Publicerad: 2019-11-20 13:57 | Uppdaterad: 2019-11-22 13:18

Moving Across - where Art meets Science

Söndag 24 november ges på Stallet i Stockholm en unik show med syfte att föra samman konst och vetenskap. Eventet är organiserat av forskare vid Karolinska Institutet där 2 SRP Diabetes forskare presenterar.

Organisatörerna hoppas att inspirera deltagarna att diskutera forskningsrelaterade frågor med forskarna och artisterna som presenterar. Vi pratade med SRP Diabetes forskaren Jorge Ruas som är en av fem forskare som kommer att presentera på showen.

Why are you involved in this event?

- I was approached by the PhD students and postdocs who are organizing the event and I thought it was a great initiative to reach out to the general public and explain what our research is all about, in a novel and original way. I’ve participated in other initiatives like this in the past and it’s always been a great experience. Lastly, it is a formal part of our mission as researchers and faculty, to communicate our findings and our research efforts to the public.

What do you think it will give the audience?

- First, I was really happy to hear that the event is sold out! It means that people are interested in finding out more about what research is being done, and why, and what they can expected from it. It also means that this event/communication format appeals to people. To listen to science facts, ideas, projects in a more relaxed and interactive environment that tries to find bridges between art and science and culture. I’m excited about it.

What will you talk about?

- As you know my lab researches the molecular links between exercise and health. We’re interested in understanding how physical exercise can help a patient with diabetes, or depression, or cancer and how it can be used to prevent disease. I will try to convey these ideas in a very short period of time.
