Publicerad: 2021-08-11 09:06 | Uppdaterad: 2022-07-07 13:54

Dimitris N. Chorafas pris 2021 tilldelas Haohao Wu

Haohao Wu tilldelas priset för sin avhandling "The molecular basis of the development and diversity of proprioceptive neurons: a story of surviving and thriving”.

Selfie i labbmiljö.
Haohao Wu. Foto: Haohao Wu


"Haohao Wu is awarded the Dimitris Chorafas prize for her studies of proprioceptive neurons, the sensory neurons that innervate muscle and tendons and that thus govern position and movement of the body. Using single-cell RNA sequencing combined with immunological and histological analyses, she has identified molecular signatures for separate proprioceptive neuron subtypes known to transmit the velocity, position, and load of the muscles, respectively. Furthermore, using genetic tracing and single-cell RNA sequencing, she has provided evidence that proprioceptive neurons with certain molecular profiles are preferentially selected to survive. Haohao has produced a large body of high quality research that makes her a worthy recipient of this award."


Läs avhandlingen: The molecular basis of the development and diversity of proprioceptive neurons: a story of surviving and thriving


Dimitris N. Chorafas Prize (5.000 USD) vänder sig till nydisputerade, alternativt doktorander under sista året av doktorandarbetet. Syftet är att stimulera unga, lovande forskare. 
Priset delas ut i samband med Installationshögtiden den 14 oktober 2021 i Aula Medica, Karolinska Institutet.