Föreläsningar och seminarier StratRegen Seminar Series med Ashley W. Seifert
Välkommen till ett nytt StratRegen seminarium, onsdag, den 22:a januari 2024 kl. 12.00-13.00 i Biomedicum, Campus Solna.

Title: " Spiny mice reveal a specific role for resident macrophages during complex tissue regeneration"
Talare: Prof. Ashley W. Seifert, University of Kentucky

Tissue-resident macrophages specifically express Lactotransferrin and Vegfc during ear pinna regeneration in spiny mice.
Simkin J, Aloysius A, Adam M, Safaee F, Donahue RR, Biswas S, Lakhani Z, Gensel JC, Thybert D, Potter S, Seifert AW
Dev Cell 2024 Feb;59(4):496-516.e6
An ERK-dependent molecular switch antagonizes fibrosis and promotes regeneration in spiny mice (Acomys).
Tomasso A, Koopmans T, Lijnzaad P, Bartscherer K, Seifert AW
Sci Adv 2023 Apr;9(17):eadf2331
Neural crest cells give rise to non-myogenic mesenchymal tissue in the adult murid ear pinna.
Allen RS, Biswas SK, Seifert AW
bioRxiv 2023 Aug;():
Sonic hedgehog is Essential for Proximal-Distal Outgrowth of the Limb Bud in Salamanders.
Purushothaman S, Lopez Aviña BB, Seifert AW
Front Cell Dev Biol 2022 ;10():797352
Sandwiches and coffee will be provided.
Enric Llorens Bobadilla
Biträdande LektorElif Eroglu
ForskareStratRegen supports researchers, research programs and infrastructure at the Karolinska Institutet (KI) within the field of stem cells and regenerative medicine based on scope, quality, and the potential to strengthen and develop the field.