Föreläsningar och seminarier Centrum för alzheimerforskning: Opponentföreläsning med Kristen Zuloaga, Albany Medical College

2024-04-24 14:00 Add to iCal
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Välkommen till en föreläsning vid Centrum för alzheimerforskning i serien ”Opponentföreläsningar”.

Kristen Zuloaga, docent, Albany Medical College, USA.
Kristen Zuloaga, docent, Albany Medical College, USA. Foto: Privat.

Öppen opponentföreläsning i samband med doktoranden María Latorre Leals disputation.

Onsdag 24 april, kl. 14.00 - obs! notera ändrad tid!


Kristen Zuloaga, Albany Medical College (USA)

“Sex differences in vascular and metabolic contributions to dementia” 

Dr. Kristen Zuloaga is an Associate Professor and Director of Graduate Studies in the Department of Neuroscience and Experimental Therapeutics at Albany Medical College.

She serves on Scientific Advisory Board for the Albert Institute on White Matter and Cognition, editorial boards for Alzheimer’s & Dementia and Biology of Sex Differences, and is standing member of the Chronic Dysfunction and Integrative Neurodegeneration (CDIN) study section. Dr. Zuloaga’s current research program is focused on determining how sex, aging, and sex hormones influence vascular and metabolic contributions to dementia.  Her lab is currently funded by the National Institutes of Health (NIH), BrightFocus, American Heart Association and Alzheimer’s Association.


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Daniel Ferreira Padilla Senior Forskare