Publicerad: 2024-08-22 12:58 | Uppdaterad: 2024-08-22 13:10

Aktuella utlysningar, vecka 34, 2024

Grants Office tipsar om aktuella utlysningar

Svenska och nordiska anslag


Forskningsanslag - Torsten Söderbergs Stiftelse 

Torsten Söderbergs Stiftelse inbjuder ansökningar om forskningsanslag och stipendier inom medicin. Årets utlysning fokuserar på nya projekt nära klinisk användning. Bidrag uppgår till SEK 2 miljoner per projekt. Ansökan ska lämnas in på svenska.

Closing date: September 1, 2024  

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Forskningsanslag - Radiumhemmets Forskningsfonder 

Stöder klinisk patientnära cancerforskning och translationell forskning inom Region Stockholm i syfte att främja förbättrad diagnostik och effektivare individualiserad cancerbehandling. 

Closing date: September 1, 2024  

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Forsknings – och reseanslag - Tore Nilsons stiftelse för medicinsk forskning

Stöder klinisk medicinsk forskning. Som regel utgår dock ej anslag till områden som är väl tillgodosedda genom specialfonder (t.ex. cancerfonden, hjärt-lungfonden eller diabetesfonden). Sökande som ännu inte har etablerat sig som mottagare av regelbundna anslag från den medicinska forskningens ordinarie finansieringsorgan är prioriterade. Forskningsanslag kan utgå i högst tre år och reseanslag för max 1 – 6 månader. Maximalt sökbelopp är SEK 200 000.

Closing date: September 1, 2024

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Conference grant – FORTE

The grant relates to financial support for holding conferences hosted by a Swedish institution of higher education or scientific/scholarly organisation, held in Sweden and open to all researchers in the field. 

Closing date: September 10, 2024

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Forskningsanslag - Magnus Bergvalls Stiftelse

Stöder vetenskaplig forskning inom områdena humaniora och samhällsvetenskap, naturvetenskap inklusive teknikvetenskap samt medicin. Anslag lämnas företrädesvis till forskare som nyligen har utvecklat en självständig forskningslinje. Anslag beviljas i storleksordningen 5.000 - 150.000 kronor.

Closing date: September 15, 2024  

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Forskningsanslag - Stroke-Riksförbundet och Strokefonden

Stöder forskning och utvecklingsarbete samt information och utbildning om stroke. Patientnära forskning och rehabilitering prioriteras. 

Closing date: September 15, 2024  

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Personligt stipendium för forskning - Stiftelsen Promobilia (Promobilia Foundation) 

Stöder utvecklingsarbete avseende sådana tekniska hjälpmedel åt funktionsnedsatta, som ger möjligheter till vidgat aktivt liv. Vetenskaplig forskning ska kunna utmynna i nya tekniska hjälpmedel samt att på neurologisk och operativ väg eller på annat sätt återskapa funktionsnedsattas rörelseförmåga och kommunikationsmöjligheter. 

Closing date: September 16, 2024  

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Research Grants – Swedish Research Council 

  • Research environment grant within register-based research.
  • International post doc within medicine and health (autumn call).
  • International postdoc within humanities and social sciences as well as educational sciences.
  • International postdoc within natural and engineering sciences.

Closing date: September 17, 2024

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Forskningsanslag - Jerringfonden

Stöder forskning inom vård, omsorg och utbildning som syftar till att förbättra hälsa och livssituation för barn och ungdomar med särskilda behov. Patient- och verksamhetsnära forskning prioriteras. 

Closing date: September 20, 2024  

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Forskningsanslag - Spädbarnsfonden

Stöder forskning som avser förhindra att barn dör före födelsen eller under spädbarnsperioden, samt för att förbättra bemötandet av drabbade föräldrar och närstående. Anslag kan sökas för biomedicinsk forskning inom fostermedicin och nyföddhetsvård, samt omvårdnads-, vårdvetenskaplig och psykosocial forskning. Disputerade forskare samt registrerade doktorander med handledarintyg vid svenskt universitet kan söka.

Closing date: September 30, 2024  

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Forskningsanslag - Neuroförbundet

Stöder forsknings- och utvecklingsarbete inom medicin och beteendevetenskap med främst social inriktning vilka avser neurologiska sjukdomar eller skador, företrädesvis multipel skleros. 

Closing date: September 30, 2024

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Wenner-Gren stiftelsernas stipendier

  • Postdoktorstipendier för utbildning i Sverige (utländska postdoktorer): Stipendierna är avsedda att möjliggöra för utländska disputerade forskare att verka vid svensk vetenskaplig institution.
  • Gästforskarstipendier: Stipendierna är avsedda att underlätta för utländska seniora forskare att verka i Sverige.
  • Sabbatsstipendier: Stipendierna är avsedda att möjliggöra för svensk senior forskare, vanligen professor, att verka vid utländsk vetenskaplig institution.
  • Resestipendier: Stipendierna är avsedda för kortare tids besök utomlands för aktivt deltagande i internationella kongresser, symposier, workshops och kurser. Medel ges inte för forskningsvistelser utomlands.

Closing date: October 1, 2024

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Project support - Laerdal Foundation for Acute Medicine 

Supports practically oriented research within acute medicine. Grants are worth up to NOK 400,000 each for between 12 to 18 months.

Closing date: October 1, 2024

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Obstetrics and gynaecology grants - Nordic Federation of Societies of Obstetrics and Gynecology (NFSOG)  

NFSOG provides support for development of professional skills, research, and clinical and scientific collaboration in the fields of obstetrics and gynaecology within the Nordic countries. 

Closing date: October 1, 2024

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Research grant in haematology - Incyte Biosciences Nordic

Researchers active at a Nordic unit and performing research taking place in the Nordic region may apply. Applicants scheduled to present their dissertation within the next 12 months or has done so no more than five years ago will be prioritised, and so will be projects focusing on Philadelphia chromosome positive diseases. 

Closing date: October 1, 2024

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Forskningsstipendium - Stiftelsen för Njursjuka

Stöder patientnära forskning om njursvikt och njurdonationer. Forskningsprojekten kan ha klinisk, medicinsk eller psykosocial karaktär.

Closing date: October 1, 2024

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Stipendium - Stiftelsen Riksförbundet Cystisk Fibros Forskningsfond samt Anders Malmstens Minnesfond och Cecilia Falkmans Minnesfond

Stödjer forskning kring basal, klinisk och social problematik om cystisk fibros (CF). 

Closing date: October 1, 2024

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SRP Diabetes Student Degree Project Grants for the fall term of 2024

This aim to support principal investigators at Karolinska Institutet (KI) planning to supervise a student in an educational program at KI (e.g. medical students, biomedicine program, master programmes) while the student performs their degree project work during the fall term of 2024 or for a 1-year project starting in the fall 2024. Projects should be in the area of diabetes and/or metabolism.

Grants have fixed sums depending on the period of the degree project ; 35 000 SEK (incl INDI) for a 10-week project, 70 000 SEK (incl INDI) for a 20-week project or 140 000 SEK (incl INDI) for a 1-year project.

Apply at Prisma latest August 29, 2024.

Information in pdf.

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Sök stipendier och projektbidrag från Lars Salviusföreningen!

Har du författat vetenskapliga texter som kopieras för undervisningsändamål på högskolenivå? Då kan du ansöka om stipendium på 40 000 kronor.

Planerar du att genomföra något projekt som i vid mening kan underlätta eller stimulera kommunikationen mellan 

forskare och allmänhet? Då kan du ansöka om projektbidrag på 50 000–100 000 kronor.

Sista ansökningsdag 30 september 2024. 

För mer information och ansökningsblanketter


Formas anordnar tillsammans med bl.a. Energimyndigheten ett svenskt informationsmöte den 9 september för en ny utlysning inom DUT (Driving urban transitions)

Den som kan ha intresse av att söka finansiering för forsknings- och innovationsprojekt får gärna ta del av informationen. Mötet sker öppet på Zoom och det finns nu möjlighet att spara i kalendern och anmäla sig för nätverksmöjligheter och utskick/nyhetsbrev. 

Under hösten öppnar alltså en ny utlysning inom partnerskapet DUT (Horisont Europa) och det finns goda förutsättningar att söka finansiering för forsknings- och innovationsprojekt kopplat till städernas hållbarhetsarbete – även för redan pågående projekt.

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SEPAF stipendium för patentrelaterade uppsatser

SEPAF (Sveriges Patentbyråers Förening) är engagerade i att stödja och främja forskning och kunskap inom området immateriella rättigheter. Vårt stipendium är avsett för studenter som är nyfikna på patentskyddets roll att lösa vår tids utmaningar och som vill utforska ämnet genom en uppsats.
Företag som Ericsson och Spotify är levande exempel på hur tillgång till ensamrätt och till nyskapande teknologi genom patent har varit avgörande för deras framgångar och nuvarande värderingar. Patent och andra immateriella rättigheter har varit en katalysator för företagens innovationskraft och genererat tillväxt.
Vem är berättigad att ansöka?
Stipendiet är öppet för studenter vid svenska universitet och högskolor, oavsett inriktning eller studienivå. Vi uppmuntrar alla studenter med intresse för patent och immateriella rättigheter att ansöka.
Hur ansöker man?
Skicka in din uppsats i PDF till senast den 1 oktober. Bifoga även ett intyg gällande vilket lärosäte du studerar vid.
Vad ska uppsatsen handla om?
Din uppsats bör fokusera på något relevanta ämne inom patentområdet. Det kan vara en analys av den senaste utvecklingen inom patentlagstiftningen, en fallstudie av ett specifikt patent eller en diskussion om patentets roll inom innovation och teknologisk utveckling. Kreativitet och originalitet uppmuntras!
Bedömning och Utvärdering
Ansökningarna kommer att utvärderas av vårt expertteam bestående av erfarna patentkonsulter. Vi kommer att bedöma ansökningarna baserat på kvaliteten på uppsatsen, relevansen för patentområdet, och den övergripande akademiska prestationen hos ansökande.
Stipendiebelopp och Utbetalning
Det valda bidraget kommer att tilldelas ett stipendium om 20 000 kronor och kommer att tillkännages sista veckan i november. Stipendiet kommer att utbetalas direkt till den antagna studentens bankkonto. Uppsatsen behöver vara SEPAF tillhanda senast den 1 oktober.
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Nilsson-Aschans släktstipendium och Rappes stipendium är sökbara för släktingar från alla lärosäten

Stipendierna söks via vårt stipendiesystem där den sökande väljer sitt lärosäte i en rullista och loggar sen in med sina vanliga inloggningsuppgifter. Höstens ansökningsperiod är 21 augusti-11 september kl 17.00.. Vänligen sprid om möjligt till de grupper som är berörda. 

Nilsson-Aschans släktstipendium- kan sökas av släktingar till Aschan, Johannes Laurentius, Lessebo Bruk

Rappes- kan  sökas av släktingar till Rappe, Adolf Fredric Gustafsson

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Med fak psyk o neurol forskn är öppet för ansökan från forskare vid Karolinska Institutet mellan 21 augusti-11 september kl 17.00. Ansökan görs via vår hemsida där den sökande väljer KI i rullistan och loggar sen in med sitt vanliga universtietsinlogg.


Att främja vetenskaplig forskning inom psykiatri och neurologi främst beträffande de s.k. funktionella nervsjukdomarna. Skall tilldelas vetenskapsidkare, som genom arbete eller forskning i psykiatri eller neurologi gjort sig förtjänt därav och som är svensk medborgare. Utdelas av medicinska och farmaceutiska fakultetsnämnden.

Europeiska anslag


Visiting professors fellowship programme, Research Institute of the University of Bucharest

The Research Institute of the University of Bucharest invites applications for its visiting professors fellowship programme. This enables senior visiting researchers to carry out research projects and build up networks at the University of Bucharest within the fields of exact sciences, life, environmental and earth sciences, social sciences and humanities.

Budget: €12,500EUR

The fellowship is between 14 days and 12 months. Visiting professors who are staying more than one month and do not have their own source of funding receive a stipend of RON 3,500 per month and for stays between 14 days and one month the stipend is RON 100 per day. Funding also covers a round trip for international transport and some accommodation expenses up to RON 1,500 per month.

Deadline: Continuous

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Global Postdoc Fellowship, Technical University of Munich | Technische Universität München

This offers a 24-month fellowship to postdoctoral scientists who are currently residing abroad and would like to start their research at the Technical University of Munich (TUM). We will support fellows to diversify their research profile at a TUM department and to initiate new research projects together with TUM scientists.

The TUM Global Postdoc Fellowship is open to all topics. Researchers are invited to apply with a project that matches the research of the chair/institute/lab of the respective host who supports the application.

Details: The TUM Global Postdoc Fellowship 2024 offers successful candidates a fellowship for 24 months. Fellows receive a monthly stipend of 2.670€ and one additional kick-off payment of 430€. Researchers residing in the Munich metropolitan area receive an additional monthly allowance of 350€. It is also possible to apply for family benefits. Please note that additional payments for consumables and conferences are not included and may be covered by the host subject to their agreement.

The TUM Global Postdoc Fellowship is a co-financed fellowship. This means that the TUM host needs to co-finance 20% of the fellowship costs. One TUM host can support up to two applicants per call.

Call 4.2. (September 2024): Upon positive evaluation, you can commence the fellowship within a year from April 1, 2025 to April 1, 2026.

Deadline: The application portal for Phase I will close on September 30, 2024 (23:59 CET). 

Infosession: 10 September 14:00 CET; Registration required.

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Research grants, Lymph&Co

Applications from individual researchers or research groups are welcome. Investigators (national or international) involved in translational research on lymphoma are invited to submit a research proposal. In particular, collaborative research proposals from various scientific groups (national and/or international) with complementing expertise are encouraged to apply for a research grant.

The main applicant must be employed by a university, university hospital or research organization.

Applications for funding for personnel and materials/infrastructure have a maximum of 1.0 M€. Funding is granted for a maximum of four years.

Deadline: 07 Sep 2024 Anticipated

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Individual research grant, European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases (ESCMID)

These enable young investigators to conduct research in the fields of bacterial infections and diseases.

ESCMID Research Grants help nurture the next generation of researchers in CM and ID, by providing an important start in their research funding journey. These grants offer a unique opportunity to explore bacterial infections & diseases or fungal/viral/parasitic infections & diseases in alternating years. 

Funding and payment

ESCMID’s research grants offer up to 20K (€) EUR per project. The grant can be used for the entirety or specific aspects of your project. Upon the signing of the grant agreement, 50% of the allocated funds are issued to the grantee’s institution, with the remaining 50% released upon the submission and approval of the final reports (refer to reporting below for more details). ESCMID also reserves up to 50K EUR each for two exceptional projects. Recognised by esteemed reviewers for their outstanding potential, selected projects have the possibility to receive this additional funding to drive their topics further.

Deadline: 12 Sep 2024

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Amerikanska anslag

Federal funding

Nominate for the 2025 Gairdner Awards

The global call for nominations for the Canada Gairdner Awards is open for submissions through October 1, 2024.

As top global recognitions for biomedical and global health researchers, the Gairdner Awards celebrate scientists expanding the foundations and frontiers of human health.

Canada Gairdner International Award
For discovery science affecting human health

Canada Gairdner Global Health Award
For global health and health equity science

Explore for more info, guides and videos on the nomination process. 

The Confluence of Cancer Stigma and HIV Stigma in HIV-positive Individuals Diagnosed with Cancer (R01 Clinical Trial Optional)

Funding Opportunity ID: RFA-CA-25-011

Upcoming deadlines: December 10th, 2024

Abstract: Through this notice of funding opportunity (NOFO) as a request for applications (RFA), the National Cancer Institute (NCI) intends to support research that expands the current understanding of the confluence of cancer stigma and HIV stigma among people with HIV (PWH) diagnosed with cancer; assesses the impact of these two converging stigmas on cancer outcomes among PWH with cancer; leverages stigma reduction interventions at multiple levels to intervene on modifiable mechanisms of stigma that contribute to negative cancer outcomes among PWH with cancer; and promotes research in domestic and international contexts, focusing on regions in which the HIV-cancer burden is elevated.

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Notice of Special Interest (NOSI): Fundamental Science Research on Complementary and Integrative Health Approaches, Including Natural Products or Mind and Body Interventions

Funding Opportunity ID: NOT-AT-24-041

Upcoming deadlines: October 7th, 2024 to October 17th, 2027

Abstract: The purpose of this Notice of Special Interest (NOSI) is to describe National Center of Complementary and Integrative Health (NCCIH) priorities in innovative basic and mechanistic research or technology/method development research relevant to complementary and integrative health approaches and their impact on health outcomes, resilience, and well-being. Although the areas of research submitted under this NOSI can be very broad, the following topics are high program priorities for NCCIH: Basic research; Research on mechanisms of complementary and integrative health approaches; and Research on technology and tool development.

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Notice of Special Interest (NOSI): Stimulate Research on the Diagnosis, Treatment, and Mechanistic Understanding of Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (POTS)

Funding Opportunity ID: NOT-HL-24-018

Upcoming deadlines: October 5th, 2024 to January 8th, 2028

Abstract: Individuals with Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (POTS) suffer from an excessive increase in heart rate (tachycardia) and other symptoms of dysautonomia that worsen upon standing or sitting up, such as light-headedness, shortness of breath, chest pain, and palpitations. There is a compelling need to stimulate research focused on improving diagnosis and treatment of POTS. This may include development of biomarkers and diagnostic tools as well as translational studies and mechanistic clinical trials to guide the development of interventions aimed at preventing and curing POTS. This NOSI signals interest in this important area with the goal of stimulating research applications to address these critical needs.

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Investigating Mitochondrial-Nuclear Communication in AD/ADRD (R01 Clinical Trial Not Allowed)

Funding Opportunity ID: RFA-AG-25-026

Upcoming deadlines: November 7th, 2024

Abstract: This Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) invites R01 applications that investigate mitochondrial-nuclear communication in the context of neurobiology and Alzheimer's disease (AD) and AD-related dementias (AD/ADRD). This research will transform our understanding of how mitochondrially derived metabolites can impact nuclear gene expression and how changes to nuclear function can impact mitochondrial activity. This has the potential to serve as the foundation for the development of future AD/ADRD therapies that specifically target mitochondrial function as well as shed light on the role that mitochondria play in aging and neurodegeneration.

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The 2025 Warren Alpert Foundation Prize

On behalf of the scientific advisory committee for the Warren Alpert Foundation Prize, I am pleased to invite nominations of candidates for the 2025 Warren Alpert Foundation Prize. The purpose of the prize is to recognize one to five scientists whose scientific achievements have led to the prevention, cure, or treatment of human disorders or for seminal research that holds great promise to change our ability to treat disease.  Scientists of all nationalities and institutional affiliations are eligible to receive the prize. The scientific advisory committee strongly encourages nominations of women and under-represented candidates.

The prize includes an unrestricted cash award of $500,000, and a crystal plaque. First awarded in 1987, the Warren Alpert Foundation Prize has recognized fourteen future Nobel Prize winners. 

To submit a nomination for the 2025 prize, please visit The deadline for receipt of nominations is November 8, 2024.

The 2024 Warren Alpert Foundation Prize will be awarded to Dr. Renier Brentjens, Dr. Zelig Eshhar, Dr. Carl June, and Dr. Michel Sadelain for pioneering applications of chimeric antigen receptors to engineer T cells for adoptive immunotherapy of cancer and autoimmunity. The Warren Alpert Foundation and Harvard Medical School will host a symposium in their honor on October 10, 2024. Details of the symposium can be found here.

If you need assistance or have questions about the nomination process, please contact Edward Canton at Please also forward this call for nominations to those who may be interested in nominating a colleague. We look forward to receiving your nominations of accomplished researchers for this prestigious award.



Breakthrough T1D, US – Artificial Intelligence Powered Approaches for T1D Cell Therapy

Upcoming deadlines: LOI – 23rd September, 2024; Full application (by invitation) – 5th November, 2025

Amount: Up to $750,000 over a 3 year period. Indirect costs are capped at 10%. 

Eligibility: Applicants must hold an M.D., D.M.D., D.V.M., Ph.D., or equivalent and have a faculty position or equivalent at a college, university, medical school, or other research facility.

Abstract: The goal of this funding opportunity is to accelerate research and development of next generation beta cell replacement therapies for type 1 diabetes (T1D) by leveraging advancements in artificial intelligence and machine learning. Breakthrough T1D is soliciting Letters of Intent (LOI) aimed at addressing one or more of the following gaps in T1D cell therapy research using AI/ML:

Improving the function and/or survival of renewable sources of insulin-producing cells (e.g., stem cell-derived islets); Developing immune protection strategies to prevent rejection of transplanted cells that do not rely on chronic systemic immunosuppression; Establishing methods of predicting transplanted cell survival and function prior to decline in c-peptide levels or glycemic control; or Implications of a specific therapeutic approach (cell type and protection strategy, site of implantation) for efficacy, safety and patient selection.



American Society for Reproductive Medicine (ASRM), US – ASRM Discovery & Innovation Grant

Upcoming deadlines: LOI – 16th September, 2024; Full application (by invitation) – 14th February, 2025

Amount: Up to $350,000 over a 2 year period. Indirect costs are allowable but are capped at 10% for the entire project. 

Eligibility: Applicants should have completed their research and/or clinical training for at least three years prior to submitting the application and actively working in the areas related to reproductive medicine. Applicants need not be ASRM members at the time of the application but will be required to become members prior to the initiation and throughout the duration of funding. Awardees must maintain an active membership until the project is completed and has been presented at an ASRM annual Scientific Congress.

Abstract: ASRM invites investigators to develop research projects addressing fundamental questions of major clinical significance to reproductive medicine. Preference for funding will be given to projects that attempt to answer timely, basic, and clinically relevant questions with potentially high impact on the practice of reproductive medicine and which are currently not fundable (either because of applicable existing federal law or because of relatively lower prioritization) by federal funding agencies. Funds may be used for support of a new or ongoing research/clinical investigation project.



Thoracic Surgery Foundation (TSF), US – Lung Cancer Research Award

Upcoming deadlines: Full application – 15th September, 2024

Amount: Up to $100,000. Awards of up to $50,000 per year for up to two years will be granted to support the work of early-career cardiothoracic surgeons, pulmonologists, or research scientists. Indirect costs are not covered by this grant.

Eligibility: 1) Cardiothoracic surgeon who has completed a program leading to certification by the American Board of Thoracic Surgery or its equivalent in a country outside of the United States, and who is within 7 years of first faculty appointment. 2) Pulmonologist – Must hold a doctoral degree and have a faculty appointment or equivalent in a recognized academic or other not-for-profit institution. 3) Research or Physician Scientist – At the time of application, the applicant must hold a doctoral degree and have a faculty appointment or equivalent in a recognized academic or other not-for-profit institution; Fellows and PhD post-docs are eligible to apply only if their Department Chair can assure a promotion to faculty status by the start of the award.

Abstract: The Society of Thoracic Surgeons and its charitable arm, The Thoracic Surgery Foundation, are collaborating with AstraZeneca to establish the AstraZeneca/TSF Lung Cancer Research Award. The award provides support to investigators conducting research related to lung cancer. This grant is for cardiothoracic surgeons, pulmonologists, or research or physician-scientists who are seeking initial support and recognition for their original research project. Proposed projects should aim to reduce the burden of lung disease through the advancement of clinical, transitional, and/or basic scientific research.



National Vulvodynia Association (NVA), US – Vulvodynia Research Award

Upcoming deadlines: LOI – 5th September, 2024; Full application (by invitation) – 22nd October, 2024

Amount: $50,000 to $100,000 for individual projects and up to $200,000 for multisite clinical investigations. Indirect costs are not covered by this grant.

Eligibility: Open to all.

Abstract: NVA is seeking research proposals on developing novel medical treatments for generalized vulvodynia or vestibulodynia. Although we acknowledge the usefulness of CBT and mindfulness in coping with chronic pain, we are not funding psychosocial proposals at this time.
