Publicerad: 2023-10-25 12:59 | Uppdaterad: 2023-10-25 13:10

Aktuella utlysningar, vecka 43, 2023

Grants Office tipsar om aktuella utlysningar

Svenska och nordiska anslag


Start-up grants - The Swedish Childhood Cancer Fund

The Swedish Childhood Cancer Fund is announcing a call for start-up grants for international, phase III/IV multi centre studies on treatments against childhood cancer. The aim is to rapidly initiate studies in Sweden and that more children in Sweden should be given the opportunity to participate in a study.

Closing date: The grant can be applied for all year round.

More information 


JSPS Summer Program – STINT and JSPS

The Swedish Foundation for International Cooperation in Research and Higher Education (STINT), in collaboration with the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS), awards scholarships for research stays in Japan. The JSPS Summer Program is open for research in all fields of the humanities, social sciences and natural sciences.

JSPS Summer Program 2024 gives Master’s and PhD students as well as recently graduated doctors a possibility to receive an orientation on Japanese culture and research systems during two summer months. Candidates are selected based on their potential contribution to strengthened research collaboration between Japan and Sweden.

Closing date: January 5, 2024

More information 


Thuréus stiftelse för främjande av geriatrisk forskning
Härmed ledigkungörs sammanlagt 1 000 000 kr ur Thuréus stiftelse för främjande av geriatrisk forskning

Medel ur stiftelsen kan sökas för att ”främja forskningen på ålderdomens område, utredning av ålderdomens problem och sjukdomar samt deras profylax och botande jämte principerna föråldringsvård. Tekniska hjälpmedel samt speciella byggnads‐ och inredningsproblem böra studeras.”

Behörig att söka stipendium är svensk medborgare som avlagt läkarexamen, men krav på läkarexamen gäller ej vid forskning av mer teknisk art t.ex. hjälpredskap, byggnad etc. I första hand ska forskning vid sjukhus eller äldreboenden komma ifråga. Kan sökas av forskare från alla lärosäten i landet som har medicinsk
Det framgår i webbansökan vilka bilagor som ska bifogas.

Webbansökan ska vara inskickad senast tisdag 14 november 2023 före kl 17.00. Inga ändringar eller kompletteringar är möjliga efter denna tidpunkt.

Webbansökan nås via länken 


Thuréus stiftelse för främjande av allmän odontologisk och stomatologisk forskning
Härmed ledigkungörs 500 000 kr ur ovannämnda stiftelse.
Medel ur stiftelsen kan sökas för att ”främja forskningen inom tändernas, käkarnas och munhålans område i vid bemärkelse samt med dessa sammanhängande problem, profylax och sjukdomarnas
Behörig att söka stipendium är svensk medborgare som avlagt läkarexamen. I första hand ska forskning vid undervisningssjukhus eller annat sjukhus komma ifråga. Kan sökas av forskare vid alla lärosäten i landet som har medicinsk forskning.
Det framgår i webbansökan vilka bilagor som ska bifogas.

Webbansökan ska vara inskickad senast tisdag 14 november 2023, före kl 17.00. Inga ändringar eller kompletteringar är möjliga efter denna tidpunkt.

Webbansökan nås via länken 

Europeiska anslag


2023 Antibacterial Therapeutics Funding Call - Pathways to Antimicrobial Clinical Efficacy

This funding supports preclinical phase projects aimed at treating bacterial infections with high unmet need. It will focus solely on early-stage, novel, antibacterial therapeutics.

PACE is looking for projects directed at the highest-burden drug-resistant bacterial infections and indications. In scope indications are: Lower Respiratory Tract Infections (LRTI); Bloodstream Infections (BSI); Intra-abdominal Infections (IAI); and Urinary Tract Infections (UTI). And projects should be directed at one or more of the following drug-resistant bacteria.

Closing date: 24 November 2023

2023 Antibacterial Therapeutics Funding Call - Pathways to Antimicrobial Clinical Efficacy


Research grants - European Chiropractors' Union

Once a year ECCRE invites researchers from the ECU member countries to apply for grants for musculoskeletal research.

Closing date: 1 Feb 2024

Research grants - European Chiropractors' Union


Osteology researcher grants - Osteology Foundation

The Osteology Foundation invites applications for its osteology research grants. These support research on oral tissue regeneration. Two types of grants are available:
•advanced researcher grants;
•young researcher grants.

Closing date: 1 Dec 2023, 15 Jun 2024

Osteology researcher grants - Osteology Foundation


Eppendorf award for young European investigators - Eppendorf AG

The Eppendorf Award for Young European Investigators was first established in 1995. 

The Eppendorf AG, in partnership with the scientific journal Nature, invites applications for its award for young European investigators. This recognises contributions to biomedical research in Europe based on methods of molecular biology, including novel analytical concepts.

Closing date: 15 Jan 2024

Eppendorf award for young European investigators - Eppendorf AG


Short deadline! Preparation project for international proposal in health and food 2023

The offer is aimed at those of you who plan to make a proposal in an international call for proposals in the area of health or in food systems and sees a need to strengthen the project proposal to increase the chances of funding.

Vinnova may fund activities which prepare a project for an international financing application. This includes enhancement of the project content or the composition of the team.

Closing date: 8 Nov 2023

Preparation project for international proposal in health and food 2023


Amerikanska anslag


Federal Funding

NIH - Leveraging Extant Data to Understand Developmental Trajectories of Late Talking Children (R21 Clinical Trial Not Allowed)

Funding Opportunity ID: PAR-24-045

Upcoming deadlines: Full application - February 07, 2024, July 19, 2024, November 19, 2024

Abstract: The National Institutes of Health (NIH) Tackling Acquisition of Language in Kids (TALK) initiative seeks to support activities to better understand early language learning and delay. NIH TALK invites applications for research projects that aim to further understanding of the developmental trajectories of late talking children by leveraging existing data and creating open and shared data resources to aid in identifying patterns and predictors of developmental outcomes in late talking children, and exploring potential underlying mechanisms, risk factors, and sequelae. 

More info: PAR-24-045: Leveraging Extant Data to Understand Developmental Trajectories of Late Talking Children (R21 Clinical Trial Not Allowed) (


NIH - Information and Practice Needs Relevant to Late Talking Children (R21 Clinical Trial Not Allowed)

Funding Opportunity ID: PAR-24-046

Upcoming deadlines: Full application - - February 07, 2024, July 19, 2024, November 19, 2024

Abstract: The National Institutes of Health (NIH) Tackling Acquisition of Language in Kids (TALK) initiative seeks to support activities to better understand early language learning and delay. NIH TALK invites applications for research projects that aim to better understand the information and practice needs of caregivers, professionals, and other invested parties who support late talking children and to determine whether those needs are being effectively met. Community engaged research combined with rigorous qualitative research and diverse research teams are needed to enrich our understanding of how to get state-of-the-science information and practice to those who need it most to guide decisions about late talking children. 

More info: PAR-24-046: Information and Practice Needs Relevant to Late Talking Children (R21 Clinical Trial Not Allowed) (


NIH - NIDCD Low Risk Clinical Trials in Communication Disorders (R01 Clinical Trial Required)

Funding Opportunity ID: PAR-24-051 

Upcoming deadlines: Full application - standard dates

Abstract: The NIDCD is committed to identifying effective interventions for the diagnosis, prevention, or treatment of communication disorders by supporting well-designed and well-executed clinical trials. This notice of funding opportunity announcement (NOFO) supports investigator initiated low risk clinical trials addressing the mission and research interests of NIDCD. Clinical trials must meet ALL the following criteria: meet the budget limits of this NOFO, not require FDA oversight, not an NIH defined Phase III Clinical Trial, have low risks to subjects, and intends to gather scientific data/evidence to inform subsequent studies.

This NOFO also supports low risk trials determined to be Basic Science Experimental Studies involving Humans (BESH). These studies fall within the NIH definition of a clinical trial and meet the definition of basic research.

More info: PAR-24-051: NIDCD Low Risk Clinical Trials in Communication Disorders (R01 Clinical Trial Required) (


NIH - Targeting Inflammasomes in HIV and Substance Use (R01 Clinical Trial Not Allowed)

Funding Opportunity ID: RFA-DA-25-012

Upcoming deadlines: Full application - March 13, 2024, March 13, 2025

Abstract: The goal of this notice of funding opportunity (NOFO) is to encourage research to explore mechanisms of inflammasome activation and their link to neurocognitive disorder (NCD) and immune function in people with HIV and substance use disorders (SUDs). This NOFO supports studies to (1) elucidate the role and the underlying mechanisms of inflammasomes in virus and drug-induced immune activation, (2) identify molecular markers associated with inflammasome pathways in NCD and 3) illuminate the cellular and tissue microenvironments that influence inflammasomes in HIV-1 infection or disease progression among individuals with SUD. Overall goal of this program is to facilitate translation of inflammasome research findings into therapeutic tools that improve clinical outcomes in people with HIV. 

More info: RFA-DA-25-012: Targeting Inflammasomes in HIV and Substance Use (R01 Clinical Trial Not Allowed) (



The Michael J. Fox Foundation for Parkinson's Research (MJFF), US - Edmond J. Safra Fellowship in Movement Disorders

Upcoming deadlines: December 7, 2023, 5 p.m. U.S. ET

Amount: two-year fellowships of $180,000.

Eligibility: The program grants funding directly to academic centers, which then must identify and train a new movement disorder clinician-researcher over a two-year period. The Edmond J. Safra Fellowship in Movement Disorders is open to academic centers worldwide. 

Abstract: As the demand for movement disorder specialists increases, not enough neurologists are receiving vital training in Parkinson’s and related conditions. To address this need, The Michael J. Fox Foundation (MJFF), in collaboration with longtime partner the Edmond J. Safra Foundation, launched the Edmond J. Safra Fellowship in Movement Disorders. The program annually funds academic centers to train a new movement disorder clinician-researcher over a two-year period and is growing an international, collaborative network of next-generation leaders in Parkinson’s research and care.

Website: The Edmond J. Safra Fellowship in Movement Disorders | Parkinson's Disease (


Cancer Research Institutet, US – RFA 2024

Upcoming deadlines: 

  • Clinic & Laboratory Integration Program (CLIP) LOI: December 1, 2023; Full proposal: March 1, 2024.
  • CRI Lloyd J. Old STAR Program: January 15, 2024.

Amount: $300,000 (CLIP); $1.25 M (CRI Lloyd J. Old STAR);


  • Candidates for a CRI CLIP Grant must hold a faculty appointment as a tenure-track assistant professor (or higher rank) at the time of award activation.
  • Candidates for CRI Lloyd J. Old STAR must be at Tenure-track assistant/associate professor with a minimum of 3 years in this position.


  • Clinic & Laboratory Integration Program (CLIP): CLIP supports pre-clinical and translational research that can be directly applied to optimizing cancer immunotherapy in the clinic. CRI CLIP Grants are awarded to qualified scientists exploring clinically relevant questions aimed at improving the effectiveness of cancer immunotherapies.
  • CRI Lloyd J. Old STAR Program: The CRI Lloyd J. Old STAR Program—Scientists TAking Risks—provides long-term funding to mid-career scientists, giving them the freedom and flexibility to pursue high-risk, high-reward research at the forefront of discovery and innovation in cancer immunotherapy.

Website: Apply for Grants | Cancer Research Institute