Konferenser och symposier DATAETHICS International Conference: Ethical Governance of Biomedical Big Data - Advancing Social Justice and Human Rights in Digital Health
Välkommen att delta i vår heldagskonferens om rättvisa och rättigheter inom digital hälsa. Här får du möjlighet att lyssna till ledande akademiska experter samt representanter från Europarådet och WHO. Under dagen kommer vi ha ett Ethical Café där vi diskuterar olika perspektiv med målet att etablera etiska riktlinjer för hantering av BBD inom olika vetenskapliga discipliner.
DATAETHICS is a transnational initiative under the Eurolife network that successfully transferred best practices in Life Sciences and updated educational approaches to bridge the gap between the collection and use of Biomedical Big Data (BBD) and available knowledge and training, fostering collaboration across various sectors.
Eurolife, a network of nine European universities, plays a key role in facilitating collaborative research and education activities. By organizing events like the Eurolife Distinguished Lecture Series, Eurolife promotes the exchange of researchers and students, fostering a vibrant academic community. The network's efforts in creating new research opportunities within Life Sciences (Biomedicine and Medicine) are instrumental in driving innovation and enhancing the impact of scientific discoveries across Europe.