Dimitris N. Chorafas pris 2022 tilldelas Eivind Gottlieb
Eivind Gottlieb vid institutionen för molekylär medicin och kirurgi tilldelas priset för sin avhandling "Improved surgical treatment of oesophageal cancer"

"Dr. Eivind Gottlieb-Vedi is awarded the 2022 Dimitris N. Chorafas prize for his efforts to improve the clinical management of patients undergoing surgery for oesophageal cancer. In his doctoral thesis, Eivind determined that among several possible surgical approaches, so-called keyhole surgery consistently improved long-term survival; established that extensive removal of lymph nodes does not influence clinical outcome and should be avoided; and developed practical guidelines about how to best train oesophageal cancer surgeons for improving the clinical outcomes. The results are rigorous and statistically sound, published in top journals in the field, and are readily implementable in clinical practice."
Läs avhandlingen: Improved surgical treatment of oesophageal cancer
Dimitris N. Chorafas Prize (5.000 USD) vänder sig till nydisputerade, alternativt doktorander under sista året av doktorandarbetet. Syftet är att stimulera unga, lovande forskare.
Priset delas ut i samband med Installationshögtiden den 13 oktober 2022 i Aula Medica, Karolinska Institutet.