Aktuella utlysningar, vecka 50, 2024
Grants Office tipsar om aktuella utlysningar
Svenska och nordiska anslag
Kliniska eller vetenskapliga utbyten – Stiftelsen Samaritan ur Ränks Donation
Donation avser i första hand att stötta olika former av kliniska eller vetenskapliga utbyten inom ämnesområdena barnkardiologi och GUCH, t ex resestipendier och anordnande av möten/kongress.
Closing date: January 15, 2025
Sophie Germain scientific residence - French Institute of Sweden and French Embassy to Sweden
This programme supports researchers based in Sweden who are conducting projects related to France and who wants to strengthen their connection to France. A grant of 15 000 SEK is provided as a contribution to transportation costs and living expenses. The stay in Paris will be one month long and must be scheduled between June 1st and August 31st of the year 2025.
Closing date: February 2, 2025
Eva de la Gardie residency programme - French Institute of Sweden and French Embassy to Sweden
The programmes of the French Embassy / French Institute in Sweden aim to increase scientific and academic cooperation between France and Sweden by giving people active in research the opportunity to develop their professional network in the other country or to strengthen Franco-Swedish research cooperation. The programme is open to PhD students and PhD holders conducting research in a Swedish institution. The grant consists of: (1) Accommodation for a 28-days period in a studio apartment in the Swedish Institute, in the historical district of Le Marais, provided by the Swedish Institute in Paris; (2) A grant of 15 000 Swedish Kronor provided by the Institut français de Suède and French Embassy to Sweden, as a contribution to transportation costs and living expenses.
Closing date; February 2, 2025
Internationella samarbeten med prekliniska terapistudier av sällsynta sjukdomar (ERDERA JTC2025) – VINNOVA
Vinnova finansierar svenskt deltagande i den första utlysningen inom det internationella partnerskapet European Rare Diseases Research Alliance, ERDERA (JTC 2025). Utlysningen stödjer prekliniska terapistudier för sällsynta sjukdomar med små molekyler och biologiska ämnen. Förslagen kan exempelvis inkludera nya terapier, biomarkörer, replikering av studier, proof of concept- studier eller förberedelser för kliniska prövningar. Se den ursprungliga utlysningstexten för detaljer.
Closing date: February 13, 2025
- 6-årig högre barncancerforskartjänst
- 4-årig barncancerforskartjänst
- Barncancerforskningspostdoktortjänst/stipendium
- Barncancerforskarmånader för kliniker
- Doktorandbidrag för kliniker
- Forskar-ST-tjänster inom området barncancersjukdomar
Closing date: February 3, 2025.
VBHC Prize 2025 pre-applications
We are almost a month into for VBHC Prize 2025 pre-applications. To showcase your outstanding VBHC initiative to the broader community and gain international recognition, we invite you to hand in your VBHC Prize pre-application. Are you still on the fence? Let's take a look at the reasons for pre-applying for the VBHC Prize.
About VBHC Prize
VBHC Prize aims to recognize, support, and celebrate initiatives that redefine health care by improving patient value. Each year, one excellent initiative is awarded the VBHC Prize. The winner is selected by an independent and internationally renowned jury of VBHC experts. Please watch this video for an impression of last year’s event and become inspired to apply this year.
Why should you apply?
• Raise your initiative to the next level by receiving feedback from a jury of international VBHC experts.
• Obtain international recognition as a leading and inspiring initiative that creates excellent patient value.
• Give your initiative a boost through exposure to > 400,000 healthcare professionals worldwide.
• Network with VBHC pioneers and be part of the growing international VBHC community.
• The winner of the VBHC Prize 2024 gets the opportunity to place an exclusive article in the Value-Based Health Care Thinkers Magazine. This magazine has a reach of > 100,000 views in health care. On top of that, a video of the winner will be posted on VBHC TV.
• Be at the center of healthcare innovation and celebrate the successes of delivering true patient value.
We hope the above has inspired you to apply for VBHC Prize 2025 pre-applications.
To apply follow this link. In case of questions, reach out to application@vbhcprize.com.
Stiftelsen Sunnerdahls Handikappfond
Stiftelsen Sunnerdahls Handikappfond stödjer forskning och utvecklingsarbete kring barn och ungdomar med funktionsnedsättningar. Fokus ligger på faktorer som påverkar deras hälsa, lärande och livssituation. Anslag delas i huvudsak ut till samhällsvetenskaplig, pedagogisk och medicinsk forskning. Forskning på hög vetenskaplig nivå som är nyskapande och gäller för hela målgrupper prioriteras.
I likhet med tidigare år kommer fonden under 2025 att ge bidrag till forsknings- och utvecklingsprojekt. De utdelade beloppen är sammanlagt cirka 3,5 miljoner kronor per år, och medel beviljas en gång per år.
Bidrag ges i regel till tio till femton projekt med maximalt drygt 350 000 kronor.
Ansökan om projektbidrag ska vara stiftelsen tillhanda senast den 30 april 2025.
Observera att ansökningshandlingarna ska skickas per post i 5 exemplar (1 original + 4 kopior).
Information och ansökningsblankett finns på stiftelsens hemsida.
Ansökan skickas till:
Stiftelsen Sunnerdahls Handikappfond
Backsippevägen SA
135 62 Tyresö
Tfn: 072-888 00 84 (endast telefonsvarare)
e-mail: kansli@sunnerdahls.se
webbplats: www.sunnerdahls-handikappfond.se
Europeiska anslag
EFSD Rising Star Fellowship Programme
The EFSD Rising Star Fellowship Programme aims to identify promising and innovative young researchers who are developing their research activities in Europe. Selected candidates will have the opportunity to present an overview of their past and ongoing research activities during a multidisciplinary research symposium at the EASD Annual Meeting. The chosen candidates will be invited by EASD to present a lecture and will receive a commemorative diploma. Travel expenses, hotel and registration costs for the recipients will be covered.
Furthermore, the award includes a research fellowship in the amount of Euro 30,000 payable to the recipient’s institution. The objective of the research fellowship is to encourage innovative research in the field of diabetes. Applicants should have demonstrated their ability in the field of diabetes research and must be employed by a non-profit institution based in Europe or an associated country. Applicants must be a paid up member of EASD. Preference will be given to individuals who have consistently pursued a well-defined and innovative research line, leading to publications in high impact peer reviewed journals.
Closing date: 17 February 2025
EASD Rising Star Symposium and EFSD Rising Star Fellowship Programme | EFSD
EFSD/Lilly Young Investigator Research Award Programme
The objective of the EFSD/Lilly Young Investigator Research Awards is to encourage innovative research in the fields of diabetes and its complications, and to promote excellence in medical education. Applicants should have demonstrated their ability in the field of diabetes research.
Research Awards will be made in the sum of Euro 50,000 (fifty thousand) each. Applications can be submitted by early career scientists: scientists and clinicians at an early stage of their career, up to 7 years since completion of their most recent degree (PhD, MSc, or MD degrees). Eligibility can be extended for reasons such as maternity, paternity, illness, national service, clinical training, natural disasters, or asylum, if clearly described (further documentation may be requested at the discretion of EASD/EFSD). The time since the last degree may not exceed seven years before 1 January in the year the Fellowship is awarded. Fellows may not hold a permanent appointment. Applicants to all EFSD programmes are encouraged to become paid-up members of EASD.
Closing date: 17 February 2025
IFCAH-ESPE Grants - European Society for Paediatric Endocrinology
In 2025 IFCAH (International Fund raising for Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia), ESPE (European society for pediatric endocrinology) and ESE (The European Society of Endocrionology) launches its call for proposals.
Academic groups working directly or indirectly on CAH are invited to submit a project if the results of their studies could help to increase knowledge on physiopathology of the disease or allow a better therapeutic approach.
Selected research projects will be supported up to EUR150k. Funding period will start at the latest 6 months after notification of the award and will not exceed three years. Funds will have to be used for expenses directly linked to the project, including specific equipment, operating costs or salaries of co-workers (with the exception of salaries of senior permanent staff of academic and governmental agencies which are not eligible). Indirect costs or managements fees are not eligible and must be covered by another source.
Closing date (letter of intent): 15 January 2025
Extended deadline: Basic research fellowship – European Society for Cardiology
The ESC Basic Research Fellowship is designed to allow a researcher to spend one year in a European research laboratory. It is open to basic scientists as well as clinical scientists and preferentially seeks to award support for preclinical research projects. One fellowship per year will be awarded to the successful candidate.
The laboratory and topic are chosen by the candidate. To be eligible, the current laboratory of the applicant must be different from the host laboratory and it is unlikely that candidates planning to return to a laboratory where they have spent time previously will be successful, except in exceptional cases. Preference will be given to those for whom the award will enable the fellow to learn novel techniques valuable for their future career. This fellowship is open to candidates of all nationalities.
Deadline extended until: 29 January 2025
Amerikanska anslag
Federal Funding
DOD Breast Cancer Research Program (BCRP) Anticipated Funding Opportunities for Fiscal Year 2025
Upcoming deadlines: The FY25 Defense Appropriations Bill has not been signed into law. The CDMRP is providing pre-announcement information to allow investigators time to plan and develop ideas for submission to anticipated funding opportunities should the CDMRP receive FY25 appropriations.
Abstract: Applications submitted to the FY25 BCRP must address one or more of the following overarching challenges:
- Prevent breast cancer (primary prevention)
- Identify determinants of breast cancer initiation, risk, or susceptibility
- Distinguish deadly from non-deadly breast cancers
- Conquer the problems of overdiagnosis and overtreatment
- Identify what drives breast cancer growth; determine how to stop it
- Identify why some breast cancers become metastatic
- Determine why/how breast cancer cells lie dormant for years and then re-emerge; determine how to prevent lethal recurrence
- Revolutionize treatment regimens by replacing them with ones that are more effective, less toxic, and impact survival
- Eliminate the mortality associated with metastatic breast cancer
DOD Epilepsy Research Program (ERP) Anticipated Funding Opportunities for Fiscal Year 2025
Upcoming deadlines: The FY25 Defense Appropriations Bill has not been signed into law. The CDMRP is providing pre-announcement information to allow investigators time to plan and develop ideas for submission to anticipated funding opportunities should the CDMRP receive FY25 appropriations.
Applications submitted to the FY25 ERP should address one or more of the following focus areas:
- Markers and Mechanisms: Identifying biomarkers or mechanisms of PTE, which may include the following:
- Predictive markers of epileptogenesis (acute and chronic) that are informed by or correlate with clinical observation
- Research into the prevention of epilepsy and/or seizures
- Epidemiology: Epidemiological characterization of PTE following traumatic brain injury, which may include the following:
- Understanding and improving the quality of life of individuals with PTE, their families and/or their care partners
- Identifying predictors of the development of epilepsy to inform clinical trial design and pre-clinical decision making
- Outcomes, such as latency to and prevention of epilepsy, comorbidities and mortality
- Longitudinal Studies: Studies of the evolution of PTE, which may include the following:
- Understanding and improving the quality of life of individuals with PTE, their families and/or their care partners
- Treatment and health care outcomes research, including quality of care and drug responsiveness
- Comorbidities (e.g., psychiatric disorders and other neurological deficits, cognitive/physical deficits, sleep disorders, fatigue)
- Innovative Research: Tools intended to better inform or improve upon PTE research and care, which may include the following:
- Strategies that will improve seizure detection, characterization, visualization or diagnosis (e.g., artificial intelligence, bioinformatics, clinical databases, devices, tissue banks)
- Development of new models or better characterization of existing etiologically relevant models for PTE
- Tools that will enable the development of future clinical trials, such as those to determine/identify the most appropriate study population
More info: Press Release: 2025 Epilepsy Research Program, Congressionally Directed Medical Research Program
DOD Peer Reviewed Alzheimer’s Research Program (PRARP) Anticipated Funding Opportunities for Fiscal Year 2025
Upcoming deadlines: The FY25 Defense Appropriations Bill has not been signed into law. The CDMRP is providing pre-announcement information to allow investigators time to plan and develop ideas for submission to anticipated funding opportunities should the CDMRP receive FY25 appropriations.
Abstract: Applications submitted to the FY25 PRARP must be relevant to one or more of the following priority areas:
- Reduce Risk and Prevent AD/ADRD
- Improve Diagnosis and Prognosis
- Improve Quality of Life for People Living With a Dementia Diagnosis
In addition, the PRARP is interested in work that addresses and reduces health disparities in AD/ADRD research.
All FY25 PRARP mechanisms have a Career Initiation or Transition (CIT) Partnership Option to encourage research capacity in critical areas to include women's health, military health and dementia care. The partnership option allows for two investigators with complementary research expertise to work collaboratively on one project. One investigator must meet the definition of Career Initiation or Career Transition.
Victoria’s Secret Global Fund for Women’s Cancers Rising Innovator Research Grants, in partnership with Pelotonia & AACR, US
Upcoming deadlines: LOI: January 23, 2025; Full proposal: April 24, 2025.
Amount: This grant provides $700,000 over three years for expenses related to the research project, which may include salary and benefits of the grant recipient (who must devote at least 75% of their total research effort to breast or a gynecologic cancer), collaborators, postdoctoral or clinical research fellows, graduate students (including tuition costs associated with graduate students’ education and training), and/or research assistants; research/laboratory supplies; equipment; travel; publication charges for manuscripts that pertain directly to the funded project; and other research expenses. Indirect expenses are not allowed.
Eligibility: Applicants must be female investigators with a doctoral degree (PhD, MD, MD/PhD, or equivalent) in a related field and not currently be a candidate for a further doctoral degree. Applicants must also have received their first NIH R01 (or equivalent) award within the past 10 years
Abstract: The Victoria’s Secret Global Fund for Women’s Cancers Rising Innovator Research Grant, in Partnership with Pelotonia & AACR, is intended to fund innovative research projects in breast and gynecologic cancers and to invest in female scientists at the Associate Professor level domestically and globally to foster innovation in the understanding, prevention, interception, early detection, diagnosis, and treatment of these cancers with the goal of eliminating cancer health disparities and improving patient outcomes. Proposed projects may be in basic, translational, clinical, or population sciences. Proposals focused on research into the causes of cancer health disparities and approaches to achieve equity in outcomes as well as applicants belonging to racial or ethnic groups shown to be underrepresented in the cancer-related sciences workforce are especially encouraged.
Website: Victoria's Secret Global Fund for Women's Cancers Rising Innovator Grant | Grants | AACR
Friends for an Earlier Breast Cancer Test (US), Medical Research Grants
Upcoming deadlines: February 1, 2025
Amount: We award up to $50,000 (effective beginning with the 2025 grant cycle) over a 1-3 year period.
Eligibility: Applications are accepted from both established investigators who have funding but want to embark on a research in a new area, as well as those less experienced. We welcome both domestic and international research proposals.
Abstract: Friends For An Earlier Breast Cancer Test is a non-profit organization dedicated to raising funds for research into earlier detection methods for breast cancer.
We are accepting applications for pilot projects that focus on new methods to improve detection of early breast cancer and are especially interested in the development of new techniques in the areas of biological or immunologic methods of early detection. It is our hope that pilot projects will provide preliminary data that leads to applications for more substantial peer-reviewed funding.