Publicerad: 2024-01-26 14:02 | Uppdaterad: 2024-01-26 14:13

Aktuella utlysningar, vecka 4, 2024

Tips från KI Grants Office om aktuella utlysningar

Svenska och nordiska utlysningar


Research Fellowship/Forskningsstöd - Bengt Ihre Forskningsfond 

Bengt Ihre Research Fellowship är en strategisk satsning inom Bengt Ihres Forskningsfond för att stärka svensk gastroenterologisk forskning genom ökad nationell sam­ verkan och nätverksbyggande. Fellowship ger möjlighet till stöd för kliniska forskningsprojekt under två års tid inom gastro­enterologi och gastrokirurgi. Stipendieprogrammet individualiseras efter sökande och kan komma att inkludera del av lön samt finansiera de till projektet knutna kostnaderna såsom statistikkonsulttjänster, etiktillstånd, laborativa resurser och analyser, forskningssköterskor med mera som krävs på plats. Sökande ska vara disputerad läkare med minst påbörjad specialisttjänstgöring inom gastroenterologisk eller gastrokirurgisk specialitet.  

Closing date – February 1, 2024

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Research grant - Swedish Heart-Lung foundation 

To celebrate the 120th anniversary of the Swedish Heart-Lung foundation 2024, the foundation will announce a jubilee grant. The jubilee grant is intended for mid-career researchers who obtained their Ph.D. seven to 15 years ago (main applicants) and have not yet achieved a full professorship. The grant is awarded to projects involving both clinical and translational research with national collaborations. Foundations plans to grant at least 4 projects to at least 4 different medical universities. Each approved grant will consist of 5 million SEK over a three-year period and is planned to be allocated from 1 to 2 million SEK per year. The applications will be assessed by the specially appointed international evaluation group.

Closing date: February 14, 2024

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Forskningsbidrag – Hjärnfonden

Hjärnfonden stödjer kvalificerad forskning om hjärnan och övriga nervsystemet samt sjukdomar, skador och funktionsnedsättningar i hela nervsystemet. Stödet uppgår vanligtvis till 600 000 kronor, delas ut för ett till tre år och riktar sig till projekt inom hela det neurovetenskapliga området. Det går även att erhålla forskningsbidrag med särskilt stöd från Team Rynkeby-God Morgon Skolloppet. Forskningen ska då vara inriktad mot psykisk ohälsa hos barn och unga.

Closing date: March 1, 2024

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Forsknings- och utvecklingsprojekt inom hälsa - AFA Försäkring

AFA Försäkring annonserar utlysningar inom området hälsa med fokus på arbetsförmåga inom områden: Behandlingsformer och metoder; Sjukfrånvaro; Rehabilitering; Sjukdomsförebyggande insatser. Forskningen ska syfta till att behålla och stärka arbetsförmåga för att förkorta sjukfrånvaron i arbetslivet. Satsningen ska finansiera forskning som förväntas ge konkreta effekter i en nära framtid, resultat från nya projekt som finansieras inom området ska kunna komma till nytta inom fem år. huvudsakliga bedömningskriterier är relevans för Afa Försäkrings målgrupper, projektets genomförbarhet, praktisk nytta och implementerbarhet. 

Closing date: March 7, 2024  

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Forsknings- och utbildningsprojekt - Erling-Perssons Stiftelse 

Erling-Perssons Stiftelse ger anslag till forsknings- eller utbildningsprojekt inom medicin samt inom intresseområden som ligger nära så som entreprenörskap ämnet. Stiftelsen ser helst att projekten har en tvärvetenskaplig karaktär. Tillämpningsinriktad forskning prioriteras. Stiftelsen stödjer inte ren grundforskning. Anslag kan utgå till klart identifierbara ändamål med inriktning på utsatta barns situation. Vi tar emot ansökningar från hela Sverige. Sökta projekt kan normalt vara 2-5 år långa och ska vara tydligt avgränsade. Huvudsökande bör ha en senior position inom sin organisation. 

Det finns inga bestämda gränser för sökbart belopp. Specificerad kalkyl över sökt belopp ges i SEK. Beräknade kostnader inkluderar direkta kostnader förknippade med projektet, såsom löner (inklusive lkp), resor, material och övriga kostnader. 

Closing date: March 8, 2024 for Education (Undervisning & utbildning samt Barns och ungas utveckling) and April 15, 2024 for Research (Vetenskap & Forskning).

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Stipendier - Wenner-Gren Stiftelserna

Gästforskarstipendierna är avsedda att underlätta för utländska seniora forskare att verka i Sverige. Behörig att söka är svensk forskare som är värd för utländsk forskare. Sökanden kan endast inlämna en ansökan om gästforskare vid varje ansökningstillfälle. Sökande som vid ansökningstillfället innehar stöd från stiftelserna för en gästforskare kan ej söka för annan gästforskare. Stipendierna beviljas för en tid av lägst 1 och högst 12 månader med start under det kalenderhalvår (1 juli alt. 1 januari) som följer närmast efter ansökningstillfället. Stipendierna är avsedda som bidrag till de merkostnader som gästen ådrar sig genom att förlägga sin verksamhet till Sverige.

Sabbatsstipendier är avsett att underlätta för svensk senior forskare, vanligen professor, att verka vid utländsk vetenskaplig institution. Behörig att söka är svensk medborgare, eller utländsk medborgare med permanent uppehållstillstånd i Sverige. Sökanden skall ha avlagt doktorsexamen tidigare än fem år före ansökningstillfället.

Resestipendier är avsedda som bidrag till kortare tids aktivt deltagande utomlands i internationella kongresser, symposier, workshops och kurser. Medel ges inte för forskningsvistelser utomlands.

Behörig att söka svensk forskare som vid ansökningstillfället (sista ansökningsdag) avlagt doktorsexamen, inte fyllt 40 år och är verksam i Sverige, eller utländsk disputerad forskare som vid ansökningstillfället vistats i Sverige i mer än 1 år och inte fyllt 40 år.

Closing date: March 10, 2024

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Pioneer Innovator Grant Sustainability and Health – Novo Nordisk Foundation

The purpose of the Pioneer Innovator Grant Sustainability & Health is to accelerate the commercialisation of research findings and the development of novel technologies within sustainability or health. Both areas of the Pioneer Innovator Grants seek to support novel academic science-based discoveries with commercial potential. The grant aims to stimulate the evaluation of ideas and to support experiments and activities leading to proof-of-concept or beyond.

The Pioneer Innovator Grant Sustainability seeks to support innovative research within agriculture, food, industrial and environmental biotech*, carbon capture, utilisation and storage technologies as well as nitrous oxide and methane emissions, and quantum technologies. The intent is to stimulate the evaluation of ideas that may lead to the development of new products or systems, devices and technological platforms in relation hereto. Particular focus will be placed on projects covering sustainable and high yielding agriculture, sustainable food for healthy diets, and climate change mitigation technologies to support the green transition.

The Pioneer Innovator Grant Health seeks to support innovative research within med-tech, industrial biotech*, pharma as well as quantum technologies. Furthermore, the intend is to stimulate the evaluation of ideas that for example could lead to the development of new medical treatment, disease prevention, diagnostic methods as well as new health technologies, devices and technological platforms. Particular focus will be placed on projects covering cardiometabolic diseases as well as the infectious diseases and preventive solutions hereto.

The Pioneer Innovator project idea and focus must be directly linked to improving the lives of patients and health of people or sustainability. The main applicant must be a faculty member, a researcher or a student employed at a university, hospital, or other research institution in the Nordic countries (Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, or Sweden).

Closing date: March 13, 2024

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Conference grants - the Swedish Research Council for Health, Working Life and Welfare (Forte)

The grant relates to financial support for holding conferences hosted by a Swedish institution of higher education or scientific/scholarly organization. The intention is to facilitate contacts and exchange of experience between researchers, and to contribute to the dissemination of research. The financial support is intended for national conferences within our research areas, held in Sweden and open to all researchers in the field. Forte encourages to include international elements such as invited speakers. However, international conferences and congresses are not financed via this call. Forte can contribute to the financing of Nordic conferences, if the added value of the Swedish hosting is made clear. The maximum grant amount is SEK 300,000.

Closing date: March 14, 2024.

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Starting grants 2024 - Swedish Research Council for Health, Working Life and Welfare (Forte)

 The annual call for starting grants aims to support skills and career development for junior researchers and to promote researcher mobility. The starting grant is intended to promote establishment and independence in research by providing junior researchers with the opportunity to conduct their own research project. Researchers formulate their research questions freely within Forte’s areas. The call welcomes applications within Forte’s overarching areas of health, working life and welfare. One type of grant is available under this call for proposals: starting grants. Junior researchers can apply for a starting grant to conduct their own research project, lasting up to three years. The project can be carried out at a Swedish organization or university, or at an organization in another country. Project leader is expected to have an activity level in the project of at least 50 percent of full-time. The project leader should also be paid in the same proportion as the activity level. Three-year projects are allocated a maximum of SEK 3.75 million, and two-year, a maximum of 2.5 million SEK. 

Closing date: March 21, 2024 

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Europeiska utlysningar

Career Research Grants - Foundation for Research in Rheumatology (FOREUM)

The Foundation for Research in Rheumatology invites applications for its career research grants. These enable young researchers to conduct basic and clinical science projects related to rheumatic and musculoskeletal diseases. The aim is to foster independent science and develop new research leaders in the field. The applicant must be awarded her/his PhD or MD no longer than 8 years ago. Maternity or paternity leaves will be considered. Grants are worth up to €200,000 for up to three years.

Closing date (letter of intent): 18 February 2024

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Workshops - European Molecular Biology Organisation (EMBO)

The European Molecular Biology Organisation invites applications for its grants to support workshops. These enable the organisation of workshops that cover different and evolving aspects of life-science related subject areas, and bring scientists together to present their findings.

Workshops must take place in an EMBC members state, an EMBC associate member state or cooperating partner countries. In rare cases, EMBO may consider applications for workshops taking place in other regions of the world. Workshops should last between two and a half and five days and attract between 80 and 450 participants. Organisers may be of any nationality and can be based in any country.

Up to 39,000 is available per workshop, where €4,500 are allocated to travel grants and registration fee waivers and €1,000 for child care grants.

Closing date: 1 March 2024

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Global exchange lecture courses grants - European Molecular Biology Organisation (EMBO)

The European Molecular Biology Organisation invites applications for its global exchange lecture courses grants. EMBO Global Lecture Courses enable scientific exchange beyond European borders. They teach participants, primarily PhD students and postdoctoral researchers, about a particular topic in the life sciences. The courses should provide participants with background and underlying concepts, thereby making the topic accessible to scientists with diverse scientific backgrounds.

Scientists from anywhere in the world are eligible to apply. Courses must take place in EMBO associate member states or cooperating partner countries. Grants are worth up to €38,000, of which €3,500 is meant exclusively for travel grants and €1,000 for child care grants.

Deadline: 1 March 2024 

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Project Proposal Programme - European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology

The European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology invites applications for its project proposal programme. This supports projects involving several experts groups from European countries and benefiting patients with skin diseases. Investigators with sufficient background experience or training may apply. Submissions are open for all applicants (both EADV and non-EADV members), even though those submitted by EADV members shall receive preference. Grants are worth up to €100 000.

Closing date: 1 April 2024

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Amerikanska utlysningar


Federal Funding


CDMRP - Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Research Program (ALSRP) - Anticipated Funding Opportunity for Fiscal Year 2024 (FY24)

Award Mechanisms: Clinical Outcomes and Biomarkers Award; Pilot Clinical Trial Award; Therapeutic Development; Therapeutic Idea Award

Abstract: The FY24 Defense Appropriations Bill has not been signed into law.  Although FY24 funds have not been appropriated, CDMRP is providing the information in this pre-announcement to allow investigators time to plan and develop ideas for submission to anticipated FY24 funding opportunities.

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CDMRP - Peer Reviewed Alzheimer’s Research Program (PRARP) - Anticipated Funding Opportunity for Fiscal Year 2024 (FY24)

Award Mechanisms: Transforming Care Award; Transforming Diagnosis Award;  Transforming Research Award

Abstract: The FY24 Defense Appropriations Bill has not been signed into law.  Although FY24 funds have not been appropriated, CDMRP is providing the information in this pre-announcement to allow investigators time to plan and develop ideas for submission to anticipated FY24 funding opportunities.

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CDMRP - Ovarian Cancer Research Program (OCRP) - Anticipated Funding Opportunity for Fiscal Year 2024 (FY24)

Award Mechanisms: Clinical Trial Award; Clinical Trial Translational Endpoints Award (New!); Investigator-Initiated Research Award; Ovarian Cancer Academy – Leadership Award (New!); Ovarian Cancer Academy Award – Early-Career Investigator; Ovarian Cancer Clinical Trial Academy – Early-Career Investigator Award (New!); Pilot Award

Abstract: The FY24 Defense Appropriations Bill has not been signed into law.  Although FY24 funds have not been appropriated, CDMRP is providing the information in this pre-announcement to allow investigators time to plan and develop ideas for submission to anticipated FY24 funding opportunities.

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CDMRP - Vision Research Program (VRP) - Anticipated Funding Opportunity for Fiscal Year 2024 (FY24)

Award Mechanisms: Mentored Clinical Research Award

Abstract: The FY24 Defense Appropriations Bill has not been signed into law.  Although FY24 funds have not been appropriated, CDMRP is providing the information in this pre-announcement to allow investigators time to plan and develop ideas for submission to anticipated FY24 funding opportunities.

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NIH - Notice of Special Interest (NOSI): Use of Digital Technology and Mobile Health (mHealth) to Improve Diagnosis, Assessments, Interventions, Management and Outcomes for Individuals with Down Syndrome Across the Lifespan (R21 Clinical Trial Not Allowed)

Funding Opportunity ID: NOT-OD-24-044

Upcoming deadlines: This notice applies to due dates on or after February 16, 2024 and subsequent receipt dates through February 14, 2025.

Abstract: The purpose of this Notice of Special Interest (NOSI) is to support exploratory and developmental research project grant (R21) applications focused on digital technologies and/or mHealth that meet programmatic objectives for the INCLUDE Project. Sharing of resources and effective communication of outputs of appropriate interest to broader communities are a high priority of the INCLUDE Project. Applicants responding to this NOSI are strongly encouraged to describe plans for rapid sharing of data and results as well as innovative data analytics approaches (see Goal 3,NIH Strategic Plan For Data Science).  This Notice therefore invites applications specifically aimed at developing or building upon existing technological tools to improve diagnosis, assessments, interventions, management, and outcomes for infants, children, adolescents and adults with Down syndrome (DS).

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NIH - Modular R01s in Cancer Control and Population Sciences (R01 Clinical Trial Optional) 

Funding Opportunity ID: PAR-24-122 

Upcoming deadlines: June 5th  and October 5th , 2024

Abstract: This notice of funding opportunity (NOFO) encourages applications for research in cancer control and population sciences. The overarching goal is to provide support to promote research efforts on novel scientific ideas that have the potential to substantially advance cancer research in statistical and analytic methods, epidemiology, cancer survivorship, cancer-related behaviors and behavioral interventions, health care delivery, digital health and data science, and implementation science. 

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Alzheimer's Association (ALZ), US– Alzheimer's Association Research Grant (AARG)

Upcoming deadlines: Letter of Intent: February 28, 2024, 5 p.m. EST; Full Application: May 1, 2024, 5 p.m. EST.

Amount: Each AARG award total is limited to $200,000 (direct and indirect costs) for up to three years (Awards should be a minimum 2 years. For a 2-year award the total is limited to $140,000 with direct and indirect costs).

Eligibility: Applicants must be an Assistant Professor or Associate Professor at their respective academic institution and less than 18 years past their doctoral degree or post-residency (M.D. or D.O.).

Abstract: The purpose of this program is to provide newly independent investigators with funding that will allow them to develop preliminary or pilot data, to test procedures and to develop hypotheses. The intent is to support early-career development that will lay the groundwork for future research grant applications to federal or other funding entities.The mechanism of this award is the individual research grant. The Alzheimer's Association recognizes the need to increase the number of scientists from underrepresented groups in the research enterprise for Alzheimer's and all other dementia. Young scientists from these groups are encouraged to apply.



Critical Path Institute’s Translational Therapeutics Accelerator (US)- Breakthrough Research and Innovation in Drug Development Grants

Upcoming deadlines: March 31, 2024

Amount: There are three funding levels. Stage 1: up to $250,000 for 1 year (total cost). Stage 2: up to $500,000 for 1 year (total cost). Stage 3: up to $1,000,000 for 1 year (total cost).

Abstract: These awards are designed to support academic researchers in traversing the drug development valley of death by funding and defining optimal strategies for advancing new, cutting-edge therapeutics from the lab to patients.



Michael J Fox Foundation (US)- Parkinson's Disease Therapeutics Pipeline Program

Upcoming deadlines: March 14th , May 16th , July 18th , 2024

Amount: Award amounts for this program may range from $250,000 for smaller, targeted programs to upwards of $2M for larger, multi-stage preclinical and/or clinical programs

Abstract: This program seeks to advance therapeutic development through pre-clinical and/or clinical testing of approaches addressing unmet needs of people with Parkinson’s disease (PD). The program is set up to benefit therapeutics with clear potential to prevent, stop, or delay disease progression or to reduce the burden of daily symptoms.

The goal of this program is to increase the chances of moving therapies toward the clinic. To expedite the process, only industry and academia-industry partnerships in and outside the United States are welcome to apply. 



Breakthrough Life Sciences Prizes 2025

Breakthrough Prizes in Life Sciences ($3 million each) – with 1 of the prizes designated for work contributing to the understanding of neurodegenerative disorders. Nominees should have produced transformative results in the last 15 years. 

Learn more about the prizes, see past laureates, register and submit nominations at The deadline is April 1

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