Aktuella utlysningar, vecka 49, 2024
Grants Office tipsar om aktuella utlysningar
Svenska och nordiska anslag
Postdoctoral fellowships in Japan - Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) and Swedish Foundation for Strategic Research (SSF)
SSF participates in an exchange program with JSPS. This program provides opportunities for postdoctoral researchers from overseas to conduct, under the guidance of a host researcher, cooperative research with leading research groups in Japanese universities and other research institutions. Duration – 12 to 24 month. Fellowship starting date 1 July 2025, completion date - 30 November 2025. Applicants must be Swedish citizens, or have a permanent residence permit in Sweden.
Closing date: January 14, 2025
Forskningsanslag - Svensk Gastroenterologisk Förening och Mag-termfonden
Anslagen är avsedda för vetenskapliga projekt inom klinisk gastroenterologisk och hepatologisk forskning och forskning som rör tarmischemi och riktar sig till forskare med aktuella projekt.
Closing date: February 3, 2025
Forskningsanslag - Stiftelsen Professor Bror Gadelius Minnesfond
Forskningsanslag tilldelas doktorander med projekt inom det psykiatriska ämnesområdet (öppen psykiatrisk vård och psykiatrisk forskning). Ansökan ska vara författad av doktoranden. För att beviljas medel måste studien vara förregistrerad (t ex på clinicaltriails.org). Förregistrering måste göras oavsett studietyp (dvs även kvalitativa och explorativa studier måste förregistreras). I ansökan anges om projektet är godkänt av etikprövningsmyndigheten. Beviljat anslag utbetalas till berörd institution efter rekvisition förutsatt att etikgodkännande erhållits. Beviljade medel måste rekvireras inom två år.
Closing date: February 15, 2025
Stipendier - Sven och Dagmar Saléns stiftelse
Sven och Dagmar Saléns stiftelse ledigförklarar inför det akademiska läsåret 2025/2026 två helårsstipendier för humanistisk forskning vid universitet eller annan forskningsinstitution i Europa (dock ej i Sverige). Stipendierna, som är personliga, är avsedda att stödja yngre forskare verksamma vid svenska lärosäten och kommer i regel inte att utdelas till den som är äldre än 40 år. Sökande skall ha avlagt doktorsexamen år 2022 eller senare. Stipendium utgår med 350 000 kr för 12 månader och minskas i motsvarande mån om utlandsvistelsen är kortare. Dock kommer stipendium inte beviljas för kortare tid än 10 månader.
Closing date: February 20, 2025 (for preliminary application).
Resebidrag – Vårdförbundet
Bidrag upp till 12 000 kronor ges till barnmorskor, biomedicinska analytiker, röntgensjuksköterskor, sjuksköterskor eller chefer för att delta på internationella konferenser och kongresser med eller utan presentation, för att få nya kunskaper, erfarenheter och knyta kontakter som stimulerar yrkesutveckling.
Closing date: March 15, 2025
Letterstedtska föreningens anslagsutlysning för 2025
Letterstedtska föreningen är en förening för nordiskt samarbete i samtiden grundad 1875. Föreningens verksamhet består av utgivning av Nordisk Tidskrift, utdelning av anslag till nordiska ändamål, utdelning av Jacob Letterstedts nordiska förtjänstmedalj och ett nordiskt översättarpris samt seminarier.
Under 2025 kommer anslag att utdelas vid två tillfällen, dels under våren, dels under hösten.
Ansökan skall insändas 15 januari – 15 februari och 15 augusti – 15 september.
Ansökningsbeloppet bör ligga i intervallet 10.000 till 50.000 sek.
Europeiska anslag
Innovative Health Initiative (IHI) call 9, single-stage call
This call will invite applicants to identify untapped opportunities in the IHI Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda. The call contains five topics, each focusing on one of the five IHI JU Specific Objectives (SOs):
- Topic 1: Boosting innovation for a better understanding of the determinants of health;
- Topic 2: Boosting innovation through better integration of fragmented health R&I efforts;
- Topic 3: Boosting innovation for peopled centred integrated healthcare solutions;
- Topic 4: Boosting innovation through exploitation of digitalisation and data exchange in healthcare;
- Topic 5: Boosting innovation for better assessment of the added value of innovative integrated healthcare solutions.
Proposals will have to address an unmet public health need, require a large-scale, ambitious, cross-sector, public-private partnership and have clearly described impacts on society, the economy and science.
Anticipated deadline: April 2025
Innovative Health Initiative (IHI) call 10, two-stage call
This call will invite applicants to identify untapped opportunities in the IHI Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda. The topics under consideration for inclusion in this call are:
- Digital label: one source of comprehensive information for medical technology products
- Safeguarding innovation in secondary use of health data in the European Health Data Space (EHDS)
- Per- and Poly-fluoroalkyl substance (PFAS) exposure, emissions, and end of life management in the healthcare sector
Anticipated deadline: April 2025
Practical courses, European Molecular Biology Organisation (EMBO)
This supports the organisation of courses to promote the transfer of new methods and emerging techniques in life science-related areas, and to enable participating students to implement novel techniques in their home laboratories.
Budget: The maximum funding available for an EMBO Practical Course is €41,500 (€35,000 of core funding plus €5,500 exclusively for travel grants and registration fee waivers and €1,000 for childcare grants).
Deadline: 1 March 2025 and 1 July 2025, 12:00 noon CE(S)T
European Foundation for the Study of Diabetes (EFSD)/Novo Nordisk programme for diabetes research in Europe
This supports initiatives in all areas of diabetes research, including both basic and clinical research, in order to rapidly diffuse acquired knowledge and to facilitate its application.
Eligibility: Applications for an EFSD/Novo Nordisk grant are invited from single non-profit institutions or groups of such institutions from Europe and associated countries. The PI and any Co-Investigators must be employed at a non-profit institution in Europe or associated countries and the study must be performed at their place of work.
Budget: Award up to €100,000 for basic and/or clinical research projects. In exceptional cases, applications for funding in an amount larger than €100,000 and up to €250,000 may be considered for funding. The duration of each award may be one year or longer, depending upon the needs of the project and as justified in the application.
Deadline: 3 February 2025, 12:00 (CET)
Call for the 2025 Balzan Prize nominations for candidates in the physical, mathematical, natural sciences and medicine:
along with instructions
2025 Balzan Prize instructions
Nominations, which must be signed by the nominators and must reach the General Prize Committee by March 15, 2025.
For further information and to see the list of previous Balzan Prizewinners
Amerikanska anslag
Federal Funding
Notice of Special Interest (NOSI): Somatic Cell Gene Editing Therapies to Improve Transplantation Outcomes
Notice Number: NOT-AI-24-085
First Estimated Application Due Date: This notice applies to due dates on or after February 5, 2025 and subsequent receipt dates through November 16, 2027.
Abstract: This NOSI encourages applications that will utilize cutting-edge technologies and employ interdisciplinary collaborations to apply progress made in SCGE to transplantation research. Applications should propose studies that test approaches in human tissues or organs excluded from clinical use and/or employ animal models of vascularized composite allograft (VCA), islet, or organ transplantation, including rodent, porcine, or nonhuman primates. Approaches may include ex vivo or in vivo modifications of donor or recipient organs, tissues, or cells to reduce graft immunogenicity and/or improve allograft survival and function through, for example, the disruption of deleterious genes or insertion of protective or regulatory genes to modulate immune responses, mitigate ischemia reperfusion injury, and/or repair organ damage.
Notice of Special Interest (NOSI): Advancing Research Needed to Develop a Universal Influenza Vaccine
Notice Number: NOT-AI-24-081
First Estimated Application Due Date: This notice applies to application receipt dates on or after February 5, 2025 and subsequent receipt dates through November 16, 2027.
Abstract: The objective of this Notice of Special Interest (NOSI) is to support research that contributes to the areas of interest outlined in NIAID’s Strategic Plan for the Development of a Universal Influenza Vaccine. The proposed research should have clear relevance to the research objectives defined in the strategic plan, which encompasses three major research areas:
- Improve understanding of transmission, natural history and pathogenesis of influenza virus infection.
- Characterize influenza immunity and correlates of immune protection.
- Support rational design of universal influenza vaccines.
Notice of Special Interest (NOSI): Accelerating Malaria Vaccine and Monoclonal Antibody Discovery
Notice Number: NOT-AI-24-072
First Estimated Application Due Date: This notice applies to application receipt dates on or after February 5, 2025 and subsequent receipt dates through November 16, 2027
Abstract: The purpose of this Notice of Special Interest (NOSI) is to invite applications proposing early-phase translational research to generate new malaria vaccine candidates or monoclonal antibody (mAb)-based interventions suitable for further downstream development and clinical evaluation, particularly for Plasmodium falciparum and P. vivax.
Notice of Special Interest (NOSI): Leveraging Microbial Exposure for Improving Mouse Models of Human Immunity
Notice Number: NOT-AI-24-078
First Estimated Application Due Date: This notice applies to application receipt dates on or after February 5, 2025 and subsequent receipt dates through November 16, 2027
Abstract: This Notice of Special Interest (NOSI) solicits research on the immunologic characterization of mice with diverse microbial experience (commonly referred to as “dirty mice”) to determine their usefulness as research tools for advancing understanding of human immune status and function during homeostasis or in infectious or immune-mediated (e.g., allergy, autoimmunity, transplant rejection) diseases.
Targeting Cell Surface HIV Envelope for Cell Elimination (R01 Clinical Trial Not Allowed)
Funding Opportunity ID: PAR-25-300
Upcoming deadlines: May 07, 2025; September 05, 2025; January 05, 2026
Abstract: The purpose of this notice of funding opportunity (NOFO) is to support the investigation of HIV-1 Envelope (Env) cell surface expression, the structural mechanism of biologic-mediated cell killing, and the development of novel approaches to enhance the recognition and elimination of Env-expressing, HIV-1 infected cells. These studies are expected to inform the development of immunotherapies and targeted vaccines for HIV-1 prevention and cure.
Innovative Approaches for TB Prevention and Case Finding to END TB (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention)
Funding Opportunity ID: RFA-JG-25-137
Upcoming deadlines: Mar 03, 2025
Abstract: The purpose of this NOFO is to develop, implement, and evaluate evidence-based and innovative approaches under the following two thematic components: Component A - Prevent TB infection and halt progression of TB disease in high-burden settings – with a focus on the following two strategies: TB preventive treatment (TPT) and nutrition; and Component B - Find TB infection and TB disease, including sub-clinical TB, using newer tools and products - in all populations including those at increased/higher risk for TB (i.e., PLHIV, children, displaced persons, healthcare workers, economically disadvantaged persons with other co-morbid conditions [alcohol use disorders, diabetes mellitus, persons who use illicit substances, undernourished], and older adults).
More info: Search Results Detail | Grants.gov
Association for Frontotemporal Degeneration (AFTD), US - Holloway Postdoctoral Research Fellowship
Upcoming deadlines: January 10, 2025.
Amount: $60,000/ year ($120,000 total)
Eligibility: Applicants with a PhD and/or MD (or similar doctorate degree) engaged in postdoctoral research at an academic institution, teaching hospital, or nonprofit research institute. International postdoctoral investigators are eligible. Current PhD candidates who will begin a postdoctoral appointment at a not-for profit institution no later than July 1, 2025.
Abstract: AFTD Holloway Postdoctoral Fellowships will support projects across the full spectrum of FTD disorders (behavioral variant FTD, primary progressive aphasia, progressive supranuclear palsy, corticobasal degeneration, and FTD-ALS). Specific areas of need include the following; however, projects may address any area of basic, translational, or clinical FTD research as well as projects focused on FTD-related outcomes research and public health.
- Cellular and molecular mechanisms implicated in FTD pathogenesis;
- Novel models that recapitulate the pathology and/or clinical phenotype of FTD, with consideration of ethological validity;
- Emergent technologies to (1) improve diagnosis, (2) monitor disease progression, (3) treat symptoms and/or underlying disease, (4) support caregivers;
- Bioinformatic or other computational biology approaches;
- Fluid, imaging, or digital biomarker discovery/development; and
- Understanding and addressing health disparities and the needs of populations underrepresented in FTD research.
Website: AFTD Holloway Fellowships | AFTD