Publicerad: 2023-12-14 14:39 | Uppdaterad: 2023-12-14 15:29

Aktuella utlysningar, vecka 50, 2023

Grants Office tipsar om aktuella utlysningar

Svenska och nordiska anslag


The Swedish Childhood Cancer Foundation (Barncancerfonden)

Postdoctoral fellowship 

Foundation supports four-year postdoc fellowships which enable researchers to establish their own research programmes within the area of childhood cancer diseases. Research positions can be applied for within the areas for biomedical science and health care science including psychosocial research. The research projects may be experimental (fundamental or translational research) or clinical. The results from the research related to the position are expected to be beneficial for children with cancer in Sweden and/or childhood cancer research in Sweden. Eligible to apply is a researcher that holds a doctoral degree and who has an own research program within the area of childhood cancer. Regardless of whether the applicant applies for a full- or part-time position, a maximum of 4 years can be applied for.

Research residency for paediatricians and paediatric oncologists 

Applications are invited for grant research residency for paediatricians or paediatric oncologists to support the recruitment of paediatric oncologists as well as clinical research. Projects must benefit children with cancer in Sweden or Swedish childhood cancer research. The sum of the grant is 250 000 SEK. Applications can also include application for running costs up to 250 000 SEK per year.

Senior childhood cancer research position 

Applications are announced for the six years senior childhood cancer research position enabling  clinically active individuals to conduct research in the areas of biomedical science or health care science including psychosocial research. The research projects may be experimental (fundamental or translational research) or clinical. Part-time positions can be applied for a minimum is 50%. Fund finances a maximum of 6 full-year equivalents (eg. 6 years on full-time or 12 years on half-time. Eligible to apply is a researcher that holds a doctoral degree and who has an own research program within the area of childhood cancer. Part-time positions can be combined with other activities that are relevant for pediatric oncology.

Closing dates for all applications: February 1, 2024.

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Forskningsanslag – Stiftelsen Clas Groschinskys Minnesfond

Stiftelsen stöder medicinsk forskning. Forskningsanslag kommer år 2024 att ges för forskning inom följande områden:

  • Infektioner 
  • Immunterapi mot cancer 
  • Immunologiska reaktioner associerade med psykiatrisk sjukdom
  • Autoimmuna endokrina sjukdomar

Inom dessa områden riktas stödet till forskare, som efter disputation och postdoktoral eller klinisk vidareutbildning, är i färd med att bygga upp ett eget projekt och forskargrupp. År 2024 kan stöd sökas av forskare som disputerat 2015-2022 och som ännu inte har fast tjänst i universitetsorganisationen eller har större garanterat anslag för fem år eller längre tid.

Som regel beviljas anslag för högst två år, men ett år i taget. Undantag kan dock göras för högprioriterade projekt eller när andra särskilda omständigheter föreligger. Forskningsanslagen uppgår till högst 300.000 kronor per anslag.

OBS! Endast fullständiga ansökningar, som sänds in per post i fem likalydande exemplar, kommer att behandlas av Stiftelsens Medicinska Råd.

Closing date: January 31, 2024

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Stipendier från Lars Magnus Ericssons stiftelse för främjande av elektroteknisk forskning 

Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericssons stiftelse för främjande av elektronisk forskning inbjuder till ansökan om stipendier. 

Stipendierna riktar sig främst till doktorander och nyblivna doktorer, men i mån av tillgång kan även stipendier beviljas inom relevanta områden till civilingenjörsstudenter som vill göra sitt examensarbete utomlands. Typiska användningsområden är delfinansiering av forskningsvistelse vid utländskt lärosäte eller institut eller för konferensdeltagande.

Stiftelsen har till ändamål att främja vetenskaplig forskning via stipendier för forskare och studerande vid svenska universitet och högskolor som vill bedriva forskning inom elektrotekniska områden av intresse för bolagets verksamhet. 

Stipendierna kan uppgå till en summa av 200 000kr. Stiftelsen har för avsikt att under 2024 dela ut stipendier om ett totalt belopp om cirka 1,5 miljoner kronor. 

Sista ansökningsdag: 16 februari, 2024.   

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Europeiska anslag

Medical research call for proposals in neuromuscular disorders--Association Francaise Contre les Myopathies (AFM) (French Muscular Dystrophy Association), FR

This supports medical research projects that aim to improve the care and management of patients, the knowledge of neuromuscular disorders and their progression, as well as the quality of life of patients affected by neuromuscular disorders. Projects may focus on the following research topics:
•patients' management;
•paramedical care;
•e-health and information technologies;
•neonatal screening projects;
•assessment of new evaluation criteria;
•natural history of disease;
•epidemiological studies.

Research teams worldwide may apply. Grants are available for one year with the possibility of renewal for two more years.

Closing date 23 January 2024 

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Beta Cell Therapy Innovation Project Grant -- Diabetes UK, GB and other funders

This aims to support high-risk high-reward ideas that have the potential to advance the development of beta-cell therapies and to test these at pace. This Beta Cell Therapy Translational Programme Grant call identified two themes that need to be addressed to move us closer to beta-cell therapies being a viable treatment option for those living with type 1 diabetes.
Theme 1: Design of beta cells fit for transplantation.
Theme 2: Approaches to regenerate beta cells.
If your idea falls outside of these two themes, please justify within your proposal how your idea has the potential to advance beta-cell therapy research.

Applications can be co-led by a type 1 diabetes researcher and a researcher not primarily focused on the condition (up to £400k). Principal Applicants must be based at an academic Host Institution in the UK. Applications may include other team members as required, such as Co-Applicants and Collaborators, who may be affiliated with a Host Institution within the UK or internationally.

Closing date 19 February 2024

  • Stage 1 application deadline: 19 February 2024
  • Stage 1 shortlisting outcome: W/C 22 April 2024
  • Stage 2 application deadline: 20 May 2024
  • Virtual Interviews with the T1DGC Innovation Panel: W/C 3 June 2024

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Research grant-- Fondazione per la Ricerca Sulla Fibrosi Cistica (FFC), IT

This supports research projects aiming to improve the health status of cystic fibrosis patients. Research projects dealing with either clinical studies or pre-clinical studies exploiting animal models of CF are strongly encouraged. 

PIs must have a permanent position. If PIs and multicentre project co-ordinators live and work in another European country, at least one partner in the project must be resident and work in Italy.

Grants are worth up to €130,000 for two-year projects or €70,000 for one year.

Closing date 15 February 2024

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Research unit -- European Society for Paediatric Endocrinology (ESPE), INT

This supports collaborative research in paediatric endocrinology. Members of ESPE may apply. Each application must include at least one principal investigator and two co-investigators who are ESPE members. Non-ESPE members may participate as additional co-investigators. Applications that consist of investigators from at least three different countries are encouraged. 
One large grant is available annually, worth €100,000 for a period of two years. 

Closing date 15 February 2024 (Forecast)

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Research fellowships -- European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology (EAACI), INT

The fellowships support research and training of EAACI Junior Members in another European country, fosters the exchange of knowledge and techniques and the implementation of new techniques throughout European laboratories.

Available Fellowship Types:
1. Long-term Fellowships at 30’000 EUR each – 12-month period. Long-term Fellowships are intended to fund travel and living expenses for up to 12 months in a foreign European laboratory.
2. Short-term Fellowships at 7’500 EUR each – 3-month period. These fellowships intend to fund a 3-month research fellowship in a laboratory in another European country. Preference is given to specified acquirements of new techniques and establishment of collaborations.

Closing date 31 January 2024 (Forecast) 

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Postdoctoral fellowships -- Fondation Jérôme Lejeune, FR

These support the career development of young scientists working on fundamental, translational and clinical aspects of Down syndrome. For this round, only projects focusing on Down syndrome and co-occurring disorders are eligible.

Fellowships are worth €130,000 for two years.

Closing date 25 February 2024 (Forecast)

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Amerikanska anslag


Federal Funding

CDMRP - Breast Cancer Research Program (BCRP) - Anticipated Funding Opportunity for Fiscal Year 2024 (FY24)

Award Mechanisms: Breakthrough Award; Era of Hope Scholar Award; Clinical Research Extension Award; Transformative Breast Cancer Consortium Award; Transformative Breast Cancer Consortium Development Award

Abstract: The FY24 Defense Appropriations Bill has not been signed into law. Although FY24 funds have not yet been appropriated for the BCRP, the BCRP is providing the information in this pre-announcement to allow investigators time to plan and develop ideas for submission to the anticipated FY24 funding opportunities. This pre-announcement should not be construed as an obligation by the government. Applications submitted to the FY24 BCRP must address one or more of the following overarching challenges: Prevent breast cancer (primary prevention); Identify determinants of breast cancer initiation, risk, or susceptibility; Distinguish deadly from non-deadly breast cancers; Conquer the problems of overdiagnosis and overtreatment; Identify what drives breast cancer growth; Identify why some breast cancers become metastatic; Determine why/how breast cancer cells lie dormant for years and then re-emerge; determine how to prevent lethal recurrence; Revolutionize treatment regimens by replacing them with ones that are more effective, less toxic, and impact survival; Eliminate the mortality associated with metastatic breast cancer.

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CDMRP - Epilepsy Research Program (ERP) - Anticipated Funding Opportunity for Fiscal Year 2024 (FY24)

Award Mechanisms: Idea Development Award; Leveraging Research Award; Research Partnership Award; Virtual Post-Traumatic Epilepsy Research Faculty Award

Abstract: The FY24 Defense Appropriations Bill has not been signed into law. Although FY24 funds have not been appropriated for the Epilepsy Research Program (ERP), the ERP is providing the information in this pre-announcement to allow investigators time to plan and develop ideas for submission to the anticipated FY24 funding opportunities. This pre-announcement should not be construed as an obligation by the government. The FY24 Defense Appropriations Act is anticipated to provide funding for the ERP to support research to understand the mechanisms of post-traumatic epilepsy (PTE) and associated comorbidities to improve quality of life, especially in Service Members, Veterans, and caregivers. Applications submitted to the FY24 ERP should address one or more of the following Focus Areas: Markers and Mechanisms: Identifying biomarkers or mechanisms of PTE; Epidemiology: Epidemiological characterization of PTE following traumatic brain injury (TBI); Longitudinal Studies: Studies of the evolution of PTE; Innovative Research: Tools intended to better inform or improve upon PTE research and care.

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NIH - Mobile Health: Technology and Outcomes in Low and Middle Income Countries (R21/R33 - Clinical Trial Optional)

Funding Opportunity ID: PAR-23-318

Upcoming deadlines: March 22, 2024; March 21, 2025; March 20, 2026

Abstract: The purpose of this Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) is to encourage exploratory/developmental research applications that propose to study the development, validation, feasibility, and effectiveness of innovative mobile health (mHealth) interventions or tools specifically suited for low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) that utilize new or emerging technology, platforms, systems, and/or analytics. The overall goal of the program is to catalyze innovation through multidisciplinary research that addresses global health problems, develop an evidence base for the use of mHealth technology to improve clinical and public health outcomes, and strengthen mHealth research capacity in LMICs. This FOA provides support for up to two years (R21 phase) for technology development and feasibility studies, followed by a possible transition to expanded research support (R33 phase) for validation, larger-scale feasibility, and effectiveness studies. Transition to the R33 depends on the completion of applicant-defined milestones, as well as program priorities and the availability of funds. All applicants must address both the R21 and R33 phases.

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NIH - Notice of Special Interest (NOSI): Exploratory Cancer Immunology Projects and Technologies (ExCITe) 

Funding Opportunity ID: NOT-CA-24-016

Upcoming deadlines: Standard dates apply.

Abstract: Through this Notice of Special Interest (NOSI) on Exploratory Cancer Immunology Projects and Technologies (ExCITe), the National Cancer Institute intends to encourage R21 applications proposing innovative high-risk/high-reward research projects, that test novel hypotheses or develop novel technologies, to advance our understanding of cancer immunology. Research projects should focus on fundamental areas of cancer immunology, including innate and adaptive immune responses, tumor-immune ecosystems and their dynamic interactions, the immune response to metastases, systemic immune networks, immunosurveillance, tumor immune evasion, or immunomodulation. Projects should be distinct in scope and focus from those supported through the traditional R01 mechanism. ExCITe studies may involve considerable risk but have the potential to lead to research breakthroughs or the development of novel techniques, agents, methodologies, models, or applications that could have a major impact in cancer immunology and cancer immunotherapy research.

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JDRF, US – Development of Interventions to Modulate Immune Cell Trafficking in T1D

Upcoming deadlines: LOI –  17th January, 2024; Full application – 28th February, 2024

Amount: This program will award grants of up to $900k over 3 years. Application may include up to 10% indirect costs.

Eligibility: We welcome Letters of Intent (LOI) from those with demonstrated expertise, for example: immunology, molecular biology, bioinformatics, human beta cell biology, targeting reagent generation (antibodies, oligonucleotides, nanomedicines, small molecule inhibitors, etc.), expertise with animal models to assess migratory inhibition with an emphasis on drug metabolism and pharmacokinetics. 

Abstract: JDRF, the world’s leading non-profit organization with the mission to improve the lives of people with T1D by accelerating breakthroughs for T1D, aims to catalyze and support innovative studies that enhance beta cell health and function. A potential therapeutic strategy to stop the immune mediated destruction of beta cells is to limit immune trafficking to the islets, however this approach has not been extensively evaluated in human-relevant models. The identification and validation of novel strategies to target islet homing pathways while avoiding broad immunosuppression is of high interest for this funding opportunity. The goal of this funding opportunity is to accelerate the identification and validation of reagents that promote immune rebalance and the protection of beta cell function through modulating the trafficking of immune cells to the pancreatic islets. Proposals submitted for this opportunity should describe the preclinical or clinical development of therapeutic strategies targeting the trafficking of disease-relevant immune cell populations.



Foundation for Prader-Willi Research (FPWR), US – Prader-Willi Syndrome Research 

Upcoming deadlines: LOI – 1st March, 2024; Full application – 17th May, 2024

Amount: Applicants may request up to $150,000 USD in direct costs for the initial 18 months of support, with the possibility of a second grant period of 18 months of funding upon competitive renewal. Indirect costs of up to 8% are allowed. Applicants may choose to request a smaller budget and/or shorter duration, for example, for a higher risk / highly innovative project.

Eligibility: Principal Investigators must have a primary faculty appointment at the level of Instructor or higher. This grant program will be useful for junior faculty in the early stages of their careers, established investigators in other areas of research who wish to enter the field of PWS research, or investigators in the PWS field who are seeking funding to support pilot studies in a new area of PWS research. FPWR seeks to support innovative, high-risk/high reward research.

Abstract: The Foundation for Prader-Willi Research (FPWR), a nonprofit organization dedicated to supporting research to advance the understanding and treatment of Prader-Willi syndrome (PWS), announces the availability of funds to support innovative PWS research. FPWR is particularly interested in supporting projects that will lead to new treatments to alleviate the symptoms associated with PWS. Funding priorities include: Genotype to phenotype: understanding PWS genetics/how loss of PWS-critical region genes leads to the phenotype; Neurobiology of hunger/feeding behavior in PWS; Neurobiology of cognitive deficits, maladaptive behavior and mental illness in PWS; Clinical care research: evaluation of existing drugs and interventions to improve health and quality of life in PWS; Therapeutics development for PWS- Genetic therapies; novel pharmaceuticals; drug repurposing for PWS.



Alzheimer's Drug Discovery Foundation (ADDF), US – Therapeutics Funding Programs

Upcoming deadlines: LOI – 5th February/13th May/30th September, 2024; Full application – 8th April/22nd July/9th December, 2024

Amount: See link for individual program funding. Indirect costs are not covered by these grants.

Eligibility: No restrictions.

Abstract: The ADDR is accepting applications for 3 new funding opportunities:

Drug Development RFP - The Drug Development RFP supports investigational new drug (IND)-enabling studies (or the international equivalent) and early-phase clinical trials that test promising pharmacological interventions and devices for Alzheimer’s disease (AD) and related dementias. Both disease-modifying and symptomatic agents will be considered. 

Neuroimaging and CSF Biomarker RFP - The aim of this RFP is to further develop and validate established biomarkers. This RFP prioritizes biomarkers with a defined context of use, a clear advantage over other relevant biomarkers, and a path to commercialization and/or clinical use.

The Prevention RFP - The ADDF seeks to support studies of cognitive symptoms due to health conditions, comparative effectiveness research, and epidemiological studies that probe whether the use or choice of drugs alters the risk for dementia or cognitive decline.



Autism Speaks (AS), US – Central Auditory Process Disorders Grant Opportunity

Upcoming deadlines: LOI – 16th January, 2024; Full application – 27th February, 2024

Amount: One pilot research study, at up to U.S. $60,000 for one year, inclusive of 10% indirect costs. One predoctoral fellowship, at up to U.S. $40,000/yr for two years ($25,000 stipend + $15,000 research allowance). One postdoctoral fellowship, at up to U.S. $55,000/yr for two years (at least 50% stipend). Note: Fellowships do not include indirect costs.

Eligibility: Pilot Award: Investigators holding full-time tenured or tenure-track faculty appointments or equivalent full-time, non-tenure track appointments at accredited academic, medical or research institutions are eligible to apply for the pilot grant award.

Fellowship Awards: Predoctoral Fellows must possess the following qualifications: Be an enrolled student in a program leading to a research doctorate such as a Ph.D. or Sc.D., or a combined degree such as an M.D./Ph.D., in an academic department of an accredited university or health/medical institution. Must have two or more years remaining in their program. Must spend at least 80% of their professional time engaged exclusively in their Autism Speaks research-related activities for the duration of the award. Cannot simultaneously hold another fellowship award during the support period. 

Postdoctoral Fellows must possess the following qualifications: Hold an M.D., Ph.D., or equivalent terminal degree. Cannot have more than 5 years of postdoctoral experience at the commencement of the award. Must spend at least 80% of their professional time engaged exclusively on the fellowship research activities for the duration of the award. May not simultaneously serve in an internship or residency, hold a tenure-track faculty appointment or hold another named fellowship award during the award period. Note: Postdoctoral training should not be in the laboratory or with the mentor where the applicant received their graduate degree.

Abstract: This RFA seeks proposals for research that will elucidate the relationship of auditory processes to neurobehavioral manifestations, the potential for treatments directed at auditory processes pathology to improve neurobehavior and the best clinical approaches to the evaluation and treatment of CAPD. Proposals should advance the clinical management of CAPD and associated neurobehavioral challenges by using one of the following methods: Clinical assessment research; Clinical intervention research; Identifying pathophysiologic mechanisms that are amenable to clinical translation in the very near term.



Leukemia Research Foundation, Inc., US – New Investigator Research Grant Program 

Upcoming deadlines: LOI – 16th February, 2024; Full application – 26th April, 2024

Amount: The maximum funding request is $150k over a two-year period. The Leukemia Research Foundation does not provide funds for capital equipment (i.e., equipment purchases above $7,500). Any request for an exception to this policy must detail the specific need of the capital equipment for the proposed research project. Salary support for the principal investigator is not provided. The funds are intended only to enhance the study. Indirect cost recovery or institutional overhead costs are not provided.

Eligibility:  New investigators are considered to be within seven years of their first independent faculty-level position when the grant would be awarded. Years as a resident physician, fellow physician, or post-doctoral fellow are considered to be training years and are not included in the seven-year guideline. A researcher must be in an independent faculty-level position at the time the application is submitted.  Adjustments for career interruptions can be made. 

Abstract: Our New Investigator Research Grant Program supports early-career investigators of exceptional creativity who propose highly innovative research projects with the potential to impact broad, essential areas of leukemia research. For the program to support the best and brightest minds, applications are sought from investigators who reflect the full diversity of the research workforce and represent diverse backgrounds, institutions, and geographic locations.
