Föreläsningar och seminarier Centrum för alzheimerforskning: Morgonkaffemöte i hybrid form – Ryuta Kawashima, Japan

2023-06-07 9:00 - 10:00 Add to iCal
Online Hybrid: Campus Solna, BioClinicum, J3:06 Ulf von Euler och online via Zoom.

Välkomna till ett morgonkaffemöte i hybrid form med Centrum för alzheimerforskning!

Porträtt av Ryuta Kawashima, Tohoku University, Japan
Ryuta Kawashima, Tohoku University, Japan Foto: Privat

Onsdag 7 maj kl. 9.00

Hybrid: Campus Solna, BioClinicum, J3:06 Ulf von Euler och online via Zoom.
Följs av kaffe och mingel, 10.00 - 10.30

Ryuta Kawashima, Tohoku University, Japan

“Cognitive interventions for smart ageing”

Ryuta Kawashima is a Professor at Institute of Development, Aging and Cancer (IDAC), Tohoku University from 2006 as well as the CTO of NeU Corporation from 2017. He has been the Director of IDAC, Tohoku University from 2014 until 2023, and the Director of Smart Aging Research Center, Tohoku University from 2017 until 2023. He has been involved in brain mapping researches using PET, fMRI and fNIRS. He has also succeeded in developing and spreading the use of a new system to improve the cognitive function of senior citizens suffering from senile dementia as well as healthy people by top-down application of the findings of basic research involving functional brain imaging. He has published over 580 peer reviewed papers and around 400 books.


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Daniel Ferreira Padilla Senior Forskare