Konferenser och symposier Hur aktuell forskning formar framtidens MS-vård - How Current Research Shapes the Future of MS Care

2024-05-30 13:30 - 18:00 Add to iCal
Karolinska Universitetssjukhuset, Solna Center for Molecular Medicine, Visiongatan 18, Solna

Karolinska Neuroimmunology Multiple Sclerosis Centre - KNIMS, välkomnar dig till World MS day symposium på Karolinska Institutet.

How Current Research Shapes the Future of MS Care

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Inbjudna talare

Prof Fredrik Piehl  Current MS therapies and new challenges

Dr Olivia Thomas  From virus to immunity: can EBV explain MS? 

Dr Lara Kular  Progressive disease: lessons from epigenetics

Neuroförbundet   Helping people living with neurological diagnoses & Perspective from people with MS

Dr Heela Sarlus  Placental stem cell therapy reduces MS-like disease progression 

Dr Rasmus Berglund  Molecular mechanism of brain aging 

Prof Gonçalo Castelo-Branco  Disease-associated oligodendroglia in MS: Insights from advanced omics.


Efter symposiet kommer vi att ha en postersession och fika.


Nicolas Ruffin, Docent
Urszula Rykaczewska, PhD
Chiara Starvaggi Cucuzza, MD
Lara Kular, Ph


Nicolas Ruffin Senior Forskningsspecialist