Föreläsningar och seminarier “It's not a quick fix" Experiences of recurrent weight gain after metabolic and bariatric surgery

2025-01-30 15:00 - 16:00 Add to iCal

KI Lifestyle4Health network seminar


Maintenance of weight loss is challenging for most people who intentionally lose weight. Complex factors interact with each other and obstruct weight management. In this seminar, Liisa Tolvanen discuses her doctoral work with focus on the consequences of weight loss and experiences of regaining weight. Her results are relevant and can be helpful in treatment recommendations for individuals who live with obesity.

About the speaker

Liisa Tolvanen is a registered dietitian with specialist competence in adult obesity and basic training in Cognitive Behavior Therapy. She defended her doctoral thesis titled "It's not a quick fix" consequences of weight loss during life and experiences of weight regain after bariatric surgery in 2023. Her research interests include obesity, weight management, eating behavior, nutrition, eating competence, primary care follow-up after metabolic and bariatric surgery, and weight recurrence after metabolic and bariatric surgery. Liisa has worked clinically as a dietitian at the Center for Obesity, Academic Specialist Center in Region Stockholm where she supervise students and give lectures on obesity management to students and healthcare providers. She is  a member of the National Obesity Care Working Group (NAG obesitas) and a member of the European Specialist Dietetic Network for Obesity Committee (ESDN Ob) via The European Federation of the Associations of Dietitians (EFAD), among others.



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