Publicerad: 2023-12-07 10:47 | Uppdaterad: 2023-12-07 11:01

Aktuella utlysningar, vecka 49, 2023

Grants Office tipsar om aktuella utlysningar.

Svenska och nordiska utlysningar

Research grants – LEO Foundation

Grants are aimed to support the best projects in dermatology research, which improve the understanding of skin biology and dissect the underlying medicinal, biological, chemical, or pharmacological mechanisms of the dermatological diseases and their symptoms. Applications for projects that address clinical issues among people who are at risk of developing, or have developed, a skin disease, including how it impacts their quality of life and the societal costs involved, are also welcome. The Foundation does not currently support projects on skin cancer (e.g., melanoma, CTCL, BCC and SCC). However, skin cancer models are permitted as tools to investigate other aspects of skin or skin diseases. The typical amount approved for funding of a research grant is DKK 2-4 million. Applicant must have at least a PhD degree or an equivalent academic qualification. Grants do not over the salaries for graduate and undergraduate student workers. 

Closing date: January 8, 2024

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Postdoctoral fellowships in Japan - Swedish Foundation for Strategic Research (SSF)

SSF participates in an exchange program with JSPS (Japan Society for the Promotion of Science) with the aim of encouraging young doctors to exchange research with leading Japanese research groups. 

This enables Swedish researchers to conduct co-operative research activities with leading Japanese research groups at an academic institution in Japan. Two fellowships are available for a duration of one to two years. The exchange must start no earlier than 1 July 2024 and no later than 30 November 2024. Applicants must be Swedish citizens, or have a permanent residence permit in Sweden. 

Closing date: January 15, 2024 

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Forskningsstipendier - Svenska Sällskapet för Dermatologi och Venereologi (SSDV)

Psoriasis, hidradenitis suppurativa (HS) och atopiskt atopisk dermatit är komplexa immunologiska sjukdomar med betydande samsjuklighet och stor påverkan på patientens livskvalitet. SSDV delar ut SPIRA stipendier för att uppmuntra vårdpersonal att förbättra vården för personer som lever med dessa sjukdomar. Sökande kan vara specialistläkare eller ST-läkare med medlemskrav i SSDV. Sjuksköterska kan vara medsökande utan medlemskrav i SSDV. Den totala stipendiesumman på 150 000 kronor kommer att fördelas mellan 1 till 3 stipendiater.

Closing date: January 31, 2024

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Forskningsprogram: Vägen till psykisk hälsa i arbetslivet - AFA Försäkring och Alecta

Afa Försäkring och Alecta utlyser det gemensamma FoU-programmet Vägen till psykisk hälsa i arbetslivet: Förebyggande, rehabiliterande och stärkande insatser. Det övergripande syftet med forskningsprogrammet är att öka hälsan och minska sjukfrånvaron på grund av psykisk ohälsa hos arbetare och tjänstemän i privat sektor. Målet är att förebygga psykisk ohälsa, stärka den goda psykiska hälsan och öka kunskapen om verksamma främjande och rehabiliterande insatser. Resultaten från FoU-programmet förväntas ge ökad kunskap, var implementerbara och relevanta för privat sektor samt komma till praktisk nytta för både arbetare och tjänstemän.

Closing date: February 9, 2024

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Forskningsanslag - Svensk Gastroenterologisk Förening och Mag-termfonden

Anslaget stöder vetenskapliga projekt inom klinisk gastroenterologisk och hepatologisk forskning och riktar sig till forskare med aktuella projekt. Även i år finns en riktad ansökan till anslag för forskning som rör tarmischemi.

Closing date: February 12, 2024 

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Resebidrag – Vårdförbundet

Bidrag upp till 12 000 kronor ges till barnmorskor, biomedicinska analytiker, röntgensjuksköterskor, sjuksköterskor eller chefer för att delta på internationella konferenser och kongresser med eller utan presentation, för att få nya kunskaper, erfarenheter och knyta kontakter som stimulerar yrkesutveckling. 

Closing date: March 15, 2024

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Transdisciplinary approaches to mobility and global health - joint call 2024 - The Novo Nordisk Foundation (Denmark), Wellcome (UK) and the Volkswagen Foundation (Germany)

The purpose of this call is to promote multi-perspective research on how mobility and health are interlinked, influencing the general health, various health determinants and the well-being of local and mobile populations, and how the effects of mobility could be addressed in a sustainable way.

The applicants are not limited to, but could use the following sub-themes as inspiration to develop high-impact research projects: (1) Projects to inform research priorities, policies and interventions aimed at addressing access to prevention, diagnostics, and challenges of continued care for non-communicable diseases, including mental health and infectious disease co-morbidities, among migrants for work, persons displaced due to conflict, disasters or climate change; (2) Projects to understand, in a One Health perspective, the role of mobility and international trade of goods, live animals and agricultural products for public health recognizing the interconnection between people, animals, plants, and their shared environment as well as the ethical and systemic components and adaptation strategies.

Call is aimed at the researchers from the high, middle and low income countries, in close collaboration with local communities, non-academic stakeholders and other relevant actors. The pilot Phase I projects are funded with up to 50,000 euros, and full Phase II projects with 0.5 - 1.5 million euros.

Closing date for the pilot Phase I project: March 25, 2024. 

Deadline for Phase II project: March 2025.

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Utlysning av Japanstipendier för år 2024 (SJSF)

Sök stipendier för forskning, studier, examensarbete eller praktik i Japan.

Scandinavia-Japan Sasakawa Foundation (SJSF). Den svenska sektionen av stiftelsen utlyser anslag och stipendier för forskning och studier i Japan, för att främja utbytet mellan Japan och Sverige. • Ämnen: forskning eller utbildning inom naturvetenskap, teknik, medicin, samhällsvetenskap, ekonomi, humaniora (inkl. japanska) och journalistik. • Behöriga att söka: organisationer, institutioner och enskilda personer. Sökanden skall ha fast anknytning till Sverige. • Vistelse i Japan: från 1 vecka till 1 år, från och med april 2024 till mars 2025.

Ansökan skickas in on-line mellan den 1 december 2023 till den 1 mars 2024.

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Sweden-Japan Foundation (SJF). Stiftelsen utlyser stipendier för studier, forskning samt examensarbete och praktik på högskolenivå i Japan. Vistelsen i Japan måste vara längre än tre (3) månader. • Ämnen: studier inom teknik, naturvetenskap, ekonomi, juridik, medicin och handel. • Behöriga att söka: studenter och yngre forskare från samtliga universitet och högskolor i Sverige. Sökanden skall ha fast anknytning till Sverige. • Vistelse i Japan: från 3 månader till 1 år, från och med april 2024 till mars 2025.

Ansökan skickas in on-line mellan den 1 december 2023 till den 1 mars 2024.

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Europeiska utlysningar

Young investigator programme - European Molecular Biology Organisation (EMBO)

The European Molecular Biology Organisation invites applications for its young investigator programme. This supports junior group leaders in the field of life sciences to set up their first independent laboratories.

Closing date: 1 April 2024

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Regular grants - Leprosy Research Initiative

The Leprosy Research Initiative invites letters of intent for its regular grants. This supports research on leprosy, including research combining leprosy with other neglected tropical diseases or other diseases that share cross-cutting issues with leprosy, or research that benefits persons affected by leprosy.

Closing date (Letter of Intent): 26 Jan 2024

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EFSD/Novo Nordisk programme for diabetes research in Europe - European Foundation for the Study of Diabetes (EFSD)

The EFSD/Novo Nordisk Programme for Diabetes Research in Europe will accept applications from all fields of diabetes research including both basic and clinical research.

Closing date: 1 Feb 2024

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EFSD/Lilly young investigator research awards - European Foundation for the Study of Diabetes (EFSD)

The European Foundation for the Study of Diabetes and Lilly invite applications for their young investigator research awards. These encourage innovative research in the field of diabetes and its complications, and promote excellence in medical education.

Closing date: 15 Feb 2024

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Advanced courses grants - Federation of European Biochemical Societies (FEBS)

These enable individuals and groups to organise advanced courses, workshops and practical courses in fields relating to biochemistry, biophysics, molecular biology, cell biology and developmental biology. As part of their application, organizers of Lecture Courses, Workshops and Practical Courses can also request financial support for attendance of a number of PhD students and postdoctoral fellows at the event through FEBS Youth Travel Fund (YTF) grants.

Closing date: 1 March 2024

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Amerikanska utlysningar

Federal Funding

NIH-Notice of Special Interest (NOSI) in Development and Application of Novel Chemical Approaches to Discover Therapeutic Targets for Substance Use Disorders

Policy Number: NOT-DA-25-027

Expiration Date: May 08, 2027

Application Deadlines: It depends on the call and standard dates may apply.

Abstract: The goal of this NOSI is to encourage basic research aimed at the development and application of novel chemical approaches to identify targets and molecular probes to enable the discovery and development of novel therapeutics for the treatment of SUDs. Examples of research areas of interest include, but are not limited to:

  • Design, synthesis, and use of chemical probes to identify or validate targets of relevance to SUDs.
  • Development of tools and methods to enable high throughput screening of compound libraries to identify probe molecules.
  • High throughput virtual screening of ultra-large libraries to identify lead molecules.
  • High throughput experimental screening of large or focused libraries to identify lead compounds.
  • Application of artificial intelligence, machine learning, big data analysis, and other computational approaches to identify targets and probe molecules of interest for the development of drugs to treat SUDs.
  • Application of X-ray, cryo-EM, NMR, and other biophysical methods to determine the three-dimensional structures of protein targets and their complexes with ligands.
  • Biochemical and pharmacological studies with probe molecules and optimized compounds to validate or gain insight into the role of specific targets of relevance to SUDs.
  • Investigations aimed at the development of novel therapeutic modalities to modulate the function of specific targets of relevance to SUDs.

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Notice of Special Interest (NOSI): Data Informed, Place-Based Community-Engaged Research to Advance Health Equity

Policy Number: NOT-HL-23-110

Expiration Date: January 8, 2027

Application Deadlines: It depends on the call and standard dates may apply.

Abstract: The purpose of this NOSI is to stimulate community-engaged research that leverages geospatial data to probe the influence of geographic factors on disease development and health outcomes. Our goal is to use place-based research to help advance health equity in different communities. Applicants must select the IC and associated NOFO to use for submission of an application in response to the NOSI. The selection must align with the IC requirements listed in order to be considered responsive to that NOFO. Non-responsive applications will be withdrawn from consideration for this initiative. In addition, applicants using NIH Parent announcements (listed below) will be assigned to those ICs on this NOSI that have indicated those NOFOs are acceptable and based on usual application-IC assignment practices.

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Notice of Special Interest (NOSI): Interventions to promote mental well-being in populations that experience health disparities through social, cultural, and environmental connectedness

Policy Number: NOT-OD-23-194

Expiration Date: September 08, 2026

Application Deadlines: It depends on the call and standard dates may apply.


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NIH -BRAIN Initiative: Brain-Behavior Quantification and Synchronization – Transformative and Integrative Models of Behavior at the Organismal Level (R34 Clinical Trial Optional)

Funding Opportunity ID: RFA-DA-24-042

Upcoming deadlines: February 15, 2024.

Abstract: This notice of funding opportunity (NOFO) seeks applications proposing a set of planning activities that will lay the groundwork for a scientific project aimed at integrating complementary theories and methods to 1) develop, validate, and apply cutting-edge tools and methods for minimally invasive, multi-dimensional, high-resolution measurement of behavior at the level of the organism, with synchronous capture of changes in the organism’s social or physical environment; and 2) develop data science and computational methods that allow for integration of multidimensional behavioral and environmental data representing multiple timescales, and that will establish of a conceptual and/or computational model of behavior as a complex dynamic system. Prospective projects are expected to be designed with the potential to integrate synchronously recorded neural data and/or inform existing models of neurobehavioral function, such as those developed with the support of the NIH BRAIN Initiative. The purpose of this R34 planning grant opportunity is to support planning and development of the research framework, design, and approach, including activities that will establish feasibility, validity, and/or other technically qualifying results that, if successful, would support a competitive application for a U01, or equivalent, NIH research award.

This NOFO requires a Plan for Enhancing Diverse Perspectives (PEDP), which will be assessed as part of the scientific and technical peer review evaluation. Applications that fail to include a PEDP will be considered incomplete and will be withdrawn. Applicants are strongly encouraged to read the NOFO instructions carefully and view the available PEDP guidance material.

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USAID- Moving integrated, quality maternal, newborn and child health and family planning and reproductive health services to scale (MOMENTUM)

Funding Opportunity ID: 7200AA19APS00002

Upcoming deadlines: Sep 30, 2025

Abstract: The purpose is to accelerate reductions in maternal, newborn, and child mortality and morbidity in high-burden, USAID-supported countries by increasing the capacity of host country institutions and local organizations to introduce, deliver, scale up, and sustain the use of evidence-based, quality maternal, newborn, and child health (MNCH) services, voluntary family planning, (FP) and reproductive health (RH) care.

This main APS document outlines the goal, purpose, expected results, and priorities of MOMENTUM (Moving Integrated, Quality Maternal, Newborn, and Child Health Services, Voluntary Family Planning, and Reproductive Health Care [MNCH/FP/RH] to Scale), and may result in multiple awards issued under subsequent APS Rounds. 


NIH: Innovative Molecular and Cellular Analysis Technologies for Basic and Clinical Cancer Research (R61 Clinical Trial Not Allowed)

Funding Opportunity ID: RFA-CA-24-008

Upcoming deadlines: April 1, 2024; October 1, 2024.

Abstract: This Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) solicits grant applications proposing exploratory research projects focused on the early-stage development of highly innovative technologies offering novel molecular or cellular analysis capabilities for basic, clinical, or epidemiological cancer research. The emphasis of this NOFO is on supporting the development of novel capabilities involving a high degree of technical innovation for targeting, probing, or assessing molecular and cellular features of cancer biology. Well-suited applications must offer the potential to accelerate and/or enhance research in the areas of cancer biology, early detection and screening, clinical diagnosis, treatment, control, epidemiology, and/or address issues associated with cancer health disparities. Technologies proposed for development may be intended to have widespread applicability but must be focused on improving molecular and/or cellular characterizations of cancer biology. Projects proposing the application of existing technologies where the novelty resides in the biological or clinical target/question being pursued are not responsive to this solicitation and will not be reviewed.

This funding opportunity is part of a broader NCI-sponsored Innovative Molecular Analysis Technologies (IMAT) Program


NIH - Advanced Development and Validation of Emerging Molecular and Cellular Analysis Technologies for Basic and Clinical Cancer Research (R33 Clinical Trial Not Allowed)

Funding Opportunity ID: RFA-CA-24-009

Upcoming deadlines: April 1, 2024; October 1, 2024.

Abstract: This Notice of Funding Opportunity Announcement (NOFO) invites grant applications proposing exploratory research projects focused on further development and validation of emerging technologies offering novel capabilities for targeting, probing, or assessing molecular and cellular features of cancer biology for basic, clinical, or epidemiological cancer research. This NOFO solicits R33 applications where major feasibility gaps for the technology or methodology have been overcome, as demonstrated with supportive preliminary data, but still requires further development and rigorous validation to encourage adoption by the research community. Well-suited applications must offer the potential to accelerate and/or enhance research in the areas of cancer biology, early detection and screening, clinical diagnosis, treatment, control, epidemiology, and/or address issues associated with cancer health disparities. Technologies proposed for development may be intended to have widespread applicability but must be focused on improving molecular and/or cellular characterizations of cancer. Projects proposing the application of existing technologies where the novelty resides in the biological or clinical target/question being pursued are not responsive to this solicitation and will not be reviewed.

This funding opportunity is part of a broader NCI-sponsored Innovative Molecular Analysis Technologies (IMAT) Program




Chan Zuckerberg Initiative Foundation, US – Rare As One Network Request for Applications (Cycle 3)

Upcoming deadlines: February 22, 2024 Applications due by 5 PM (Pacific Time);  October 1, 2024 (Expected start date of award period and subject to change).

Amount: Awards will be $800,000 total costs over five years (inclusive of up to 15% indirect costs). Indirect costs cannot exceed 15% of direct costs.

Abstract. Through the Rare As One Network (Cycle 3) Request for Applications (RFA), CZI seeks to create a cohort of patient-led rare disease advocacy organizations that are dedicated to accelerating research across three classes of disease: channelopathies, ciliopathies, and inborn errors of metabolism (IEMs). CZI is inviting patient-led rare disease advocacy organizations focused on diseases within these three scientific focus areas to apply for a five-year grant opportunity to join the Rare As One Network. CZI will provide awardees with support to accelerate research within their individual disease areas and to work across their area of scientific focus (channelopathies; ciliopathies; or inborn errors of metabolism) to develop shared research priorities and proposals.


Alex's Lemonade Stand Foundation for Childhood Cancer (ALSF), US – Crazy 8 Initiative

Upcoming deadlines: January 8, 2024 (LOI); April 17, 2024 (Full proposal).

Amount: Depending on the type of project and the size of the team, the requested budget should be in the range of $3-5 million USD over four years.

Eligibility: PIs, Co-PIs, and Co-Is must have an MD, PhD, or MD/PhD or equivalent and be appointed as faculty (or equivalent) at an academic institution. 

Abstract:  This ALSF Crazy 8 RFA focuses on understanding childhood cancer predisposition and prevention. The focus must be on pediatric/adolescent cancer predisposition and should be a consortium of two or more institutions with different areas of research collaborating to integrate their expertise. It is strongly encouraged to have a patient advocate on the team. The proposal should address a topic that is responsive to at least one of the five areas of focus listed below.

  • New Gene Discovery 
  • Genotype-phenotype correlations
  • Surveillance optimization 
  • Predisposition Models 
  • Cancer Prevention
