Publicerad: 2024-05-30 15:41 | Uppdaterad: 2024-05-31 13:56

Aktuella utlysningar, vecka 22, 2024

Tips från KI Grants Office om aktuella utlysningar

Svenska och nordiska anslag

Projektbidrag - Stiftelsen Sävstaholm 

Stiftelsen Sävstaholm stödjer forsknings- och utvecklingsprojekt kring barn, ungdomar och vuxna med intellektuell funktionsnedsättning (IF). Bidrag ges till vetenskaplig forskning som är nyskapande och bedrivs med hög kvalitet samt till mer generaliserbart utvecklingsarbete som kan komma denna grupp till godo. Vid bedömningen prioriteras sådan forskning som syftar till att förbättra levnadsförhållanden och delaktighet för barn, ungdomar och vuxna med IF. Projekt där personer med IF själva kommer till tals välkomnas.

Closing date: September 1, 2024

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Doktorandbidrag - Stiftelsen Sävstaholm

Bidrag ges till forskarstuderandes avhandlingsarbete med vetenskaplig inriktning som fokuserar på barn, ungdomar eller vuxna med intellektuell funktionsnedsättning (IF). Doktorandstöd ska sökas av doktoranden själv. Stöd utgår för maximalt 4 år och beviljas som regel för ett år i taget. Det maximala beloppet är f.n. 425 000 kronor för år 1, 450 000 kronor för år 2, 475 000 kronor för år 3 samt 500 000 kronor för år 4. Doktorandstödet avser att täcka lön, socialförsäkringsavgifter (LKP) samt overheadkostnader. 

Closing date: September 1, 2024

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Postdoktorandstöd - Sävstaholm Stiftelsen

Stiftelsen inbjuder ansökningar om postdoktorandstöd för forsknings- och utvecklingsprojekt kring barn, ungdomar och vuxna med utvecklingsstörning. Forskning som syftar till att förbättra levnadsförhållanden och delaktighet för barn, ungdomar och vuxna med utvecklingsstörning, prioriteras. Postdoktorandstöd utgår för ett år i taget och maximalt för tre år. Postdoktorandstödet täcker lön, socialförsäkringsavgifter (LKP) samt overheadkostnader. Sökande ska ha disputerat inom den senaste femårsperioden.

Closing date: September 1, 2024 

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Research Grant – Nordic Cancer Union (NCU)

NCU provides funding to support and stimulate collaborative cancer research within the Nordic countries. The research project must be cancer relevant and uniquely suited to be carried out within the Nordic countries, and the effect of collaboration should be synergistic. The prioritized research areas are: (i) Register-based epidemiological studies; (ii) Descriptive epidemiology; (iii) Comparative clinical epidemiological studies; (iv) Clinical trials.

Closing date: September 5, 2024

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Reminder! The Rolf Luft Grant for Instrumentation, call 2024

With this call SRP Diabetes wishes to support the most excellent Principal Investigators at Karolinska Institutet working within diabetes and metabolism to obtain critical instrumentation for their research. Grants for instruments in the range of 200 000 SEK up to 4 MSEK can be applied for.

Please NOTE: for this call Principal Investigators within all career levels at Karolinska Institutet are eligible to apply, i.e. not only consolidator level PIs. However see the eligibility conditions in the attached instructions.

Please see attached call text for information on conditions and how to apply and the attached application template which should be used.

Deadline to apply is June 10, 2024.

Europeiska anslag

Funding for EMBO Workshops – European Molecular Biology Organisation

EMBO Workshops bring together scientists to present and discuss the latest findings in their subject areas related to the life sciences.  Scientists can apply to organize a conference in their field. This bottom-up approach ensures that the portfolio of scientific meetings funded by EMBO reflects the needs and developments of the scientific community.

In addition to providing the basic funding for the meeting, EMBO assists organizers in promoting the workshop and creating a webpage with a registration and abstract submission system. EMBO contributes a maximum of €39,000 (€33,500 of core funding plus €4,500 exclusively for travel grants and registration fee waivers and €1,000 for child care grants) per workshop

Closing date: August 1st 2024

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Funding for EMBO Practical Courses – European Molecular Biology Organisation 

EMBO Practical Courses provide training in new techniques for researchers and core facility staff, enabling them to implement the techniques in their laboratories. The courses should last between five and ten days and are limited to 25 participants. EMBO provides funding and assists organizers in promoting the courses and creating webpages with a registration and abstract submission system. The maximum funding available for an EMBO Practical Course is €41,500 (€35,000 of core funding plus €5,500 exclusively for travel grants and registration fee waivers and €1,000 for childcare grants).

Closing date: 1st August 2024 

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Quarterly Research Grant Funding Programme - Cure Parkinson's Trust

The Cure Parkinson's Trust invites applications for its research grants. These support laboratory or clinical research projects that have the potential to cure Parkinson's disease. Applications must be for research that slows, stops or reverses underlying disease progression. Priority is given to research which has potential to translate into the clinic within five years.

Deadline: 24 June 2024 

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Research Grants – Ataxia UK

Ataxia UK provides funding for innovative and relevant research on the ataxias. Ataxia UK accepts applications from researchers based in any country, but the research must have relevance for people affected by ataxia in the UK.

The following schemes are supported:

  • research projects
  • PhD studentships
  • research fellowships
  • travel awards for researchers or students presenting at conferences
  • satellite meetings at major Symposia of other organisations dealing with related disorders, as a way of raising awareness and enhancing collaboration with researchers in these disciplines
  • small grants for research projects (less than £5,000)
  • pilot scheme grants (less than £5,000)

Closing date (preliminary proposal): 26 June 2024

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Amerikanska anslag

Federal Funding

NIH-Notices of Special Interest (NOSIs)- Interpersonal Communication Research to Advance Dental, Oral, and Craniofacial Health over the Lifecourse

Funding Opportunity ID: NOT-DE-24-027 

Upcoming deadlines: This notice applies to due dates on or after September 7 2024, and subsequent receipt dates through September 8, 2027.

Abstract: The National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research (NIDCR) is issuing this Notice of Special Interest (NOSI) to encourage innovative research on interpersonal communication as a fundamental element to dental, oral, and craniofacial health and wellbeing. For the purposes of this notice, research on interpersonal communication illuminates how individuals transmit and attend to words, images, symbols, plus chronemics, haptics, kinesics, and paralanguage to convey their states of being; their knowledge, attitudes, and beliefs, and to induce responses, usually acknowledgment, suasion, or physical behaviors, from one another. 

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NIH- Notice of Special Interest (NOSI): Promoting Data Reuse for Health Research

Funding Opportunity ID: NOT-OD-24-096 

Upcoming deadlines: Standard dates until November 04, 2026. 

Abstract: This Notice of Special Interest (NOSI) solicits competitive revision applications that focus on data reuse and secondary data analysis in NIH-funded data repositories and knowledgebases to advance scientific inquiry and address health research questions. 

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NIH - Notice of Special Interest (NOSI): Developing and Testing Multi-level Physical Activity Interventions to Improve Health and Well-Being

Funding Opportunity ID: NOT-OD-24-058 

Upcoming deadlines: Standard dates until November 14, 2027.

Abstract: The Office of Disease Prevention and participating Institutes, Centers and Offices (ICOs) are issuing this Notice to highlight our interest in highly innovative multi-level interventions to increase and maintain health-enhancing physical activity in a wide range of population groups, including populations that experience health disparities, children, older adults, and persons at risk for mental/behavioral health conditions, and any subpopulations that can be characterized by the intersection of two or more of these descriptors. Relevant physical activity intervention research includes translational research for pilot, exploratory, or developmental work in preparation for full-scale, fully powered efficacy studies, as well as studies seeking to adopt existing evidence-based interventions in a new context (e.g., population, setting, etc.). Research studies should be based on well-established theory, existing data, and/or evidence-based interventions. Furthermore, studies may focus on establishing efficacy, effectiveness, or dissemination and implementation of multi-level interventions.

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Hope Foundation-SWOG Early Exploration and Development (SEED) Fund, US

Upcoming deadlines: July 1, 2024 (LOI)

Amount: Individual projects may be funded for up to $50,000 (direct costs) and may be spent over a 1- or 2-year award period. Indirect costs are limited to a rate of 25%.

Eligibility: Any SWOG member investigator eligible for NIH funding is encouraged to submit to this program. Awardees are expected to present their work at one or more semiannual SWOG group meetings and to adhere to Group policies and procedures as applicable to the project.

Abstract: The mission of SWOG Cancer Research Network is to significantly improve lives through cancer clinical trials and translational research. SWOG is a National Cancer Institute-supported network of more than 5,000 cancer researchers at more than 650 institutions in the U.S., Canada, and beyond. Additional educational and cancer research support is provided by SWOG’s non-profit, philanthropic partner, The Hope Foundation for Cancer Research.

Awards are made from The Hope Foundation SEED Fund to encourage preliminary research that will potentially translate to future clinical trials or trial-associated projects (translational medicine studies) within SWOG and the National Clinical Trials Network (NCTN). These awards may assist investigators with projects that support the following types of studies: pre-clinical data, secondary data analysis from clinical trials, pilot and feasibility studies (including early stage clinical trials), small, self-contained research projects, or development of research methodology/technology.


American Association for Cancer Research (AACR)-Novocure Cancer Research Grant, US

Upcoming deadlines: July 1, 2024.

Amount: Each grant provides $350,000 over three years for expenses related to the research project, which may include salary and benefits of the grant recipient and any collaborators, postdoctoral or clinical research fellows, graduate students and/or research assistants; research/laboratory supplies; equipment; travel; publication charges for manuscripts that pertain directly to the funded project; other research expenses; and indirect costs.

Eligibility: Applicants must be AACR Active members who are independent investigators and have a doctoral degree (PhD, MD, MD/PhD, or equivalent) in a related field and not currently be a candidate for a further doctoral degree.

Abstract: The AACR-Novocure Cancer Research Grants represent a joint effort to promote and support independent investigators who are currently conducting innovative research focused on Tumor Treating Fields (TTFields; intermediate frequency, low intensity, alternating electric fields that disrupt cell division in cancer cells) as well as to encourage independent investigators to enter the TTFields research field. The Inovitro® system (which will be provided by Novocure, if needed), must be included in the experimental design. These grants are intended to provide a deeper understanding of the mechanisms of action of this novel anti-cancer treatment modality and to accelerate the development of new treatment strategies to advance therapeutic options for cancer.


National Rosacea Society, Research Grant, US

Upcoming deadlines: July 1, 2024.

Amount: The Society awards grants of up to $15,000, or higher in special cases.

Eligibility: Funds are available to researchers worldwide.

Abstract: The Society awards grants for research on rosacea. Because the etiology of rosacea is unknown, high priority is given to research in such areas as the pathogenesis, progression, mechanism of action, cell biology and potential genetic factors of this conspicuous and often life-disruptive condition. Studies may also be funded in such areas as epidemiology, predisposition, quality of life and associations with environmental and lifestyle factors. Product development studies (e.g., drug or device testing), which are more appropriately funded by commercial sources, will not be considered.


Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease (CJD) Foundation Call for Grant applications for Human Prion Disease Research

Upcoming deadlines: July 18, 2024 (LOI); November 5, 2024 (full proposal).

Amount: One-year grant of up to $50,000; Two-year grant of up to $100,000.

Eligibility: Only one application per Principal Investigator may be submitted.

Abstract: The Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease (CJD) Foundation is pleased to announce a Call for New Grant Applications for research projects relating to human prion diseases. Two types of grants will be awarded for human prion disease research:

  1. One-year grants
  2. Two-year grants

Projects may be focused on pathophysiology, molecular mechanisms, cell and animal disease models, diagnostics, clinical and translational research, studies identifying treatment targets or biomarkers, genetics, bioinformatics, or other areas related to human prion diseases.


Cancer Research Instituties(CRI), Postdoctoral Fellowship, US

Upcoming deadlines: September 1, 2024.

Amount: Fellowships are for three years. Newly awarded fellowships provide a stipend of $74,000 for the first year, $76,000 for the second year, and $78,000 for the third year. An allowance of $5,000 per year is allotted to the host institution for use at the sponsor’s discretion to help pay for the fellow’s research supplies, travel to scientific meetings, health insurance, and/or childcare. CRI provides additional support for fellows to attend CRI’s annual International Cancer Immunotherapy Conference (CICON), and to participate in CRI’s soon-to-be-launched Bioinformatics Bootcamp.

Eligibility: Applicants for the CRI Irvington Postdoctoral Fellowship Program must be working in areas directly related to immunology or cancer immunology. An eligible project must fall into the broad field of immunology with relevance to solving the cancer problem.

Applicants must have a doctoral degree by the date of award activation and must conduct their proposed research under a sponsor who holds a formal appointment as an assistant professor or higher rank at the host institution.

Applicants with 5 or more years of relevant postdoctoral experience at the time of award activation are not eligible, with the exception of M.D. applicants, who should not include years of residency in this calculation.

Abstract: The CRI Irvington Postdoctoral Fellowship Program supports qualified young scientists at leading universities and research centers around the world who wish to receive training in fundamental immunology or cancer immunology.

The Cancer Research Institute recognizes that getting to the next great breakthrough in cancer treatment will require continued investment in fundamental research and training. CRI, therefore, invites postdoctoral fellows working in both fundamental immunology and tumor immunology to apply for funding.

CRI seeks hypothesis-driven, mechanistic studies in both immunology and tumor immunology. The applicant and sponsor should make every effort to demonstrate the potential of the proposed studies to directly impact our understanding of the immune system’s role in cancer.
