Publicerad: 2024-12-04 09:14 | Uppdaterad: 2024-12-04 10:01

Professor Manfred Wuhrer lyfter fram glykomikens påverkan på immunförsvaret

Den 12 november höll professor Manfred Wuhrer från Leiden University Medical Center, Nederländerna, hybridföreläsningen Eurolife Distinguished Lecture med titeln "Glycomics of human immune responses" vid Karolinska Institutet. Professor Wuhrer tilldelades Eurolifemedaljen för sina forskningsinsatser.

För mer information, besök den engelska sidan.


Eurolife, a network of nine European universities, plays a key role in facilitating collaborative research and education activities. By organizing events like the Eurolife Distinguished Lecture Series, Eurolife promotes the exchange of researchers and students, fostering a vibrant academic community. The network's efforts in creating new research opportunities within Life Sciences (Biomedicine and Medicine) are instrumental in driving innovation and enhancing the impact of scientific discoveries across Europe.


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Charlotte Thålin

Adjungerad Adjunkt
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Anna Dahlerus

Eurolife coordinator