Konferenser och symposier Karolinska CCC - days 30-31 mars 2023

2023-03-30 8:00 till
2023-03-31 14:15 Add to iCal
Campus Solna Erling Persson Salen, Aula Medica, Solna Campus
Karolinska CCC logotyp
Karolinska CCC logotyp Foto: NA

In March, we will celebrate 3-years since the OECI accreditation of the Karolinska Comprehensive Cancer Center and want to welcome all of you to the two day event Karolinska CCC -days.The Karolinska CCC -days are for all personnel working at the Karolinska Institutet and the Karolinska University Hospital with an interest in current research and care within the cancer area.The programme will be in both English and Swedish.


Johanna Furuhjelm Projektsamordnare