Publicerad: 2023-09-01 10:22 | Uppdaterad: 2023-09-01 10:36

Aktuella utlysningar, vecka 35, 2023

Grants Office tipsar om aktuella utlysningar

Svenska och nordiska anslag


Grants for symposia, seminars and summer schools at postgraduate level - Marcus Wallenberg Foundation for International Scientific Cooperation

Support symposia, seminars and summer schools at post graduate levels of high scientific quality. The activities must be held in Sweden and have a significant number of international lecturers.

Closing date: 1 October, 2023

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Forskningsanslag – Hörselforskningsfonden

Stöder medicinsk, beteendevetenskaplig och teknisk forskning inom hörselområdet. Bidrag uppgår till SEK 300,000 per projekt.

Closing date: 1 October, 2023

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Stipendier - Stiftelsen Drottning Silvias Jubileumsfond

Fonden ger bidrag till forskning om barn och funktionshinder. Fonden delar årligen ut stipendier som kan sökas av studerande antagna till forskarbildning inom universitet och högskolor i landet. Tema 2023 - ”Metoder för att förebygga och behandla psykiska och fysiska funktionshinder hos barn”.

Closing date: 1 October, 2023

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Forskningsanslag  - Stiftelsen Läkare Mot AIDS Forskningsfond

Stiftelsen stöder forskning kring HIV-infektion och AIDS, särskilt aspekter avseende behandling, prevention och vaccin. Prioritet ges till projekt som har klinisk anknytning och till sökande som nyligen påbörjat sin forskning. Maximalt anslag: 400 000 kr

Closing date: 1 October, 2023

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Medicinska  forskningsanslag - Alfred Österlunds stiftelse

Stöder medicinsk forskning inom reumatologi, ortopedi, allergi, inflammation, medicinsk kemi, immunologi och mikrobiologi. Den totala budgeten uppgår till cirka SEK 7 miljoner.

Closing date: 14 October, 2023

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Forskningsanslag - Stiftelsen Professor Nanna Svartz Fond

Stöder vetenskaplig forskning inom det internmedicinska området.

Closing date: 15 October, 2023

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Research grant - Nordic Dermatology Association  (NDA)

The grant, worth 80 000 SEK, will be given to one (or split between two) dermatological trainee or either a resident or a recently approved specialist in dermatology and venereology (up to three years of clinical experience) working in a Nordic country and who is either a PhD student or a Postdoctoral researcher. Priority will be given to those who have not received an NDA grant previously. Research projects on dermatological diseases with few funding possibilities and planned Nordic collaboration or mobility involving research visit to another Nordic country are considered advantageous.

Closing date: 15 October, 2023

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Stöder blod- och blodcancerforskning inom vuxenhematologin i Sverige. Fondens medel riktar sig särskilt till yngre forskare och landets sjuksköterskor inom hematologi.

  • Anslag till blodcancerforskning
  • Anslag till omvårdnadsforskning
  • Stipendier för utbildning och resor

Closing date: 15 October, 2023

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Stipendier och forskningsanslag - Stiftelsen Samariten

Stöder forskning och undervisning inom barnhälsovården. Stipendier (1-3 månader) för forskning och utvecklingsarbete uppgår till 22.000 kr per stipendiemånad för odisputerad och 26.000 kr för disputerad forskare som huvudsakligen arbetar medicinsk barnavård.

Forskningsanslag kan beviljas till vetenskaplig utrustning, laboratoriemateriel, analyskostnader med mera. Medel utgår som regel inte för att anställa annan, för resor eller deltagande i kongresser.

Closing date: 15 October, 2023

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Forskningsanslag - Edwin Jordans Stiftelse för Oftalmologisk Forskning

Stöder vetenskaplig forskning rörande ögonsjukdomen makuladegeneration samt utveckling av nya behandlingsmetoder och framtagande av optiska eller andra hjälpmedel för denna typ av sjukdom.

Closing date: 16 October, 2023

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Stipendium, forsknings- och reseanslag - Syskonen Svenssons stiftelse för medicinsk forskning

Stöder undersökningar och arbeten för bekämpande av de svåraste folksjukdomarna genom stipendium samt forsknings- och reseanslag till läkare och forskare.

Closing date: 31 October, 2023

Stiftelseansökan (


Jonas Söderquists stipendiestiftelse för grundforskning inom virologi och immunologi 2023

Stiftelsens ändamål är att främja grundforskning inom virologi och immunologi. Stipendiet ska utdelas årligen och tilldelas en till två juniora begåvningar för vidare forskning. Medlen får inte användas för kongressresor.

Nomineras kan doktorander samt juniora forskare, som disputerat under de senaste sju åren, d.v.s. från 2016 och framåt. Det är möjligt att utöka denna tidsperiod med upp till 2 år (motsvarande heltid) som kompensation för föräldraledighet, klinisk verksamhet, militärtjänstgöring eller längre sjukskrivning.

Vi är angelägna om att få in både kvinnliga och manliga kandidater.
En till tre kandidater kommer att utses. 

Samtliga prefekter och professorer vid Karolinska Institutet inbjuds att inkomma med förslag till stipendiat. Förslaget (bifogad nomineringsblankett) ska åtföljas av:

  • Kortfattad motivering
  • CV
  • Publikationslista
  • Forskningsprogram (gärna inklusive referenslista)

Disponibelt belopp år 2023 är 2,2 miljoner kronor.

Förslag till stipendiater (nomineringsblankett, motivering, CV, publikationslista samt forskningsprogram, gärna med referenslista), ska vara inkommen som ett samlat dokument i PDF-format till senast 19 september 2023.

Använd bifogad nomineringsblankett som försättsblad.


Stipendiet Med fak psyk o neurol forskn är öppen för ansökan


Att främja vetenskaplig forskning inom psykiatri och neurologi främst beträffande de s.k. funktionella nervsjukdomarna. Skall tilldelas vetenskapsidkare, som genom arbete eller forskning i psykiatri eller neurologi gjort sig förtjänt därav och som är svensk medborgare. Utdelas av medicinska och farmaceutiska fakultetsnämnden.

Ansökan stänger den 13 september kl 17:00.

Länk till sökfunktionen


Ansökan till Marcus Borgström samt K och O F Hedströms stipendier har öppnat

Deadline för ansökan är den 20 september 2023 kl 17:00.

Ansökan görs via

Borgströms, Marcus

”Medel utdelas till genetisk forskning företrädesvis inom humangenetik, i första hand till svenska forskare för forskning i eller utom Sverige, i andra hand till utländska forskare för forskning i Sverige. Anställning med lön utgör inte hinder för erhållande av medel. Samma person kan flera gånger tilldelas medel ur fonden. Utdelas av rektor efter förslag av särskild nämnd”.

Hedströms, K och O F

”Till genetisk forskning företrädesvis humangenetik vid universiteten i Uppsala, Lund och Stockholm samt vid Karolinska institutet, i första hand till svensk forskare för forskning i eller utom Sverige, i andra hand till utländsk forskare för forskning i Sverige. Utdelas av rektor efter förslag av en särskild nämnd”.

Europeiska anslag


EACVI Research Grants - European Association of Cardiovascular Imaging (EACVI), FR

The purpose of the grant programme is to provide an opportunity for specialised research in the field of non-invasive imaging modalities (Echocardiography, Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance, Nuclear Cardiology and Cardiac Computed Tomography), in order to help doctors to achieve experience and skills in a high standard clinical centre or University with a large domain expertise within an ESC Member country other than their own.

This programme can be considered as a valorisation of the geographical mobility as well as cultural exchanges and professional practice in the field of cardiology.

Closing date: 30 September 2023

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Project support grants - British Society for Neuroendocrinology, GB

The British Society for Neuroendocrinology invites applications for its project support grants. These support postdoctoral scientists and students conducting neuroendocrine research projects. Grants aim to allow early-career researchers to attain experience with the objective to help them to perform independent research and to enable students to experience neuroendrocrinology and encourage them to remain in the field.

Applicants must be non-tenured postdoctoral researchers or academic or faculty staff who apply on behalf of a student. Undergraduate projects may be considered if appropriate. All applicants must have been members of the society for at least six months. Non-UK based BSN members are also eligible. Applicants who have had active participation in the BSN or previously published in the Journal of Neuroendocrinology will be looked on favourably. To ensure fairness, typically in any one round no two grants will be awarded to more than one individual research team.

Up to 12 grants worth up to £7,000 each are available in any year. Funding covers research costs and consumables.

Closing date: 1 October 2023

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Research grants - International Foundation for Research in Paraplegia (IRP), INT


The International Institute for Research in Paraplegia invites applications for its research grants. These promote basic and clinical research related to spinal cord injury in Europe. Research projects may address all aspects of central nervous system and spinal cord lesions, nerve regeneration, trophic support of lesioned neurons and functional changes induced by lesions, preferentially in mammals. Clinical research projects may be situated in the fields of diagnosis, acute lesion management including surgery, neurology, urology or rehabilitation, and other areas related to paraplegia.

Grants are worth up to CHF 150,000 each for two years.

Closing date: 31 October 2023 (Forecast)

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Pediatric fellowship programme - European School of Oncology (ESO), IT

ESO and SIOP Europe's joint Fellowship Programme is for young paediatric haematologists and oncologists to advance their clinical experience at renowned centres across Europe. The programme supports young and promising paediatric oncologists in their education and career development in cancer care. Trainees can be enrolled at the host institution with a visiting observer status (3 - 6 months) or a visiting practitioner status (6 months only).

Closing date: 15 October 2023

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Clinical research awards  European Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgeons, INT

These support independent clinical research in the field of cataract and refractive surgery.

For the year 2023, ESCRS requests CRA applications on the following topic:
A (randomized) comparative, controlled trial evaluating different types of presbyopia-correcting IOLs for post-keratorefractive surgery patients undergoing lens surgery

The goal is to:
•support, encourage and fund individuals that actively conduct clinical research in the field of cataract and refractive surgery;
•facilitate and support an independent culture of clinical study for the ultimate benefit of patients with cataract and refractive disorders;
•engage and encourage the networking potential of the ophthalmic clinical community across the EU to improve both patient care and outcomes.

Closing date: 15 October 2023

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Standard clinical training fellowship -  European Respiratory Society, INT

The European Respiratory Society invites applications for its standard clinical training fellowship. This enables members in the early stages of their careers in respiratory medicine to visit a host institution in a European country other than their own to learn a skill or procedure not available at their home institution.

Closing date: 16 October 2023

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Quarterly Research Grant Funding Programme - Cure Parkinson's Trust, GB

The Cure Parkinson's Trust invites applications for its research grants. These support laboratory or clinical research projects that have the potential to cure Parkinson's disease. Applications must be for research that slows, stops or reverses underlying disease progression. Priority is given to research which has potential to translate into the clinic within five years.

Applications are invited world wide.

Grants are worth up to £250,000 each.

Closing date: 16 October 2023

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Research grants - Alpro Foundation, BE

The Alpro Foundation invites short proposals for its research grants. These support research focused on how to improve the intake of fibres by the European population to improve overall health and reduce cost for society.

Closing date: 16 October 2023

Closing date note Pre-proposals due by 12 midnight (CET).

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Child development fund - Diet and/or Microbiome The Waterloo Foundation (TWF), GB

The Waterloo Foundation invites applications for its child development fund - diet and the microbiome and ADHD. This supports research projects on diet or the microbiome in child development as well as attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). For diet and the microbiomey, studies focusing on the following are particularly welcomed:
•microbiome and Neurodevelopment in children;
•the impacts of breastmilk on infant microbiome and brain: particularly early gut development in premature infants;
•ADHD and the gut;
•the impacts of micronutrients and fatty acids during Pregnancy and the effect on infant gut or neurodevelopment ADHD.

For ADHD, studies will be particularly welcomed that cover one of two areas:
•improving our understanding of the aetiology of the disorder and its cooccurrence with other neurodevelopmental disorders;
•explore the link between chemical exposure and ADHD.

Researchers based at any university worldwide may apply, however applications from the UK may be favoured due to better cost efficiency. PIs must have a PhD. Applications that help junior researchers progress in their fields are encouraged. Research projects may be funded through charities, however it is preferred that the PI be based at a university and that charity organisations and workers be included as co-applicants.

Grants are usually worth between £40,000 and £65,000 per project.

Closing date: 20 October 2023 (Forecast)

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Project grants  European Society of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care (ESAIC)

The European Society of Anaesthesiology invites abstracts for its project grants. These promote anaesthesia- or intensive care-related research in Europe and encourage anaesthesiologists and intensivists to extend the frontiers of their practice. Proposals may address clinical or translational research, experimental research, patient safety and research on education or training of anaesthesiologists. Priority is given to topics that have no alternative sources of funding.

Applicants must be full ESA members. However, if they are co-investigators, at least one of the investigators should be a full ESA member at the moment of application. Any qualified member of an institution in one the European countries that is represented in the ESA Council or from which the national society is a society member of the ESA may apply, and the work must be performed in one of these countries. Awards are made to academic institutions or hospitals, not to individuals or departments.

Two grants are available. The Andreas Hoeft grant for intensive care-related research is worth up to €60,000 over two years, and the research project grant for anaesthesia-related research is worth up to €50,000 over two years.

Closing date: 28 October 2023 (Forecast)

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Amerikanska anslag


Federal Funding

NIH - NIH Brain Development Cohorts (NBDC) Biospecimen Access (X01 Clinical Trial Not Allowed)

Funding Opportunity ID: PAR-23-229

Upcoming deadlines: Full application - October 06, 2023, February 06, 2024, May 06, 2024, October 04, 2024 until May 06, 2026.

Abstract: This initiative allows investigators to apply for access to biological samples from the Adolescent Brain Cognitive DevelopmentSM (ABCD) Study®. More information about the ABCD Study can be found on the NIDA ABCD Study web page. Additional information about this resource is available on the NIDA funding opportunities page, under Supplemental Information for NOFOs. ABCD Study biospecimens are managed through the NIH Brain Development Cohorts (NBDC) Biorepository and Analysis Center, which offers a web portal with services related to biospecimen access. Visit the NBDC portal to query available samples using the Biospecimen Explorer, submit a Biospecimen Availability Inquiry to determine the resource availability and impact on existing samples, and learn more about this resource.

More info: PAR-23-229: NIH Brain Development Cohorts (NBDC) Biospecimen Access (X01 Clinical Trial Not Allowed)


NIH -Research Tools for Difficult to Culture Eukaryotic Pathogens (R61/R33 Clinical Trial Not Allowed)

Funding Opportunity ID: RFA-AI-23-055

Upcoming deadlines: Full application - February 02, 2024

Abstract:  The purpose of this Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) is to support high risk, milestone-driven approaches for the development of robust culture techniques, and/or genetic and molecular tools to better understand the biology of select human eukaryotic pathogens including the microsporidian Enterocytozoon bieneusiPneumocystis jiroveciiPlasmodium vivax; and Babesia microti. This NOFO will use a milestone-driven, biphasic award mechanism. Transition to the second phase will depend on the successful completion of milestones.

More info: RFA-AI-23-055: Research Tools for Difficult to Culture Eukaryotic Pathogens (R61/R33 Clinical Trial Not Allowed) (


NIH -Improving Choice, Use, and Equitable Implementation of Biomedical HIV Prevention for Women (R01 Clinical Trial Optional)

Funding Opportunity ID: RFA-MH-24-160

Upcoming deadlines: Full application -November 22, 2023

Abstract: This Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) invites applications to understand factors that impact uptake and adherent and persistent use of biomedical HIV prevention options, to inform and advance approaches to support choice and use among these options, and to understand and advance equitable delivery of biomedical HIV prevention options for cisgender and transgender women in settings where multiple prevention options are available.

More info: RFA-MH-24-160: Improving Choice, Use, and Equitable Implementation of Biomedical HIV Prevention for Women (R01 Clinical Trial Optional) (



Alzheimer's Association, US - Alzheimer's Association Research Grant - New to the Field (AARG-NTF)

Upcoming deadlines: LOI - 6th September 2023; Full Application (by invitation) - 8th November 2023

Amount: Each AARG-NTF award total is limited to $200,000 (direct and indirect costs) for up to three years (Award should be a minimum 2 years. For a 2-year award the total is limited to $140,000 with direct and indirect costs).

Eligibility: Applicants must be an Assistant Professors or above at their respective academic institution and who are new to the field of neuroscience or neurodegeneration (Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, Lewy body dementia, etc.)

Abstract: The Alzheimer's Association Research Grant – New to the Field (AARG-NTF) award aims to fund investigators who are new to Alzheimer's and all other dementia field of research. The purpose of this program is to provide independent investigators with unique expertise and apply their knowledge to Alzheimer's and all other dementias.

This program aims to provide these investigators with funding to establish a research path in Alzheimer's and all other dementias, to develop preliminary or pilot data, to test procedures and to develop hypotheses. Individuals who are new to the field of neuroscience or neurodegeneration (Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, Lewy body dementia, etc.) will be considered for this program. The intent is to support research that will lay the groundwork for future research grant applications to federal or other funding entities, like the National Institutes of Health, including future proposals to the Alzheimer's Association. The Alzheimer's Association recognizes the need to increase the number of scientists from underrepresented groups in the research enterprise.

Website: AARG-NTF Research Grant | Alzheimer's Association


Submit nominations for the ISSCR Board of Directors

15 September is the deadline to submit nominations for the ISSCR Board of Directors. Nominations are open for the roles of Vice President, Clerk, and three Directors.
Visit the Board nominations webpage to learn more and to nominate yourself or a colleague.