Föreläsningar och seminarier Cognitive Neuroscience Club med Florian Schmiedek: "Short-Term Within-Person Variability of Working Memory Performance in Everyday Life: Individual Differences, Couplings with Affect, and Relations to Long-Term Change"

2021-06-15 16:00 Add to iCal
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Den sista veckan i varje månad bjuder Cognitive Neuroscience Club in till en föreläsning på temat kognitiv neurovetenskap. Den 15 juni 2021 kl. 16:00 välkomnar vi Florian Schmiedek, DIPF Leibniz Institute for Research and Information in Education, Frankfurt am Main, Tyskland.

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"Short-Term Within-Person Variability of Working Memory Performance in Everyday Life: Individual Differences, Couplings with Affect, and Relations to Long-Term Change"


Prof Florian Schmiedek, DIPF Leibniz Institute for Research and Information in Education, Frankfurt am Main


Complementing the common perspective on working memory capacity as a stable ability, there is an increasing interest in within-person fluctuations of working memory performance (WMP) at different time scale level (e.g., within and across days). This interest in within-person processes is accompanied by attempts to move research on working memory out of the lab and use ambulatory assessment to investigate WMP in everyday life. In this talk, I will give an overview of results from intensive longitudinal and ambulatory assessment studies of WMP with age groups across the lifespan. Specifically, I will focus on (a) psychometric issues of the measurement of within-person fluctuations in WMP, (b) within-person couplings of WMP with momentary affect, (c) individual differences in such couplings, and (d) how couplings are related across short- and long-term time scales of change and development.


Laura Crucianelli Anknuten till Forskning