Föreläsningar och seminarier Some lessons learned about “context" at a n of one level while working on wearables and with resilient individuals

2024-05-31 14:00 Add to iCal
Campus Solna Room 507, Aula Medica, Floor 5, Nobels väg 6, KI Solna Campus

Speaker: Stephen Friend, co-founder and director of Sage Bionetworks

Stephen H. Friend is co-founder and director of Sage Bionetworks. Formerly Senior Vice-president at Merck & Co. Friend co-founded Rosetta Inpharmatics with Leland H. Hartwell and Leroy Hood in 1996. Much of his research has focused on cancer. 

Friend has also held faculty positions at Harvard Medical School and at Massachusetts General Hospital. He received his Bachelor of Arts in philosophy, his Ph.D. in biochemistry and his M.D. from Indiana University. 

He has studied wearables including some work on the effects of stress on Li Fraumeni carriers of mutant p53 and now also work on a separate project to screen apparently healthy individuals for very very rare ones that carry a usually lethal penetrant allele for a childhood illness but are alive into adulthood to find second site suppressors as targets for drug development- like PCSK9. CCR5… Attached is the pilot we did a decade ago and  the final article we had in a series on wearables.

We are wanting to scan now 5 million plus genomes and want to work with those holding such genome banks and evolving the consents for recontact.
