Office om aktuella utlysningar

Svenska och nordiska anslag

Wera Ekströms fond för pediatrisk forskning

Fonden utdelar stipendier inom det pediatriska forskningsområdet, i första hand med inriktning på de sjukdomstillstånd som drabbar ämnesomsättningen. Totalt belopp tillgängligt för utdelning uppgår till cirka 600 000 kronor.

Bidrag kan sökas för en sammanhängande period om 3–12 månader för följande ändamål:

  1. Doktorandstipendium (21 500 kr/mån) för registrerade doktorander.
  2. Post-dok-stipendium för forskare i början av sin postdoktorala forskarkarriär, högst 8 år efter disputation (25 000 kr/mån)
  3. Forskarrekryteringsstipendium för forskarstuderande som ännu inte är registrerade doktorander (18 000 kr/mån).

I ansökan (SEB:s ansökningsblankett) ska den sökande ange vilket stipendium som sökes samt för hur många månader. Medel för resebidrag eller stipendium till icke namngiven person betalas inte ut. Man kan inte söka medel för finansiering av annan person/doktorand. Den sökande kan inte tilldelas mer än sökt belopp.

Ansökan ska innehålla:

  • Fullständigt ifylld ansökningsblankett.
  • CV (max 2 sidor). Bifogas som bilaga.
  • Publikationslista (10 utvalda referenser). Bifogas som bilaga.
  • Intyg från handledare eller enhetschef/s k stipendieinspektor där denne åtar sig ansvar för stipendiets användande. Bifogas som bilaga.
  • Den som tidigare har tilldelats stöd ur fonden ska bifoga en progressrapport som beskriver hur medlen har använts. Progressrapporten ska vara signerad av stipendieinspektor. Bifogas som bilaga.

Projektbeskrivning, kostnader för projektet och förteckning över övrig finansiering.
CV inklusive relevant publikationslista bifogas.
Intyg från handledare där handledaren åtar sig ansvar för stipendiets användande.
Den som tidigare har tilldelats stöd ur fonden ska bifoga en progressrapport samt en rapport från stipendieinspektor som beskriver hur medlen använts (vilka tidsperioder stipendiaten utnyttjat stipendier, driftkostnader et c) 

Closing date: November 1, 2024

More info

The DDLS Research School under the SciLifeLab & Wallenberg National Program for Data-Driven Life Science 

The SciLifeLab and Wallenberg National Program for Data-Driven Life Science (DDLS) is a 12-year initiative funded with a total of 3,1 billion SEK from the Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation. The purpose of the program is to recruit and train the next-generation of data-driven life scientists and to create globally leading computational and data science capabilities in life science in Sweden.

One part of the program is to establish a research school for 260 PhDs, within both academia and industry. The aim of the DDLS Research School is to educate highly skilled and competent professionals who will make a significant contribution to the field of life science research in Sweden.

The DDLS Research School has recently launched two calls for PhD projects in academia and industry.

N.B. Applying supervisors must have acquired green light at the time of submission.

Closing date: November 15, 2024

Call for DDLS Academia PhD projects 2025

Call for DDLS Industrial PhD projects 2025

Resestipendier - Svensk Onkologisk Förening 

Resestipendium kan sökas av föreningens medlemmar för deltagande i internationella vetenskapliga möten. Stipendiesumman är på max 20 000 kr. 

Closing date: no closing date, decisions are taken October 30 and December 31, 2024.

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Resestipendier - Svenska Sällskapet för Medicinsk Forskning (SSMF) 

SSMF erbjuder resestipendier för doktorander inom preklinisk och klinisk medicinsk forskning med minst en egen refereegranskad publikation. Stipendierna är avsedda att täcka personliga kostnader i samband med resa till en annan forskningsinstitution eller klinik för studier av betydelse för sökandens eget forskningsprojekt. Stipendier stöder exempelvis resor för att lära sig ny metodik eller samla in forskningsdata, eller andra likartade ändamål. Stipendier uppgår till max SEK 50,000 och beviljas högst tre gånger.

Closing date: December 1, 2024

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Projektanslag - Stiftelsen Apotekare Hedbergs Fond och Bertil och Ebon Norlins stiftelse 

Stiftelsen Apotekare Hedbergs Fond och Bertil och Ebon Norlins stiftelse stödjer avancerad medicinsk forskning i Sverige. Stiftelserna kommer att prioritera projekt inom områdena inflammatoriska sjukdomar respektive neurologiska sjukdomar. Den totala budgeten är sammanlagt cirka två miljoner kronor och fördelas mellan högst tio sökanden. 

Closing date: January 15, 2025 

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Forskningsmedel från Barndiabetesfonden för 2025

Barndiabetesfonden, vars ändamål är att stödja forskning som syftar till att förebygga, bota eller lindra typ 1-diabetes hos barn och ungdomar, är Sveriges största finansiär av forskning kring sjukdomen. Stiftelsen delade 2024 ut 19,4 miljoner kronor.

Barndiabetesfondens vetenskapliga råd granskar inkomna ansökningar och bedömer dem efter fondens fastslagna riktlinjer - relevans, vetenskaplig kvalitet och nytänkande, genomförbarhet och sökandes kompetens.

Deadline: December 1, 2024

More info 

Europeiska anslag

Proposals on Novel Omic Technology approaches to tackle specific unmet needs in Rheumatic and Musculoskeletal Disorders

Foundation for Research in Rheumatology (FOREUM)

 FOREUM invites scientific proposals that address the following objectives:

1. Utilization of emerging Omic Technologies:

  • Develop and apply omic technologies such as proteomics, lipidomics, and metabolomics to provide solutions for unmet medical needs such as but not limited to immune-reset, induction of remission, prevention of flare.


  • Focus on omic data integration and systems biology approaches to elucidate complex interactions within the immune system and the musculoskeletal system in RMDs.

2. Hypothesis-Driven Research:

  • Propose hypothesis-driven research projects that leverage emerging omic technologies to address specific research questions or hypotheses related to the identified unmet medical needs in the approach to RMDs. Provide strategies to validate and functionally confirm the omic findings.
  • Focus on research areas where these omic technologies have the potential to provide novel insights or transformative solutions, including but not limited to autoimmune diseases, inflammatory arthritis, connective tissue disorders, and osteoarthritis.

3. Collaborative Consortia:

  • Encourage the formation of collaborative consortia involving at least three partner universities from different countries to facilitate interdisciplinary research and knowledge exchange.
  • Foster collaboration between basic scientists, clinicians, bioinformaticians, and computational biologists to ensure the translation of omic data into clinical applications and patient benefits.

FOREUM requires multi-centre project applications involving partners from at least three different countries. Any given institution may lead only one application. However, that institution, or its staff, may participate in other projects as collaborators. The call is open to participants from EULAR membership countries.

The call is designed to fund a range of research projects. An individual proposal may be funded with up to a maximal amount of 600.000 Euro for a 3-year funding period,


  • Closing date for Letter of intent: 27 October 2024
  • Closing date for full proposals: 02 February 2025 (by invitation only)

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EFSD and Novo Nordisk A/S Programme for Diabetes Research in Europe

The EFSD/Novo Nordisk Programme for Diabetes Research in Europe will accept applications from all fields of diabetes research including both basic and clinical research. Research will be supported through the award of grants generally up to Euro 100,000 for basic and/or clinical research projects. Projects requiring higher funding than that specified above are also invited to apply to this Programme, i.e. applications may be submitted to complement funding for a larger project.

The duration of each award may be one year or longer, depending upon the needs of the project and as justified in the application. Applications for an EFSD/Novo Nordisk grant are invited from single non-profit institutions or groups of such institutions from Europe and associated countries

Deadline: submission of applications on 3 February 2025

More info


Amerikanska anslag

Federal Funding

Notice of Intent to Publish a Funding Opportunity Announcement for Accelerating the Pace of Substance Use Research Using Existing Data (R01, R21 Clinical Trial Not Allowed)

Funding Opportunity ID: NOT-DA-26-003

First Estimated Application Due Date: June 17, 2025.

Abstract: The NIDA intends to promote the reissue of an initiative by publishing a Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) to solicit applications for research on Accelerating the Pace of Substance Use Research Using Existing Data (R01. R21 Clinical Trial Optional).

This Notice is being provided to allow potential applicants sufficient time to develop meaningful collaborations and responsive projects. 

The NOFO is expected to be published in Fall 2024 with an expected application due date in Spring 2025.

More info (R01)

More info (R21)

Notice of Special Interest (NOSI): The Role of the Immune System in Aging Brain and Alzheimer's Disease (AD) and AD-Related Dementias (ADRD)

Funding Opportunity ID: PAR-22-093 (R01), PAR-22-094 (R21)

Application Due Date: This notice applies to due dates on or after November 12, 2024 and subsequent receipt dates through December 31, 2027. 

Abstract: This NOSI aims at a better understanding of brain immune surveillance and the generation of CNS-directed immune responses in neurodegenerative disorders, specifically the role of cross-talk between innate and adaptive immunity in AD/ADRD onset and progression. The goal is to shed light on the etiology of the immune imbalance (e.g., between peripheral adaptive and brain innate immune responses) typical of neurodegenerative disorders, with promising implications for therapy. These studies may ultimately help with AD/ADRD diagnostics, risk stratification, and discovery of immunotherapeutics.

More info 

Blueprint Neurotherapeutics Network (BPN): Biologic-based Drug Discovery and Development for Disorders of the Nervous System (UG3/UH3 Clinical Trial Optional)

Funding Opportunity ID: PAR-24-293

Upcoming deadlines: January 27, 2025 through July 15, 2027.

Abstract: The purpose of this Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) is to provide funding, resources, and expertise to accelerate the development of diverse biotherapeutic modalities — including but not limited to antibodies, peptides, proteins, oligonucleotides, gene therapies, cell therapies, and other emerging therapeutic modalities — for the treatment of nervous and neuromuscular system disorders.

The Blueprint Neurotherapeutics Network for Biologics (BPN Biologics) program provides support for biologics-based therapy discovery and development activities from lead optimization through first-in-human clinical trials. This NOFO is a phased, milestone-driven cooperative agreement that involves close collaboration and regular interactions with NIH program staff.

Awarded projects will receive funding for investigator-led research activities to be conducted in their own laboratories and assistance from NIH-funded consultants with industry and regulatory experience. Participants may also augment their project through collaboration with NIH-funded contract research organizations that specialize in manufacturing, nonclinical studies, and early phase clinical trials. Recipient institutions will retain their rights to existing intellectual property and are assigned rights to any new IP developed within the program.

More info 

Mitochondrial-associated Mechanisms of Neuropathological and Immunodeficient Aging in the Context of HIV and SUD (R01, R21 Clinical Trials Not Allowed)

Funding Opportunity ID: RFA-DA-26-009

Upcoming deadlines: March 10, 2025 and March 10, 2026.

Abstract: To promote research investigating protective and pathogenic mechanisms at the nexus of mitochondria function and aging in the context of HIV infection and exposure to addictive substances. NIH anticipate this foundational knowledge could be leveraged to develop targeted therapies and improve outcomes in people aging with HIV, substance use and addiction.

This Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) requires a Plan for Enhancing Diverse Perspectives (PEDP).

More info (R01)

More info (R21)



Parkinson's Foundation, US – Postdoctoral Fellowship for Basic Scientists

Upcoming deadlines: LOI – 31st October, 2024; Full application – 7th March, 2025 by invitation only.

Amount: Upper: The program offers two different levels of support for basic research scientists and clinical neurologists. The program grants $124,000 over two years to Basic Scientists, including $57,000 for the postdoctoral fellowship salary stipend and an annual $5,000 research allowance. The program grants $140,000 over two years to Clinical Neurologists, including $65,000 in annual salary support and a $5,000 annual research allowance. 

Eligibility: The Basic Scientists applicants must be within five years of receiving their PhD at the time the award starts. The Clinical Neurologists must possess an MD or equivalent and be within three years of having completed a residency in neurology at the time the award starts.

Abstract: The Postdoctoral Fellowships for Basic Scientists are two-year fellowships for young scientists, fresh from their PhD training or neurology residency, to study at major research institutions. The Parkinson’s Foundation seeks research proposals from promising early-career scientists that will directly impact the understanding of Parkinson’s disease or its treatment.


Meso Foundation– Grants for Mesothelioma Research

Upcoming deadlines: LOI -15th December, 2024

Amount: Our research grant program offers $100,000 grants for two years ($50,000 per year).


  • Investigators who have a doctoral-level degree and a full-time faculty position or equivalent at a college, university, medical school, or eligible not-for-profit research organization globally.
  • Junior investigators with an interest in a carrier focus in mesothelioma are strongly encouraged to apply to this RFA.

Abstract: Areas of Interest (not listed in order of priority):

  • Novel therapies for mesothelioma for both pleural and peritoneal, especially targeted therapies, combination immunotherapy, cellular therapy, and virotherapy.
  • Health-related quality of life assessment incorporating the social determinants of health (SDOH) specific to mesothelioma patient care, side effect management, mental health care impact on patient and/or caregiver outcomes, and other related topics.
  • Novel strategies for screening and early detection.
  • Novel strategies for risk assessment and prognosis stratification.
  • Immune mediated complications of immunotherapy in mesothelioma (monitoring, early detection, and management).
  • Improving personalization of therapies (gender and racial differences, targeted therapies, and predictive biomarkers).
  • Mechanisms of treatment resistance/failure.
  • Mesothelioma biology and etiology (disease-defining molecular pathways, cellular biology, and/or tumor microenvironment).
