Disputationer Disputation: Pedroso Nhassengo
Välkommen till Pedroso Nhassengos disputation.
Titel: The TB - poverty cycle: Dynamics, determinants, and consequences of economic hardship faced by people with TB in Mozambique.
Salla Atkins, professor, Institutionen för global folkhälsa, Karolinska Institutet
Knut Lönnroth, professor, Institutionen för global folkhälsa, Karolinska Institutet
Tom Wingfield, doktor, Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine, Department of International Public Health and Clinical Sciences
Celso Khosa, doktor, Instituto Nacional de Saúde, Delegação Provincial da Cidade de Maputo, Centro de Investigação e Treino em saúde da Polana caniço
Jane Rahedi Ong'ang'o, doktor, Kenya Medical Research Institute, Centre for Respiratory Disease Research
Nicola Foster, professor, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Tuberculosis Centre
Anna Kågesten, docent, Institutionen för global folkhälsa, Karolinska Institutet
Sonu Goel, professor, Institute of Medical Education and Research, Community Medicine and School of Public Health
Chair person:
Mariano Salazar, docent, Institutionen för global folkhälsa, Karolinska Institutet