Disputationer Disputation: Franziska Kohl
Välkommen till Franziska Kohls disputation; "Development of iPSC-derived models and cell-penetrating peptides towards therapeutic targeting of vascular anomalies".
"Development of iPSC-derived models and cell-penetrating peptides towards therapeutic targeting of vascular anomalies"
Franziska Kohl, Institutionen för medisinsk biokemi och biofysik, KI
Lars Jakobsson, Institutionen för medisinsk biokemi och biofysik, KI
Assistant Professor Ingeborg Klaassen, Department of Ophthalmology, Amsterdam University Medical Center
Docent Johan Nilvebrant, Department of Protein Science, KTH Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan, and Senior Scientist at Cytiva
Associate Professor Marie Jeansson, Department of Medicine (Huddinge), Karolinska Institutet, and Department of Immunology, Genetics and Pathology, Division of Vascular Biology, Uppsala University
Associate Professor Jens Schuster, Department of Immunology, Genetics and Pathology, Division of Genomics and Neurobiology, Uppsala University