Publicerad: 2023-08-24 14:02 | Uppdaterad: 2023-08-24 14:02

Aktuella utlysningar, vecka 34, 2023

Grants Office tipsar om aktuella utlysningar.

Svenska och nordiska utlysningar

Projektbidrag och stipendier för kommunikationsprocessen - Lars Salviusföreningen

Bidragen är främst avsedda för projekt som långsiktigt främjar den vetenskapliga eller populärvetenskapliga kommunikationsprocessen. Projekten ska helst vara av bestående värde för utgivning och spridning av vetenskap och populärvetenskap, exempelvis i böcker, tidskrifter, etermedier, sociala medier, vid publika sammankomster eller i andra sammanhang.

Closing date: September 30, 2023

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Forskningsanslag i lungmedicin - Svensk Lungmedicinsk Förening

Stöder forskning inom klinisk lungmedicin och syftar till att stimulera genomförandet av angelägna forskningsprojekt i Sverige. Sökande måste vara disputerade och i första hand vara kliniska forskare med patientorienterad forskning inom det lungmedicinska området. I andra hand utdelas anslag till icke kliniska forskare som har dokumenterat nära samarbete med kliniker. Dessutom måste sökande ha varit medlem i föreningen i minst ett år.

Closing date: September 30, 2023

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Project grants - Parkinson Research Foundation

Support research on treatments to slow down or cure Parkinson's disease and other neurodegenerative diseases. Research projects may also focus on new knowledge on how individuals develop Parkinson's disease and other neurodegenerative diseases.

Closing date: September 30, 2023

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Forskningsanslag - Reumatikerförbundet

Stöder forskning som syftar till att minska sjukligheten i reumatiska sjukdomar, öka livskvaliteten hos personer med reumatisk sjukdom samt förebygga reumatisk sjukdom. Brukarmedverkan är nödvändig för att säkerställa att patienternas synpunkter. Anslag beviljas under maximalt två år.

Closing date: September 30, 2023

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Forskningsanslag inom rehabiliteringsforskning - Reumatikerförbundet

Stöder forskning inom området rehabilitering vid reumatisk inflammatorisk sjukdom. Forskningen ska bidra till ett förbättrat kunskapsläge vad gäller rehabiliteringsinsatser inkluderande fysisk träning, multidisciplinär teamrehabilitering, arbetslivsinriktad rehabilitering och klimatvård för personer med inflammatoriska reumatiska sjukdomar.

Closing date: September 30, 2023

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Forskningsanslag - Njurfonden

 Främjar forskning om njursjukdomar och njurtransplantationer och arbetet för att befolkningen får kunskap om njurarnas viktiga funktioner. Forskning ska bedrivas i Sverige. Forskningsprojektets betydelse ur njurmedicinsk, alternativt transplantationsrelaterad, synvinkel med särskild hänsyn till klinisk betydelse inom överskådlig tid, samt patientnytta utgör viktiga prioriteringsgrunder.

September 30, 2023

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Forskningsanslag - Svenska Läkaresällskapet/Stiftelsen Söderström-Königska sjukhemmet

Medel främjar psykiatrisk kunskapsutveckling i allmänpsykiatri, barn- och ungdomspsykiatri, äldrepsykiatri och rättspsykiatri. Forskning som uppmärksammar kvinnors speciella situation inom psykiatrin uppmärksammas. Låg prioritet ges åt ansökningar med djurexperimentell inriktning. Behöriga att söka är forskare med klinisk anställning inom hälso- och sjukvården som har disputerat i Sverige för högst tio år sedan inom preklinisk eller kliniskt medicinsk disciplin. Bidrag är värda upp till SEK 500,000 under högst 18 månader. Maximalt ett års förlängning kan beviljas. Bidrag täcker kostnader för material, apparatur och personalkostnader.

Closing date: October 1, 2023

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Research grants - Nordic Federation of Societies of Obstetrics and Gynaecology (NFSOG)

Grants provide support for development of professional skills, research, and clinical and scientific collaboration in the fields of obstetrics and gynaecology within the Nordic countries. The following activities within obstetrics and gynaecology may be supported:

•clinical or scientific visits outside country of residence with the purpose of improving skills or developing and sharing expertise;

•voluntary or project work in or regarding developing countries;

•courses outside the applicant's country of residence;

•collaborative clinical or scientific projects between members of the national societies of NFOG.

Closing date: October 1, 2023

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Research grant in haematology - Incyte Biosciences Nordic

Researchers active at a Nordic unit and performing research taking place in the Nordic region, may apply. Applicants scheduled to present their dissertation within the next 12 months or has done so no more than five years ago will be prioritised, and so will projects focusing on Philadelphia chromosome positive diseases.

Closing date: October 1, 2023

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Wenner-Gren stiftelsernas stipendier

  • Postdoktorstipendier för utbildning i Sverige (utländska postdoktorer): Stipendierna är avsedda att möjliggöra för utländska disputerade forskare att verka vid svensk vetenskaplig institution.
  • Gästforskarstipendier: Stipendierna är avsedda att underlätta för utländska seniora forskare att verka i Sverige.
  • Sabbatsstipendier: Stipendierna är avsedda att möjliggöra för svensk senior forskare, vanligen professor, att verka vid utländsk vetenskaplig institution.
  • Resestipendier: Stipendierna är avsedda för kortare tids besök utomlands för aktivt deltagande i internationella kongresser, symposier, workshops och kurser. Medel ges inte för forskningsvistelser utomlands.

Closing date: October 1, 2023

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Stipendier och forskningsanslag - Stiftelsen Riksförbundet Cystisk Fibros Forskningsfond samt Stiftelsen Anders Malmstens Minnesfond

Stödjer forskning kring basal, klinisk och social problematik om cystisk fibros (CF).

Closing date: October 1, 2023

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  • Junior/Senior Clinical Investigator Award: syftar till att bereda kliniskt verksamma, disputerade cancerforskare, såväl etablerade som yngre, möjlighet att under en sexårsperiod ägna mellan 50 och 70 procent av heltidstjänst åt cancerforskning.
  • Senior Investigator Award: syftar till att bereda etablerade och väl kvalificerade forskare som inte har sluttjänst inom universitetsorganisationer möjlighet att under en sexårsperiod på heltid ägna sig åt cancerforskning.
  • Junior Investigator Award: syftar till att rekrytera disputerade cancerforskare som vill etablera självständig forskning och ge dem möjlighet att under en sexårsperiod på heltid ägna sig åt cancerforskning.
  • Postdoktortjänst
  • Fellowship i vårdforskning: främjar cancerforskning inom området vårdforskning genom att ge forskare vid svenska institutioner möjlighet att under tre års tid ägna sig åt forskning inom detta område med möjlighet att under del av eller hela perioden bedriva forskningsstudier vid en institution utomlands. 
  • Forskarmånader: syftar till att bereda möjlighet för cancerforskare med klinisk tjänstgöring inom medicinsk, vård-, samhälls- och beteendevetenskaplig verksamhet att avsätta tid för forskning. 

Closing date: October 5, 2023

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Forskningsanslag – Folksam

Forskningsstiftelsen stödjer forskning inom områden som bidrar till ett långsiktigt hållbart samhälle. I år prioriteras forskningsprojekt som rör hälsoeffekter inom idrott och motion samt inom vägtransportområdet. Stiftelsen ser gärna att forskningen kan omsättas i preventiva åtgärder.

Closing date: October 8, 2023

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SCIF:s pris i idrottsvetenskap 2023

För att stimulera till fortsatt forskning av hög kvalitet inom idrottsvetenskap i Sverige, delar Sveriges Centralförening för Idrottens Främjande, SCIF, för år 2023 ut pris till forskning med högsta kvalitet och som bedöms vara av stort värde för utvecklingen av svensk idrott.

SCIFs stora pris på 125 000 kronor går till en erfaren fortfarande aktiv forskare som genom åren har producerat högkvalitativ forskning inom idrottsvetenskap. 

SCIFs lilla pris på 75 000 kronor till en yngre forskare som under de senaste åren har producerat högkvalitativ forskning inom idrottsvetenskap.

SCIFs pris utdelas till forskare som under de senaste åren publicerat forskning som uppfyller följande:

  • är av hög kvalitet
  • är starkt relaterad till fysik aktivitet och idrott samt 
  • är av stor betydelse för svensk idrott eller idrottshistoria

Closing date: September 23, 2023

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Europeiska utlysningar

European Prize for Women Innovators -- Horizon Europe: Innovative Europe, EU and other funders

This recognises women from across the EU and countries associated to Horizon Europe, whose disruptive innovations are driving positive change for people and planet.

There are three prize categories:

  • The Women Innovators prize, awarded to the most talented women innovators from across the EU and Associated Countries. The winner is awarded EUR 100 000, and two runners-up are awarded EUR 70 000 and EUR 50 000 respectively;
  • The Rising Innovators prize, awarded to promising young innovators under the age of 35. The winner is awarded EUR 50 000, and two runners-up are awarded EUR 30 000 and EUR 20 000 respectively;
  • The EIT Women Leadership Award, awarded to exceptional women leaders from the EIT Community The winner is awarded EUR 50 000, and two runners-up are awarded EUR 30 000 and EUR 20 000 respectively.

Closing date: 27 September 2023

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Basic science research grants -- Coeliac UK, GB

Coeliac UK invites researchers to apply for a grant of up to £250,000 for a project that will make progress towards the prevention or cure of coeliac disease.   

The research proposed should involve those that are affected by coeliac disease at every stage of the research process: planning, managing, designing, and disseminating research. Collaborations internationally, across disciplines and conditions, where appropriate, are encouraged.

Closing date: 02 October 2023

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Léopold Griffuel awards -- ARC Foundation for Cancer Research, FR

The ARC Foundation for Cancer Research invites nominations for the Léopold Griffuel awards. These recognise researchers whose work has led to a major breakthrough in basic research or translational and clinical research in oncology. These awards are divided into two distinct categories:

  • Basic Research Award
  • Translational and Clinical Award

Two awards worth €150,000 are available, remitted to the recipients during the award ceremony.

Closing date: 02 October 2023

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Clinical research collaborations programme -- European Respiratory Society, INT

This supports projects within respiratory medicine, to build and maintain European multi-centre networks of researchers.

Collaborative platforms may involve multiple stakeholders, such as clinical researchers and translational researchers, with representatives from other specialties, including radiologists, biostatisticians, associated funding partners, patients.

Grants are worth up to €15,000 per year for up to three years.

Closing date: 15 October 2023

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Projects in paediatric cancer -- European Science Foundation (ESF), EU

These support clinical and translational research projects that accelerate therapeutic innovation for children and adolescents with cancer. The autumn 2023 call will be exclusively dedicated to research on paediatric brain tumours.

Closing date: 24 October 2023 (Forecast)

Amended deadline Coming Soon. *** This opportunity will be available soon. The next call will open on 1 September 2023. 

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Biomedical research project grants -- Motor Neurone Disease Association (MNDA) (MND Association), GB

The Motor Neurone Disease Association invites summary applications for its biomedical research project grants. These support research aimed at understanding the causes of motor neurone disease, elucidating disease mechanisms and facilitating the translation of therapeutic strategies from the laboratory to the clinic. Grants support single pieces of work designed to answer a single question or a small group of related questions.

Applicants can be based outside the UK and Ireland, provided the project is unique in concept or design (i.e. no similar research is being performed in the UK) and involves a significant aspect of collaboration with a UK institute.

Closing date: 27 October 2023

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Amerikanska utlysningar

Federal Funding

NIH - Behavioral and Social Research on the Role of Immigration on Life Course Health and Aging, including AD/ADRD (R01 Clinical Trial Not Allowed)

Funding Opportunity ID: RFA-AG-24-028

Upcoming deadlines: Full application - November 03, 2023

Abstract: This Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) invites innovative R01 applications that explore how structural, community, and interpersonal mechanisms operate over the life course among middle- and older-aged racial and/or ethnic subgroups considered to be a minority in the US (see OMB Directive 15) to shape health outcomes, and any resulting in health disparities. This NOFO also invites innovative applications that explore data needs and methods when studying the effect of immigration on life-course health, including Alzheimer’s disease (AD) and Alzheimer's disease-related dementias (ADRD).

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NIH - HEAL Initiative: Understanding Individual Differences in Human Pain Conditions (R01 - Clinical Trial Optional)

Funding Opportunity ID: RFA-NS-24-021

Upcoming deadlines: Full application - November 07, 2023; February 06, 2023; June 06, 2024; October 08, 2024; February 06, 2025

Abstract: This notice of funding opportunity (NOFO) seeks to support research aimed at holistic understanding of inter-individual or between-person differences in human pain conditions, focusing on ‘Whole Person Health’ and enhancing pain treatment and management strategies towards personalized pain medicine. The goal of this NOFO is to support studies that focus on the collection of clinical and/or preclinical data to enable evidence-based modeling and understanding of inter-individual differences and/or heterogeneity of pain occurring with use of pain therapy/management, or with conditions such as a second pain condition, a comorbid health condition, a comorbid mental health condition, or conditions of use / misuse of opioids, alcohol or other substances. Applicants are encouraged to develop and implement novel, multidisciplinary research approaches, and include investigators with complementary expertise to fulfill the project and program goals. Input from patients and caregivers on the goals of the project is highly encouraged. Rigorous data-driven and evidence-based research approaches supported under this NOFO are expected to provide better understanding of biological and/or biopsychosocial underpinnings of inter-individual differences, heterogeneity, and stratification of persons with lived pain experience, which would accelerate the development of evidence-based solutions toward precision pain medicine. 

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NIH - Population Approaches to Reducing Alcohol-related Cancer Risk (R01 Clinical Trial Optional)

Funding Opportunity ID: PAR-23-244

Upcoming deadlines: Full application - Standard dates apply. First available date: February 05, 2024.

Abstract: This Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) aims to support research on interdisciplinary population approaches to increasing awareness of the relationship between alcohol and cancer risk, understanding and changing social norms related to alcohol consumption, developing and/or evaluating alcohol policy approaches, and the development, testing, and implementation of population-level interventions to reduce alcohol-related cancer risk. Applications that address multiple levels of consumption, such as moderate and heavy drinking, are of particular interest, as well as those focusing on alcohol use disorder (AUD) from the perspective of cancer prevention and control. Proposals addressing understudied areas are encouraged, as is attention to underrepresented minority (URM) populations experiencing cancer and alcohol-related disparities such as American Indian, Alaskan Native, and sexual and gender minority populations.

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The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society, US - Discovery Grant Program (DGP)

Upcoming deadlines: LOI - 29th September 2023; Full Application (by invitation) - 4th March 2024

Amount: $750,000 USD total for the three (3) years of the grant. $250,000 USD per year. This budget ceiling includes all costs associated with the grant including indirect costs, which will be capped at 10% of the total award.

Eligibility: Applicants must be independent investigators affiliated with a non-profit institution at the time funding commences and for the duration of the award. An Applicant may only submit one DGP application per cycle.

Abstract: The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society (LLS) is proud to announce the Discovery Grant Program (DGP): a research award program designed to encourage basic research, technological innovation, and informatics pipeline development that can lead to an understanding of blood cancer disease mechanisms, the development of improved methods for detecting and monitoring cancer progression, and the identification of novel therapeutic targets. This is a dedicated mechanism to encourage established investigators to explore the biology of blood cancer and support proof-of-concept studies that could initiate completely novel approaches to treatment.


American Foundation for Suicide Prevention (AFSP), US - Innovation Research Grants

Upcoming deadlines: Full Application - 15th November 2024

Amount: $50,000-150,000 over 2 years. Indirect costs up 8% are allowable for all Innovation Grants (excluding the Postdoctoral Fellowship grant).

Eligibility: See specifics for each research grant via link below.

Abstract: Our research grants support studies that will increase our understanding of suicide or test treatments and other interventions that save lives. Innovation grants include: Distinguished Investigator Innovation Grants; Standard Research Innovation Grants; Early Career Researcher Innovation Grants; Postdoctoral Research Fellowship Innovation Grants; Pilot Innovation Grants.


American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO), US - Advanced Clinical Research Award (ACRA) for Diversity and Inclusion in Breast Cancer Research

Upcoming deadlines: LOI - 16th November 2023; Full Application - 16th January 2024

Amount: The ACRA is a three-year grant totaling $450,000. Indirect costs up to 7%.

Eligibility: Applicants must meet the following criteria for the ACRA for Diversity and Inclusion in Breast Cancer Research: Self-identify as a member of a racial and/or ethnic group traditionally excluded in academic medicine according to the AAMC definition. Individual demographic information will be requested upon application. For international applicants, it is recognized that underrepresentation can vary from setting to setting and individuals from racial or ethnic groups that are demonstrated to be traditionally excluded by their institution but not listed in the AAMC definition are also eligible to apply for this program. Applicants are welcome to inquire by sending an email to and they will be considered on a case-by-case basis. Be a physician (MD, DO, or international equivalent). Have completed productive post-doctoral/post fellowship research and demonstrated the ability to undertake independent investigator-initiated clinical research in breast cancer. At mid-career level, normally between five to ten years from the first, full-time, primary faculty appointment in a clinical department at an academic medical institution by the application deadline. Be an ASCO member or have submitted a membership application with the grant application. Be able to commit 75 percent of full-time effort in research (applies to total research, not just the proposed project) during the award period.

Abstract: The Conquer Cancer – Breast Cancer Research Foundation Advanced Clinical Research Award (ACRA) for Diversity and Inclusion in Breast Cancer Research is designed with the primary goal of increasing diversity in the oncology workforce and cancer research.  Awards will be given to mid-career investigators who are members of racial and/or ethnic groups traditionally excluded in academic medicine and biomedical research, and who wish to conduct original breast cancer research not currently funded.


American Society for Blood and Marrow Transplantation (ASBMT), US - New Investigator Awards

Upcoming deadlines: Full Application - 28th September 2023

Amount: The award provides $50,000 per year for 2 years in support of research costs and/or salary. The award may NOT be used for institutional overhead or indirect costs.

Eligibility: By the award start date of July 1, 2024, the applicant must have completed at least two years of postdoctoral training (not counting residency training for MDs). For applicants who are full-time junior faculty (Instructor, Assistant Professor, or equivalent) at an academic institution, that appointment or promotion must have occurred on or after July 1, 2021 (i.e., no more than three years before the award start date of July 1, 2024).

Abstract: The ASTCT New Investigator Awards (NIAs) are designed to encourage clinical and/or laboratory research by young investigators in the field of hematopoietic cell and/or cell therapy.


American Association for Cancer Research (AACR), US - AACR Anna D. Barker Basic Cancer Research Fellowship

Upcoming deadlines: LOI - 26th September 2023; Full Application (by invitation) - 19th January 2024

Amount: $110,000 USD total over 2 years.

Eligibility: At the start of the grant term, applicants must: Hold a mentored research position with the title of postdoctoral fellow, clinical research fellow, or equivalent; Have completed their most recent doctoral degree within the past three years; Work under the auspices of a mentor at an academic, medical, or research institution anywhere in the world.

Abstract: The AACR Anna D. Barker Basic Cancer Research Fellowship encourages and supports postdoctoral or clinical research fellows to establish a successful career path in cancer research. The research proposed for funding may be in any area of basic cancer research.
