Halvtidsseminarier Halvtidskontroll: Hala Habash
2024-10-11 9:30 Add to iCal
Campus Solna Wargentinghuset, rum Atrium
Molecular Characterization of Drug Resistance and Heterogeneity in Paediatric Oncology
Associate Professor Nikolas Herold, MD, PhD (KI)
Ingrid Lilienthal, MD, PhD (KI)
Associate Professor Martin Enge, PhD (KI)
Associate Professor Ninib Baryawno, PhD (KI)
Jesper Eisfeldt, PhD (KI)
Darrell Green, PhD (University of East Anglia)
Associate Professor Karolin Hansén Nord, PhD (Lund University)
Associate Professor Panagiotis Tsagkozis, MD, PhD (KI)