Publicerad: 2024-10-04 10:31 | Uppdaterad: 2024-10-04 16:20

Aktuella utlysningar, vecka 40, 2024

Grants Office tipsar om aktuella utlysningar

Svenska och nordiska anslag


Applied Welfare Research 2025 – Forte

The aim of the national research programme for applied welfare research is to strengthen client- and practice-oriented research within the social services’ areas of activity. The research should be conducted in collaboration with relevant target groups. The focus of this call for proposals is based on the programme’s strategic research agenda and the eight priority research areas outlined in it:

  • Effects of Interventions
  • Methods for Assessing Individual Needs for Interventions
  • Preventive Work and Early Interventions in Social Services
  • Implementation, Change Management, and Improvement Work
  • Coherent Intervention Chains and Collaboration
  • User Involvement/Participation
  • Digitalization and Welfare Technology
  • Nonprofit and Private Sector as Providers of Social Services

Within the call for proposals, applicants can apply for two different types of funding:

Project Grants facilitate the implementation of a defined research project designed to contribute to increased knowledge about an identified issue.

Grants for research reviews are given to identify the state of knowledge and research needs within a well-defined topic with relevance to the focus of the call.

Closing date: November 14, 2024

More information 


Forskningsbidrag för doktorander – Majblomman

Majblomman vänder sig till doktorander som fokuserar på barn som lever i fattigdom eller i socialt utsatta förhållanden. Forskningen skall syfta till att främja dessa barns livssituation, rättigheter och delaktighet. Stöd utlyses för fem projekt. Forskningsbidrag betalas i huvudsak ut i form av lön och nödvändiga omkostnader för studiens genomförande inklusive 20 % OH-kostnader. Doktorand som är antagen till forskarutbildning kan söka maximalt 200 000 kronor.  Medel beviljas för ett år i taget. Samma projekt kan få bidrag under maximalt två år efter förnyad ansökan.

Closing date: November 20, 2024

More information 

Resebidrag - Svensk Förening för Sjuksköterskor i Diabetesvård (SFSD) 

SFSDs resestipendium syftar till att främja diabetessjuksköterskans kunskap i omvårdnad vid diabetes. Stipendiet ska gå till deltagande i nationellt eller internationellt möte relevant för ämnesområdet. Resestipendiet kan sökas av diabetessjuksköterskor som varit medlem i SFSD i minst tre år och aktivt arbetat inom området hälso- och sjukvård för personer med diabetes de senaste två åren. Resestipendiet kan endast beviljas en gång per sökande. 

Closing date: November 30, 2024

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Forskningsanslag - Ann-Mari och Ragnar Hemborgs Minnesfond 

Främjar vetenskaplig forskning inom den ortopediska medicinens område, d.v.s. avseende skador och/eller sjukdomar inom rörelseorganen som ej behandlas med kirurgiska eller specifikt reumatologiska metoder. Anslag kan sökas för: förlorade löneförmåner i samband med forskning; sökandens direkta utgifter för projektet så som medarbetare, utrustning och driftmedel; studiebesök med anknytning till forskningsprojektet; deltagande i kongress med anknytning till forskningsprojektet.

Closing date: December 2, 2024

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Uppstartsbidrag - Barncancerfonden

Barncancerfonden utlyser uppstartsbidrag för internationella, fas III/IV multicenterstudier för behandling av barncancer. Syftet är  att snabbt komma igång med studierna i Sverige och att fler barn i Sverige ska ges möjlighet att delta i en studie. Anslag beviljas som ett engångsanslag för att täcka kostnader i samband med uppstart av studier i Sverige. Uppstartsbidraget uppgår till maximalt 400 000 kr.

Closing date: can be applied for throughout the year. 

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Forskningsanslag - Stiftelsen Olle Engkvist Byggmästare 

Stiftelsen stödjer forskning med fokus är på medicin, naturvetenskap, teknik och humaniora. Nyfikenhetsdriven forskning utan specifik tillämpning i åtanke, forskning förenad med hög risk samt tvärvetenskaplig forskning är särskilt intressant för stiftelsen. Därutöver har stiftelsen för närvarande några särskilt prioriterade områden: den mänskliga hjärnan (vilket inkluderar medicinska discipliner som neurologi och psykiatri, men även exempelvis psykologi och kognitionsvetenskap) och det specifikt kvinnliga perspektivet inom medicinsk forskning, botanik, zoologi, energi, miljöteknik. Stiftelsen ger även bidrag till publicering av verk med en vetenskaplig anknytning i tryckt format eller genom så kallad open access.

Closing date: can be applied for throughout the year.

Ansökan - vetenskaplig forskning

Ansökan - publiceringsbidrag


Europeiska anslag


Eurolife announces PhD and PostDoc Mobility and Knowledge Exchange Grants

Researchers, including doctoral students in their last years of their doctoral education, at KI are invited to apply for short-term research exchange grants funded by Eurolife.

Eurolife announces PhD and PostDoc Mobility and Knowledge Exchange Grants 


Collaboration awards for lab visits – apply by 8 November

To facilitate new and existing contacts between researchers and doctoral students as well as increase research collaboration with the University of Edinburgh, the Imperial College London and the University of Tokyo, the Internationalisation Board at KI announces collaboration grants for lab visits/collaborative activities for doctoral students and post docs. 

Collaboration with University of Edinburgh

Collaboration with Imperial College London  (only for doctoral students)

Collaboration with University of Tokyo


Welcome to participate in the 7th Stockholm Trio-Tokyo workshop which takes place the 23-25 of October
The workshop is an activity within the strategic partnership between the University of Tokyo and Stockholm Trio. 

7th Stockholm Trio - The University of Tokyo Workshop


Call for interest to participate in the 2nd  Stockholm Trio-University College London workshop which takes place the 8-9 of April 2025. The workshop is an activity within the UCL Cities Partnerships Programme Stockholm Trio and UCL.  

Stockholm Trio - UCL research workshop


Collaboration awards

To facilitate new and existing contacts between researchers at KI and University College London, the Internationalisation Board at KI announces collaboration awards. The aim with the award is to facilitate collaboration,  networking,  increase research collaboration etc  

More information 

Amerikanska anslag


Federal Funding


Strategies for Eliminating HIV Proteins (R01, R21 Clinical Trial Not Allowed)

Funding Opportunity ID: RFA-AI-24-057 (R01); RFA-AI-24-064(R21)

Upcoming deadlines: December 04, 2024

Abstract: This purpose of this notice of funding opportunity (NOFO) is to support the development of molecules that target HIV proteins or RNA for degradation or that interfere with the translation of HIV RNA into protein. This approach has the potential of eliminating HIV proteins that have been difficult to target via traditional drug discovery methodologies.

More info: RFA-AI-24-057: Strategies for Eliminating HIV Proteins (R01 Clinical Trial Not Allowed) ( Strategies for Eliminating HIV Proteins (R21 Clinical Trial Not Allowed) (



Leukemia & Lymphoma Society (LLS), US – Physician Scientist Fellow Award

Upcoming deadlines: LOI – 6th November, 2024; Full application – 29th January, 2025 by invitation only.

Amount: Upper:  $170,000CAD. Grant value: up to $85,000/year to 2 years

Eligibility: Hold a MD. Applicants must have completed or be in their last year of their fellowship in hematology, oncology, hematopathology, pathology, or other related disciplines. Applicants must be enrolled in either a Master’s or PhD program, or as a post-doctoral fellow at the time of application. Must have a Sponsor (or Sponsor/co-Sponsor pair) that has significant experience in the blood cancer field. Must have a Sponsor with adequate funding that supports the research proposed. Must be on a clear trajectory to an independent career in hematology/oncology with a focus on blood cancer and clinical translation. Have at least 50% protected time for research. Must demonstrate the need for continued funding.

Abstract: The intent of the Physician Scientist Fellow Award is to encourage early-stage specialist clinicians to pursue a career in blood cancer research. The award is specifically targeted at MDs near, or recently at, the completion of specialty training in hematology, oncology, hematopathology, pathology, or other related disciplines and who have initiated or have immediate plans to begin supervised research training directed at blood cancers.

This opportunity is designed to foster, through provision of a contribution to their salary, the acquisition of skills and independence to conduct research in blood cancers at the laboratory, clinical or combined levels..

Website:  Physician Scientist Fellow Award | LLS Canada (


Harvard Medical School, Harvard University – Warren Alpert Foundation Prize

Upcoming deadlines: Nominations – 8th November, 2024

Amount: The value of the prize is U.S. $500,000 (to be split equally if more than one recipient is selected), a citation and plaque.

Eligibility: Nominations are accepted from physicians and scientists from around the world. U.S. and non-U.S. citizens are eligible to be nominated. Self nominations are not accepted.

Abstract: The Warren Alpert Foundation Prize, in association with Harvard Medical School, recognizes and honors one or more scientists, physicians and researchers whose scientific achievements have led to the prevention, cure, or treatment of human disorders or for seminal research that holds great promise to change our ability to treat disease.

Website:  Prize | Warren Alpert Foundation Prize