Föreläsningar och seminarier StratRegen Seminar Series med Madeline A. Lancaster

2025-03-19 12:00 Add to iCal
Campus Solna Ragnar Granit, våning 3, Biomedicum

Välkommen till ett nytt StratRegen seminarium, onsdag, den 19:e mars 2024 kl. 12.00-13.00 i Biomedicum, Campus Solna.

Madeline A. Lancaster
Madeline A. Lancaster Foto: MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology

Title: "Brain organoids: Uncovering mechanisms of human brain development and evolution"


Speaker: Professor Madeline A. Lancaster, MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology

Lancaster lab website

Brain organoids
Brain organoids Foto: Madeline A. Lancaster


A molecular and cellular perspective on human brain evolution and tempo.
Lindhout FW, Krienen FM, Pollard KS, Lancaster MA
Nature 2024 Jun;630(8017):596-608

Tissue morphology influences the temporal program of human brain organoid development.
Chiaradia I, Imaz-Rosshandler I, Nilges BS, Boulanger J, Pellegrini L, Das R, Kashikar ND, Lancaster MA
Cell Stem Cell 2023 Oct;30(10):1351-1367.e10

Generation and long-term culture of advanced cerebral organoids for studying later stages of neural development.
Giandomenico SL, Sutcliffe M, Lancaster MA
Nat Protoc 2021 Feb;16(2):579-602

An early cell shape transition drives evolutionary expansion of the human forebrain.
Benito-Kwiecinski S, Giandomenico SL, Sutcliffe M, Riis ES, Freire-Pritchett P, Kelava I, Wunderlich S, Martin U, Wray GA, McDole K, Lancaster MA
Cell 2021 Apr;184(8):2084-2102.e19

Human CNS barrier-forming organoids with cerebrospinal fluid production.
Pellegrini L, Bonfio C, Chadwick J, Begum F, Skehel M, Lancaster MA
Science 2020 Jul;369(6500):


Sandwiches and coffee will be provided.


Enric Llorens Bobadilla

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StratRegen supports researchers, research programs and infrastructure at the Karolinska Institutet (KI) within the field of stem cells and regenerative medicine based on scope, quality, and the potential to strengthen and develop the field.
