34,7 miljoner från Cancerfonden till forskare på Labmed

Stort grattis till de 7 forskare på institutionen för laboratoriemedicin (Labmed) som fått bidrag från Cancerfonden 2025-2029.
Mattias Carlsten, Docent
Titel: "Clinical exploration of long-lived tumor-homing NK cells as an ATMP treatment of leukemia."
Bidrag till kliniska behandlingsstudier: 2025-2029, totalt belopp: 15 000 000 kr.
Birgitta Sander, Professor
Titel: "Molecular pathogenesis of B-cell lymphomas with focus on novel therapy targets and individualized treatment."
Projektbidrag: 2025-2027, totalt belopp: 4 500 000 kr.
Samir EL Andaloussi, Professor
Titel: "Targeting of solid tumors using supercharged extracellular vesicles."
Projektbidrag: 2025-2027, totalt belopp: 3 750 000 kr.
Robert Månsson, Docent
Titel: "Decoding gene regulatory dependencies and genetics in multiple myeloma."
Projektbidrag: 2025-2028, totalt belopp: 3 000 000 kr.
Helene Rundqvist, Forskare
Titel: "Effects of physical activity on T-cell mobilization and immune surveillance – consequences for breast cancer prognosis."
Projektbidrag: 2025-2027, totalt belopp: 3 000 000 kr.
Theresa Vincent, Senior forskare
Titel: "Pro-metastatic m6A-marked ribosomes driving tumor cell plasticity."
Projektbidrag: 2025-2027, totalt belopp: 3 000 000 kr.
Jonas Fuxe, Docent
Titel: "Cell plasticity as a driver of immune escape in cancer."
Projektbidrag: 2025-2026, totalt belopp: 2 500 000 kr.