Publicerad: 2013-08-27 00:00 | Uppdaterad: 2013-11-26 10:21

International Business Internship in Budapest

EuCham offers internship training to students and postgraduates from various fields (business, international relations, communications, legal studies
etc.) for min. 6-month periods, preferably participating in international scholarship programmes.

The international chamber organization EuCham  European Chamber is committed to building future leaders of the business world. Applications for internship training are accepted in order to enrich the professional and social skills of young, motivated students and postgraduates aiming to widen their horizons and preparing themselves for a successful future career.

EUCham interns can:

... get learning experience for their career goals.

... develop organizational and project management skills.

... gain knowledge in various business and legal fields.

... work in an international, professional environment.

... gain valuable insight in cross-border business processes.

... benefit from countless networking opportunities.

General information

EuCham trains future leaders. Ambition is a must.

Language: English

Period: minimum 6 months

Location: Budapest, Hungary

Unpaid (check scholarship programmes like Erasmus or Leonardo)

How to apply

Send your CV with photo in it, as well as a cover letter to