Publicerad: 2023-06-15 10:23 | Uppdaterad: 2023-06-15 10:23

Aktuella utlysningar, vecka 24, 2023

Grants Office tipsar om aktuella anslag

Svenska och nordiska anslag


Ansök om att få anordna Nobelsymposier 2025

Kungl. Vetenskapsakademien erbjuder svenska akademiska institutioner att föreslå ämnen för Nobelsymposier 2025 i fysik, kemi, fysiologi eller medicin, litteratur och ekonomiska vetenskaper.

Nobelsymposierna är ett tillfälle för svenska akademiska institutioner att arrangera internationella konferenser på högsta vetenskapliga nivå, och ge svenska forskare direktkontakt med den internationella forskningsfronten. Tack vare stora anslag från Knut och Alice Wallenbergs Stiftelse är det möjligt att arrangera ett symposium per år inom vart och ett av de fem ämnesområdena.

Sista dag för ansökan är 13 oktober 2023.

Ansökan görs via ansökningsformuläret som du hittar på vår webbplats.

Läs mer om Nobelsymposier och se hur du ansöker


Inbjudan att nominera till Hilda och Alfred Erikssons pris år 2024

Kungl. Vetenskapsakademien inbjuder härmed professorer och universitetslektorer vid medicinska, odontologiska och veterinärmedicinska fakulteter vid universitet och högskolor i Sverige att inkomma med skriftligt, motiverat förslag om utdelning av Hilda och Alfred Erikssons pris år 2024.

Prissumman uppgår till 395 000 kronor. 

Priset utdelas som belöning för framstående forskningsinsatser "till lindring av sjukdomar på både människor och djur". Mottagare av pris skall vara svensk medborgare. 

Priset kommer att utdelas hösten 2024. 

Deadline: 1 oktober 2023 ​​​​​​

Nominering görs via bifogad nomineringsblankett

Nomineringen skickas till priskoordinator Gunilla Hallersjö, eller via post till Kungl. Vetenskapsakademien, Box 50005, 104 05 STOCKHOLM. 



Proof of Concept grant for KAW funded researchers - Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation (KAW) and SciLifeLab

The purpose of the Proof of Concept grant is to bridge the gap from academic research to innovations in life science. The grant gives researchers the opportunity to develop their early-stage discoveries towards validated methods, products or processes and provides the opportunity to carry out activities that validate and accelerate the development of the project and prepare for innovation and commercialization. The grant is meant as a specific goal-oriented project to develop an academic discovery towards an innovation and a product. Hence, translational research without a clear product-oriented thinking or a defined goal at the end of the two year period is not something that can be supported. The grant is tied to the Wallenberg Launch Pad (WALP) mechanism that provides support for academic scientists to develop innovations that make an impact in society.

Closing date: August 17, 2023.

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Forskningsprojekt - Strålsäkerhetsmyndigheten (SSM) och Statens Energimyndigheten (STEM)

SSM tillsammans med STEM utlyser medel för forskning och innovation inom strålsäkerhet. Forskningsprojekt välkomnas där mervärden uppnås mellan Strålsäkerhetsmyndighetens traditionella forskningsportfölj inom strålsäkerhet och Energimyndighetens uppdrag att finansiera forskning inom ny energiproduktion. Utlysningen möter samhällets behov av information och engagemang och tillit i radioekologi, strålskydd, fysiskt skydd och beredskap i omgivningen till kärnkraft och övriga kärntekniska anläggningar. Utlysningen avser medel för doktorandtjänster, post-doktorandtjänster eller forskningsprojekt. Högsta stödbelopp per projekt är 4 miljoner kronor.

Closing date: August 25, 2023

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Research and travel grants for collaborative interactions - The KI Network Medicine Global Alliance (KI NMA)

KI NMA calls for applications for collaborative awards for research and for travel by KI faculty, staff and/or students aimed to initiate and sustain collaborative interactions within the Network Medicine Institute and Global Alliance. Funding can be used for starting a collaboration within network medicine, analysis for ongoing collaborative projects, or travel to another lab. The KI NMA collaborative grant may include support for transportation and accommodation at the host site (which should be an institutional member of the Network Medicine Institute and Global Alliance) for the proposed period of interaction. The funds may also be used for e.g. material used for preliminary data collection in either a new or existing collaborative project.

It is also possible to apply for funds to facilitate writing of a larger grant proposal in the field of network medicine together with one or several partners within the Network Medicine Institute and Global Alliance ,and/or with one or several partners at KI. These should be of collaborative nature, with different disciplines and departments, or with partners from other Swedish institutions being included. Such applications should target major granting agencies (e.g. EC, NIH, SSF, STINT, EIT Health). The awards available are: up to 240 000 SEK for larger research projects, and up to 20 000 SEK for travel projects.

Closing date: August 31, 2023

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Resestipendier - Svenska Sällskapet för Medicinsk Forskning (SSMF)

SSMF inbjuder ansökningar om resestipendier för doktorander inom preklinisk och klinisk medicinsk forskning. Dessa syftar till att täcka personliga kostnader i samband med resa till en annan forskningsinstitution eller klinik för studier av betydelse för sökandens eget forskningsprojekt. Stipendier stöder resor för att lära sig ny metodik eller samla in forskningsdata, eller andra likartade ändamål. Behöriga att söka är registrerade doktorander verksamma inom preklinisk och klinisk medicinsk forskning i Sverige med minst en egen refereegranskad publikation. Stipendier uppgår till SEK 50,000

Closing date: September 1, 2023

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Reseanslag - Radiumhemmets Forskningsfonder

Reseanslag stöder forskningsanknutet deltagande i kurser och kongresser inom klinisk cancerforskning. Anslag kan beviljas för: aktivt deltagande i vetenskapliga kongresser under förutsättning att abstract är inskickat; deltagande i kurser genom European Society for Radiotherapy and Oncology, European Society for Medical Oncology, European School of Oncology och European School of Hematology; deltagande i virtuella konferenser; ordförandeskap vid session eller workshop; inbjudan som föreläsare.

Closing date: September 5, 2023

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Research program with focus on toxicity and late complications – Barncancerfonden 

The Swedish Childhood Cancer fund announces interprofessional research programs in toxicity and late complications for children affected by cancer. The purpose of the research programs is to encourage national constellations of interprofessional researchers with complementary skills to work together, towards a common research goal, preferably within international collaborations.

The objectives of the research programs must be increased knowledge about toxicity and late complications and/or new interventions for increased quality of life in children who have or will be affected by cancer. The program must have high relevance for childhood cancer survivors and pediatric oncology, with a particular focus on neurocognitive, cardiovascular or fertility related complications. The research program should cover one of the following focus areas: Neurocognitive complications; Cardiovascular complications; Infertility related complications.

The application is made in a two-step approach. Step 1 - a draft application is submitted for assessmentfor assessment by the experts.  Step 2 - complete applications are submitted via the Swedish Childhood Cancer Funds application system by the main applicant with other participants as active co-applicants.   A total of SEK 16 million is available to apply for in this call, which may finance one to two research programs. Grants can for example be applied for operating costs, traveling, salary costs and indirect costs.

Closing date: September 8, 2023

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Reseanslag - Barncancerfonden

Reseanslag till forskare inom barncancerområdet ska helt eller delvis finansiera resor till konferenser, kongresser och symposier inom barncancerområdet, forskarutbildningskurser, metodikstudier/kurs samt gästföreläsare. Resan får tidigast påbörjas efter sista ansökningsdatum för aktuella utlysningen har passerat. Barncancerfonden beviljar schablonbelopp om max 9000 kr för Norden, max 11 000 kr för Europa och max 20 000 kr för övriga världen.

Closing date: September 15, 2023

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Postdoc-stöd inom hälsa med inriktning på arbetsförmåga - Afa Försäkrings

Afa Försäkring stödjer forskare i början av sina forskarkarriärer genom att finansiera ett postdoc-stöd på 2 miljoner kronor. Postdoc-stödet inom området hälsa ger möjlighet att fördjupa sina kunskaper och knyta kontakter för den fortsatta karriären. Den forskning som finansieras ska vara tillämpbar och kunna nyttiggöras inom fem år.

Closing date: September 18, 2023

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Europeiska anslag


Research and networking grant - European Society for Paediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition

The European Society for Paediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition invites proposals for its research and networking grant. These enable members to undertake research activities and network among centres at an international level. Activities may include interactive educational events and clinical networks. Proposals relevant to the society's activities, such as the validation of guidelines, or clinical networks for testing treatment regimes or disease management, are encouraged.

Main applicants must be members of the society and all projects must include more than one country. Non-society members may participate in collaboration with society members. Collaboration between two or more society members in different centres is required. The grant is worth up to €50,000.

Closing date: 31 July 2023

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Practical courses - European Molecular Biology Organisation


The European Molecular Biology Organisation invites applications for its practical courses. Funding supports the organisation courses that promote the transfer of new methods and emerging techniques in life science-related areas, and to enable participating students to implement novel techniques in their home laboratories.

Practical courses are limited to between 20 and 25 participants, excluding speakers, who are usually early-stage postdoctoral researchers and advanced PhD students. The courses may take place in EMBC member states, associate member states or cooperating partner countries, although organisers may be based anywhere.

The maximum funding available for practical courses is €39,000.

Closing date: 01 August 2023

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Workshops - European Molecular Biology Organisation (EMBO)

The European Molecular Biology Organisation invites applications for its grants to support workshops. These enable the organisation of workshops that cover different and evolving aspects of life-science related subject areas, and bring scientists together to present their findings.

Workshops must take place in an EMBC members state, an EMBC associate member state or cooperating partner countries. In rare cases, EMBO may consider applications for workshops taking place in other regions of the world. Workshops should last between two and a half and five days and attract between 80 and 450 participants. Organisers may be of any nationality and can be based in any country.

Up to €39,000 is available per workshop, where €4,500 are allocated to travel grants and registration fee waivers and €1,000 for child care grants.

Closing date: 01 August 2023

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Springboard award - European Society for Paediatric Infectious Disease (ESPID)

The European Society for Paediatric Infectious Disease invites applications for its springboard award. This supports the next generation of clinical academics working in paediatric infectious diseases by providing salary support for the time they need to write competitive applications for substantial grants and fellowships.

This scheme is intended to help to bridge across a critical career stage in which there are often gaps in funding availability.  The grant is worth up to €33,000.

Closing date: 18 August 2023

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Small grant awards - European Society for Paediatric Infectious Disease (ESPID)

The European Society for Paediatric Infectious Diseases invites applications for its small grant awards. These provide pump priming funds for research related to paediatric infectious diseases that is designed to produce pilot data for further external funding.

Closing date: 18 August 2023

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Biological vulnerability to extreme heat in maternal and child health - Wellcome Trust, GB

Wellcome invites applications for its call on biological vulnerability to extreme heat in maternal and child health. This funds research teams to significantly advance understanding of the biological vulnerability to extreme heat in the context of maternal and child health. Specifically, projects should generate new understanding of the biological mechanisms of increased vulnerability to exposure to extreme heat, and develop methodologies, conceptual frameworks, tools or techniques that could benefit maternal and child health in the context of exposure to extreme heat. Projects that generate research that is relevant to the needs of disadvantaged groups in a warming climate and that have potential opportunities for translation into policy and practice will be prioritised.

Research teams may typically include two to five individuals. They must be led by an experienced researcher based at an HEI, public or private research institute, non-academic healthcare organisation or not-for-profit organisation in any country apart from mainland China. Teams may be interdisciplinary. Co-applicants can be based in the same or in different organisations, and can come from any discipline.

Budget: Up to £2 million each for three to five years. In exceptional cases, awards may be worth more than £2m.

Deadline: 8 August 2023 (Forecast)

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Amerikanska anslag

Federal Funding


CDMRP - Pancreatic Cancer Research Program (PCARP)

Funded programs: Focused Pilot Award, Idea Development Award, Translational Research Partnership Award.

Upcoming deadlines:

LOI – 10th July, 5pm ET; Full application – 5th October, 11:59 ET. Idea Development Award, Translational Research Partnership Award.

LOI – 14th September, 5pm ET; Full application - 5th October, 11:59 ET. Focused Pilot Award

Abstract: The vision of the PCARP is to reduce the burden of pancreatic cancer among Service Members, Veterans, their families, and the American public. The mission of the PCARP is to promote rigorous, innovative, high-impact research that leads to earlier pancreatic cancer diagnosis, new therapeutic tools, and improved outcomes.

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CDMRP- Kidney Cancer Research Program (KCRP)

Funded programs: Academy of Kidney Cancer Investigators - Early-Career Scholar Award, Clinical Trial Award, Concept Award, Idea Development Award, Nurse-Initiated Research Award, Postdoctoral and Clinical Fellowship Award, Translational Research Partnership Award.

Upcoming deadlines:

LOI – 20th July, 5pm ET; Full application – 3rd August, 11:59 ET. Concept Award, Postdoctoral and Clinical Fellowship Award.

LOI – 15th September, 5pm ET; Full application – 6th October, 11:59 ET. Academy of Kidney Cancer Investigators - Early-Career Scholar Award, Clinical Trial Award, Idea Development Award, Nurse-Initiated Research Award, Translational Research Partnership Award.

Abstract: The KCRP’s vision is to eliminate kidney cancer through collaboration and discovery. The mission of the FY23 KCRP is to promote rigorous, innovative, high-impact research in kidney cancer for the benefit of Service Members, Veterans, and the American public. Within this
context, the KCRP is interested in supporting research and clinical care that addresses the KCRP Overarching Strategic Goals to: (1) increase understanding of the biology of kidney cancer; (2) develop novel therapeutic strategies for the treatment of kidney cancer; (3) improve care for kidney cancer patients; and (4) grow the field and increase collaboration in the area of kidney
Applicants are strongly encouraged to read and consider the KCRP Strategic Plan, which
includes further information on the overarching goals and program priorities, before preparing their applications. The KCRP Strategic Plan may be found here.

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NIH- Neuropathological Interactions Between COVID-19 and ADRD (R01 - Clinical Trial Not Allowed)

Funding Opportunity ID: PAR-23-214   

Upcoming deadlines: October 04, 2023

Abstract: This Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) is to solicit applications that propose studies in animal, cell culture, and/or human tissue models to elucidate the mechanisms by which COVID-19 interacts with and/or modulates Alzheimer’s disease-related dementias (ADRD)-relevant mechanisms and outcomes. Proposed studies must be disease mechanistic in nature, and either the model itself or the experimental readouts must incorporate ADRD risk factors, causes, pathologies, or relevant comorbidities. 

More info: PAR-23-214: Neuropathological Interactions Between COVID-19 and ADRD (R01 - Clinical Trial Not Allowed) (


NIH- Leveraging Social Networks to Promote Widespread Individual Behavior Change (R01 Clinical Trial Optional)

Funding Opportunity ID: RFA-AG-24-025   

Upcoming deadlines: November 03, 2023

Abstract: The purpose of this Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) is to invite basic observational or experimental behavioral and/or social science R01 applications that test how intrapersonal and interpersonal mechanisms of behavior change interact with, influence, or are influenced by characteristics of social networks, with implications for health. Research supported through this NOFO will examine at least two levels of analysis: interpersonal processes and social network characteristics. Projects will identify targets for future social network health behavior change interventions across the lifespan, especially in populations in which they are currently largely underdeveloped and untested (e.g., populations in mid- to- late life). Basic research to develop, refine, or optimize measures (i.e., assays) of putative targets (e.g., intra/interpersonal mechanisms of behavior change and/or social network characteristics) is also supported by this NOFO.  

More info: RFA-AG-24-025: Leveraging Social Networks to Promote Widespread Individual Behavior Change (R01 Clinical Trial Optional) (


NIH- Immune Mechanisms at the Maternal-Fetal Interface (R01 Clinical Trial Not Allowed)

Funding Opportunity ID: RFA-AI-23-027   

Upcoming deadlines: October 11, 2023

Abstract: The purpose of this notice of funding opportunity (NOFO) is to solicit applications to: improve the understanding of the roles and interactions of immune cells at the maternal-fetal interface that support pregnancy and enable optimal placental development and function; and elucidate the mechanisms by which infection and/or vaccination, during gestation modulate immune responses in the pregnant individual and alter systemic or tissue-specific immunity in the offspring.  

More info: RFA-AI-23-027: Immune Mechanisms at the Maternal-Fetal Interface (R01 Clinical Trial Not Allowed) (



Chan Zuckerberg Initiative (CZI)- Request for Applications: Cryo-CLEM Labels

Upcoming deadline: July 20, 2023.

The Chan Zuckerberg Initiative (CZI) seeks to support one-year projects in the field of cryo-correlative light and electron microscopy (cryo-CLEM) labels. To gain a deeper mechanistic understanding of biological systems, CZI’s Imaging program aims to visualize and measure them across biological scales and in their biological context. This Request for Applications (RFA) seeks to drive development of complete, general-purpose, intracellular imaging probes for cryo-CLEM. This grant program will advance the utility of cryo-electron tomography (cryo-ET) of cells by providing information on specific aspects of cell function.

  • Awards will be one year (12 months) in duration with an expected start date of December 1, 2023.
  • The maximum budget allocated for projects is $165,000 USD in total costs.

Website: Cryo-CLEM Labels RFA - CZ Science (



Myotonic Dystrophy Foundation (MDF) - Doctoral and Postdoctoral Research Fellowships

Upcoming deadline: September 15, 2023.

Through this program, the MDF supports up-and-coming pre- and postdoctoral fellows to expand the base of committed DM researchers. The goal of the Research Fellows program is to support adequate early career and ongoing funding in order to establish and drive a robust professional research community with a long-term commitment to the disease. The specific objectives that the Research Fellows program focuses on to achieve those goals are to:

  1. Support young investigators pursuing DM discovery
  2. Increase the scope and quality of publications of DM research

For the 2024 Fellowship program, MDF will prioritize funding at least one project focused on DM2, and we will accept and consider proposals for both DM1 and DM2.

  • Funding level: Doctoral: $55,000 (includes funding for required travel) over two years; Postdoctoral: $105,000 (includes funding for required travel) over two years.



Thrasher Research Fund - Early Career Award Program

Upcoming deadline: September 12, 2023 (Noon Mountain Time) (Twice a year)

The Fund is open to a wide variety of research topics. We do not focus on a particular ​disease, but all our funded projects deal directly with children's health.

In the Early Career Award Program, the Fund is particularly interested in applicants that show great potential to impact that field of children's health through medical research. Both an applicant's aptitude and inclination toward research are considered. The quality of the mentor and the mentoring relationship are also considered to be important predictors of success.

Each project needs to be under the guidance of a mentor. The qualifications and experience of the mentor will be considered in the evaluation of the application. A mentor may have only one Thrasher Research Fund Early Career Awardee at a time.

  • Funding level: a maximum of $25,000 in direct costs for the entire grant. The duration of the project can be up to two years.
