Konferenser och symposier Symposium: Data-Driven Precision Medicine and Diagnostics Research Area

2022-12-12 10:00 - 18:00 Add to iCal
Karolinska Universitetssjukhuset, Solna Sune Bergström Aula, Karolinska University Hospital

Welcome to the first in-person symposium on data-driven precision medicine and diagnostics (PMD) research area. Listen to the Data Driven Life Science (DDLS) fellows recruited in this research area and expand your network with international and national colleagues.

This meeting brings together the community in precision medicine and diagnostics and researchers who implemented artificial intelligence and machine learning applications in their research in PMD to improve human health and diagnostics, introduces newly appointed DDLS fellows in the PMD research area, and provides opportunities for networking across the research community and the SciLifeLab infrastructures. We are excited to host two international keynote speakers and welcome the community to join us. Hopefully, this event will inspire you on the potentials of data-driven precision medicine and diagnostics in Sweden.

Target group

Researchers interested in the DDLS program and data-driven precision medicine and diagnostics.

Program, speakers and registration information

Link to the event: https://www.scilifelab.se/event/data-driven-precision-medicine-and-diagnostics-research-area-symposium/




Fulya Taylan Forskningsspecialist