Föreläsningar och seminarier Lifestyle4Health: MINISTOP 3.0, implementation of a mhealth intervention in child healthcare

2024-10-30 15:00 - 16:00 Add to iCal

KI Lifestyle4Health network seminar

Speaker: Maria Lundgren

Seminar description

This session is about the MINISTOP 3.0 trial, a Hybrid type III implementation-effectiveness trial aiming at comparing two different strategies on implementation outcomes. MINISTOP is a parent-oriented mobile health intervention that has shown improvements in pre-school children's lifestyle behaviours.

More can be read here MINISTOP 3.0: Implementation of a mHealth obesity prevention program within Swedish child healthcare - study protocol for a cluster randomized controlled trial - PubMed (nih.gov)

About the speaker

Maria Lundgren is a nutritionist and a PhD student at the IMPACT group at the department of Medicine, Huddinge. Her research is primarily about overweight and obesity prevention using mHealth interventions in primary child healthcare.

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Meeting ID: 643 4328 5942 

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KI Lifestyle4Health network

Contributing to KI’s third mission and Agenda 2030, the KI Lifestyle4Health network is a forum and a platform that gathers all interested researchers and professionals working around lifestyle factors that contribute to the prevention and management of non-communicable diseases. We aim to promote collaboration and spread knowledge to the general public about ongoing work in this field. Read more about KI Lifestyle4Health network and join us!


Jhon Álvarez Ahlgren Handläggare;Arvodist