Publicerad: 2024-05-23 15:26 | Uppdaterad: 2024-05-23 15:34

Aktuella utlysningar, vecka 21, 2024

KI Grants Office tipsar om aktuella utlysningar

Svenska och nordiska anslag


Scholarships - The Swedish Foundation for International Cooperation in Research and Higher Education (STINT) and the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS)

The scholarships provide opportunities for pre-/post-doctoral researchers from the US, Canada and Europe to conduct cooperative research under the guidance of their hosts cooperative research with leading research groups in Japanese universities and other institutions. The program is open for research in all fields of the humanities, social sciences and natural sciences. Duration of the fellowship is from 1 to 12 month. 

Closing date: July 15, 2024

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Forskning inom ALS-området - Börje Salming ALS-stiftelse

ALS-stiftelse tar emot ansökningar för finansiering av grundvetenskapliga och patientnära forskningsprojekt som är inriktade på studier av orsaker till ALS, utveckling av nya metoder för medicinsk behandling av sjukdomen samt projekt för innovativa lösningar som kan underlätta vid vård av ALS-patienter.

Closing date: August 1, 2023.

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The Global Science Summit Programme – Novo Nordisk Foundation (NNF)

Program aims to explore the intersection between major global health and sustainability challenges through fostering scientific discoveries that address the combined impact of non-communicable diseases, infectious diseases, climate change, and related enabling technologies. The purpose of the Programme is to catalyse science-based solutions by supporting international interdisciplinary collaborations that address intersectional challenges between at least 2 of the following areas: (i) climate change; (ii) non-communicable disease, in particular cardiometabolic diseases; (iii) infectious diseases; (iv) related enabling technologies. The programme supports collaborations between 2-3 research groups (the main applicant plus 1-2 co-applicants). Proposals must demonstrate interdisciplinarity and international engagement by including co-applicants from different disciplines and potentially from different nations. Disciplines does not refer to the education or formal position of the applicants, but rather their ongoing work expertise.

Closing date: August 8, 2024

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Project grants for new, improved and accessible research data 2024 – Forte

The purpose of the call is to fund projects that can generate research data or make it accessible. The data should have the potential to form the basis for research of good scientific quality as well as high societal relevance and opportunities for utilisation.  The grant can, for example, be used to conduct new data collection for existing longitudinal studies or to supplement existing research material with new registry data. The projects should contribute added value for a research environment or research project. The focus areas are: Data collection; Systematization, harmonization and documentation (metadata) of data; Development of tools or support that improve or simplify the use of data or increase its quality. A guideline for the project budget is between SEK 0.5 and 2 million.

Closing date: August 15, 2024

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Elderly and Ageing 2024 - Forte

Healthcare and care need to take into account the heterogeneity which exists within the elderly population in Sweden and which will be reinforced in the long term. This applies to older people who were born in other countries, as well as national minorities, among others. It could also include sex/gender aspects or how unequal living conditions can affect health. The call for proposals focuses on how intersections or insufficient collaboration between different providers can create problems for staff, the elderly or their relatives, as well as how these problems can be avoided or managed. The topic of intersections and collaboration also covers research on how different pieces of legislation function in relation to each other, as well as questions about methods for needs assessment and what consequences needs assessment has for the elderly, their relatives and staff. Project grants facilitate the implementation of a defined research project designed to contribute to increased knowledge about an identified issue.  Project grants are given for three years, with maximum funding of 5 millon SEK. 

Closing date: August 20, 2024. 

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Planning grants in mental health 2024 – Forte  

The planning grant can be used for various activities for the purpose of enabling a future application for project grants. The purpose is to enable researchers to, in cooperation with organisations working with mental health and engaging with individuals in their operations, develop collaboration and improve the conditions for an upcoming call for project proposals in 2026. The collaboration between practice and research should primarily have a problem-solving approach. Proposed projects must align with the priority areas of Fortes’ research programme on mental health: (i) Research on the causes, mechanisms, and development of mental health and ill-health; (ii) Research on promotion, prevention, and early interventions for mental health; (iii) Research on the organisation and structure of the welfare system related to mental health; (iv) Practice-oriented research on effective interventions, methods, and treatment for mental ill-health and psychiatric disorders. The maximum amount to apply for is SEK 700,000 per year.

Closing date: August 21, 2024

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Impact grants – Forte

The call is open for applications within Forte’s areas; health, working life and welfare. The aim is to help ensure that the results of research funded by Forte are put to use. Research results and knowledge should lead to in-depth learning that can form the basis for evidence-based decision-making, changed behavior or ways of working. Eligible to apply are those who have an ongoing project or program grant from Forte. Grants are not given to activities that are part of project plans in already granted projects/programs but are given to expanded or new ideas to create increased added value. Through the call, Forte wants to enable activities that strengthen the ‘impact’ of research results in the research area in question. Funding may be sought for 1 or 2 years. There is no maximum amount for this type of grant, but a benchmark is SEK 1,000,000 for a two-year project.

Closing date: August 22, 2024

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Future Research Leaders – The Swedish Foundation for Strategic Research (SSF) 

Program aims to give newly established researchers with the highest scientific and pedagogical competence, the opportunity to develop as research leaders. The individuals must have the ambition to implement research results in society also outside the academy and, at a later stage of their career, shoulder the responsibility for a constellation that is significantly larger than their own research group. It is only permitted to apply to the program once during one’s career. Applicants must have completed their Swedish doctoral degree, or equivalent foreign degree, within the period 1 January 2018 – 31 December 2020. The applicant must conduct research in natural sciences, technology or medicine and work full-time at a Swedish university/college or research institute, during the grant period, to build up a research group. The participants each receive a grant of SEK 15 million during a five-year period, and will also undergo a solid leadership training.

Closing date: August 26, 2024. 

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Nordic Research Networks in Preparedness and Resilience – NordForsk and Nordic Council of Ministers (NCM)

The overall aim of the call is to support research networks that can provide a broad knowledgebase for strengthening Nordic preparedness and resilience to future crises, including the management of responses. Preparedness challenges are inherently multidimensional, requiring insights from diverse fields to develop holistic solutions. Similarly, preparedness and resilience research encompass a broad spectrum of disciplines, methodologies, and approaches aimed at enhancing the capacity of individuals, communities, and institutions to anticipate, respond to, and recover from various hazards and emergencies. The call therefore encourages collaboration across disciplines, fostering synergies that yield innovative approaches and comprehensive strategies which can identify best practices, assess policy effectiveness, and facilitate cross-border learning. 

Applicants can apply for maximum NOK 3 million to establish a Nordic research network with a duration of 3 years. The intention is to provide funding for 7 networks under this call. Funding may be used for: (1) workshops, seminars, conferences, and other knowledge exchange activities with key actors in the field of preparedness research and other types of networking activities; (2) mobility, including research visits; (3) PhD courses, research school activities, and other research training (e.g. intensive courses, field courses, summer schools and joint courses); (4) communication and dissemination activities; (5) expenses for coordination of the network (up to 20 per cent of the applied funding); (6) research activities. Indirect costs and overhead may be included. 

Closing date: September 5, 2024

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SSF grants for Strategic mobility – the Swedish Foundation for Strategic Research (SSF) 

SSF has allocated SEK 10 million for a strategic mobility programme covering a period of two years. Each grant within the programme covers the salary of a researcher during an exchange service period of four to twelve months in another sector than the one in which the person is currently active. During the exchange period, the visiting researcher shall conduct strategic research within one of the Foundation’s spheres of responsibility.

Closing date: September 10, 2024

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Nominera till KLOK-priset 2024
KLOK - Kliniskt Lärande genom Organisations- och Kompetensutveckling
Gott ledarskap och välorganiserad vård med lärande i fokus är en grundförutsättning för högkvalitativt verksamhetsintegrerat lärande. 

Priset delas ut av Enheten för Undervisning och Lärande (UoL) vid Karolinska Institutet till en vårdenhet (t ex vårdcentral, kliniskt laboratorium, hemsjukvård eller enhet på sjukhus) inom Stockholms län (Region Stockholm, privat med vårdavtal eller kommunal) som bedöms ha gjort berömvärda insatser som stödjer grundutbildningen vid KI. 

Nomineringen ska innehålla:
• Motivering på ca en A4-sida som beskriver hur ledarskapet, organisationen och lärandet resulterar i hög utbildningskvalité för KI:s utbildningsprogram på enheten

• Kontaktperson på enheten samt nominerande person (telefonnummer samt e-post)
Nomineringen skickas via e-post till

Nominering med motivering ska ha inkommit senast den 2024-08-07.

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Europeiska anslag


Jung Career Advancement Award - The Jung Foundation for Science and Research

The Jung Foundation for Science and Research invites applications for its Ernst Jung career advancement award. This supports medical professionals who wish to work at a German clinic in order to do in-depth scientific work and at the same time aspire to clinical training as a specialist.

The grant is worth 210,000EUR.

Eligibility: The call is addressed to medical professionals, who have completed at least two years of scientific research (preferably abroad), have a documented record of scientific accomplishment, and who return to Germany to complete their residency training. The work should be carried out at a German academic hospital. When taking up the award, the applicant should be relieved of clinical duties for at least one year before resuming additional clinical training, with intermittent protected time for a further 2 years combined. Applicants are not required to specify a host institution at the time of the application, which should be chosen in consultation with the Foundation after receiving the Jung Career Advancement Award.

Closing date: 31 Aug 2024

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Research grants - European Association for Endoscopic Surgery (EAES)

The European Association for Endoscopic Surgery invites applications for its research grants. This supports the strengthening of clinical, educational and basic science research in minimally invasive and robotic interventions as well as surgical data analysis by supporting novel research activities across the EAES. Research focusing on surgical quality, particularly those that use data analysis and artificial intelligence will receive bonus points. Special consideration will be given to:

  • programmes developed for geographically and economically less advantaged areas within Europe;
  • programmes aiming at excellence of up-coming young doctors in clinical and basic science of endoscopic surgery;
  • programmes developed to build up networks of clinical and/or basic scientists in the field of endoscopic surgery across Europe.

Eligibility: The Research grant program is open to any investigator who is an EAES member currently in a surgery-related endoscopic or laparoscopic practice.

Closing date: Anticipated 26 Nov 2024

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Competitive grants for young researchers - European Atherosclerosis Society

The European Atherosclerosis Society invites applications for its competitive grants for young researchers. This supports young scientists in their careers in the atherosclerosis field.

Eligibility: Applicants must be individual members of the society and hold a PhD or MD title which they received no more than five years ago.

Closing date: 13 Sep 2024

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Amerikanska anslag


Federal Funding

CDMRP – Traumatic Brain Injury and Psychological Health Research Program (TBIPHRP) - 2024 (FY24)

Award Mechanisms:  Clinical Trial Award, Emerging Topics Research Award (New for FY24), Focused Program Award, Health Services Research Award, Translational Research Award.

Deadlines: LOI due on June 27, 2024; Full proposal due on October 3, 2024, except Health Services Research Award due on July 18, 2024.

Abstract: To meet the intent of the award mechanism, proposals/applications must address at least one sub-area (1a, 2a, 2b, etc.) within one of the two FY24 TBIPHRP CTA Focus Areas listed below.

  1. Prevent and Assess: Research will address the prevention, screening, diagnosis, or
    prognosis of psychological health conditions and/or TBI.
    a. Identification and validation of biomarkers or other objective methods for assessment,
    diagnosis, prognosis, or real-time monitoring of psychological health conditions and/or
    TBI (including subclinical presentations) and associated sequelae of these conditions.
    – Development of decision-making frameworks or tools that incorporate objective
    assessments and may consider long-term outcomes to inform return to activity/duty
    decisions are within scope.
    b. Development and evaluation of approaches or tools to prevent or reduce risk of
    psychological health conditions and/or TBI.
    c. Development and evaluation of crosscutting prevention approaches1 to address multiple
    adverse outcomes such as suicide, interpersonal violence (including intimate partner and
    family violence), and psychological health issues are within scope.

d. Development and evaluation of solutions to support military and family readiness2 and
increase psychological resilience in individuals to the potential negative impacts of
specific military and life stressors.

  1. Treat: Research will address novel and repurposed interventions3 to improve outcomes of
    psychological health conditions and/or TBI. Efforts that address treatment, rehabilitation,
    and health services research are within scope.
    a. Interventions that promote sustained functional recovery, including interventions
    administered acutely, during the post-acute phase, or during the chronic phase of injury.
    b. Development of postvention4 strategies to support individuals in workplace or
    community environments following a sexual assault, suicide event, or other trauma.
    c. Health services research to improve provider adoption of evidence-based practices,
    improve access, and reduce barriers. In addition, factors that influence treatment
    engagement, follow-up care, and improvement of long-term outcomes are of interest. 

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CDMRP – Vision Research Program (VRP) - 2024 (FY24)

Award Mechanisms: Clinical Trial Award, Focused Translational Team Science Award, Investigator-Initiated Research Award, Translational Research Award. 

Deadlines: LOI due on July 11, 2024, except Mentored Clinical Research Award due on August 8, 2024; Full proposal due on November 8, 2024, except Mentored Clinical Research Award due on August 23, 2024.

Abstract: To meet the intent of the funding opportunity, applications to the FY24 VRP Focused
Translational Team Science Award (FTTSA) must address research in one of more of the following Focus Areas:

  • Understand and treat eye injury or visual dysfunction as related to military exposure
  • Diagnose, stabilize, and treat eye injuries in austere environments and prolonged care settings
  • Restore visual function after military exposure-related vision loss or severe visual impairment

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CDMRP – Multiple Sclerosis Research Program (MSRP) 2024 (FY24)

Award Mechanisms: Clinical Trial Award, Early Investigator Research Award, Exploration - Hypothesis Development Award, Investigator-Initiated Research Award

Deadlines: LOI due on June 10, 2024, except Early Investigator Research Award due on July 24, 2024; Full proposal due on October 7, 2024.


Clinical Trial Award –

Must address at least one of the following focus areas:

  • Promoting Repair, Neuroprotection, and Remyelination in MS
  • Treatment of MS Symptoms

Early Investigator Research Award, Exploration - Hypothesis Development Award, Investigator-Initiated Research Award

  • Must address at least one of the following focus areas:
  • Central Nervous System Repair, Protection, and Regenerative Potential in MS
  • Correlates of Disease Activity and Progression in MS
  • Biology and Measurements of MS Symptoms
  • Mechanisms Contributing to or Associated with MS Etiology, Prodrome, Onset, and Disease Course

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NIH - Feasibility of Novel Diagnostics for TB in Endemic Countries (FEND for TB) (R01 Clinical Trial Not Allowed)

Funding Opportunity ID: RFA-AI-24-010

Upcoming deadlines: June 28, 2024

Abstract: The purpose of this notice of funding opportunity (NOFO) is to support the evaluation of early-stage diagnostics and novel diagnostic strategies for Tuberculosis (TB) in the context of existing clinical algorithms in TB endemic countries. Evaluation studies should: 1) perform proof-of principle studies of novel diagnostic tests and strategies for TB, including among people living with HIV (PLWH) and 2) provide feedback to diagnostic developers and policy makers on the performance of the technologies and most effective strategies for use of the diagnostic technologies in an endemic setting.

More info: RFA-AI-24-010: Feasibility of Novel Diagnostics for TB in Endemic Countries (FEND for TB) (R01 Clinical Trial Not Allowed) (



The American Association for Cancer Research and AstraZeneca Endometrial Cancer Research Fellowship, US  

Upcoming deadlines: July 18, 2024, 1:00PM 

Amount: $130,000 maximum over 2 years.

Eligibility: Applicants must have a doctoral degree (including PhD, MD, MD/PhD, or equivalent) in a related field and not currently be a candidate for a further doctoral degree. At the start of the grant term on November 1, 2024, applicants must hold a mentored research position with the title of postdoctoral fellow, clinical research fellow, or the equivalent.

Abstract: The AACR-AstraZeneca Endometrial Cancer Research Fellowship represent a joint effort to encourage and support postdoctoral or clinical research fellows to conduct endometrial cancer research and to establish a successful career path in this field. The research proposed for funding  must have direct applicability to endometrial cancer and may involve basic, translational, clinical, or population sciences research.

Website: AACR-AstraZeneca Endometrial Cancer Research Fellowship | Grants | AACR


Alzheimer's Drug Discovery Foundation, US -Preventation Request For Proposal

Upcoming deadlines: September 30, 2024 (LOI); December 9, 2024 (Full proposal by invitation only)

Amount: Up to $5,000,000 for clinical trials based on stage and scope of research.

Eligibility: Funding is open to researchers and clinicians worldwide

Abstract: The Prevention RFP supports:

  1. Studies of Cognitive Decline and Risk Reduction: Cognitive decline through aging and medical comorbidities has been linked to an increased risk of dementia. The ADDF will consider funding programs to prevent and treat these conditions, including menopause-related cognitive symptoms, postoperative delirium and postoperative cognitive decline, mild and/or repetitive traumatic brain injury, and chemotherapy-induced decline. Methods may include epidemiology or clinical trials. 
  2. Comparative Effectiveness Research: For many health conditions, physicians have a choice of clinically equivalent drugs. Some of these drugs are being investigated for repurposing to treat Alzheimer's or related dementias, due to potential disease-modifying properties that go beyond the treatment of their approved disease indication. The ADDF will consider funding research to generate an evidence base on whether choices in the routine clinical care of pre-existing conditions could protect from dementia. 
  3. Studies Leveraging the Consortium of Cohorts for Alzheimer's Prevention Action (CAPA): Epidemiological studies contribute unmatched information on whether the risk of dementia or cognitive decline may be influenced by long-term exposure to supplements or medications. However, high-powered studies are needed, ideally with dose, duration, and responder profiles, in order to translate epidemiological research into actionable interventions for testing. Through the CAPA Consortium, the ADDF funds collaborative analyses on dementia prevention using a minimum of five longitudinal cohorts, either harmonized or analyzed through parallel analysis of cohorts using a shared analysis script. 

Website: Prevention | Alzheimer's Drug Discovery Foundation (