Föreläsningar och seminarier Centrum för alzheimerforskning: Opponentföreläsning med Anne Simonsen, Oslo universitet

2024-06-12 9:00 Add to iCal

Välkommen till en föreläsning vid Centrum för alzheimerforskning i serien "Opponentföreläsningar".

Porträtt av Professor Anne Simonsen, University of Oslo.
Professor Anne Simonsen, Oslo universitet, Norge. Foto: N/A

Öppen opponentsföreläsning i samband med doktoranden Johanna Mayers disputation.

Onsdag 12 juni, kl 9.00 

Anne Simonsen, Oslo universitet (Norge)

“Linking mitophagy to cellular bioenergetics and disease development” 

Prof. Anne Simonsen is a professor at the Institute for Clinical Medicine, University of Oslo, and a group leader at the Institute for Cancer Research, Oslo University Hospital. She is a co-director of the Norwegian Centre of Excellence CanCell (Centre of Cancer Cell Reprogramming). The main objectives of the Simonsen Lab are to elucidate the molecular mechanisms involved in selective types of autophagy and characterize their role in disease development and aging. Her lab is funded by the Research Council of Norway, the Norwegian Cancer Society, and various EU grants. Dr Simonsen is an elected member of the Norwegian Academy of Sciences and EMBO.


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Daniel Ferreira Padilla Senior Forskare