Publicerad: 2024-05-16 12:57 | Uppdaterad: 2024-05-16 13:03

Aktuella utlysningar, vecka 20, 2024

Tips från KI Grants Office om aktuella utlysningar

Svenska och nordiska anslag

Grants for Internationalisation Research – Stiftelsen för internationalisering av högre utbildning och forskning (STINT)

Syftet med utlysningen är att bidra till ny kunskap om ansvarsfull internationalisering av högre utbildning och forskning. För att fördjupa förståelsen av ansvarsfull internationalisering i en svensk kontext utlyser STINT medel för etablerandet av en forskargrupp inom ansvarsfull internationalisering vid ett svenskt lärosäte. Forskargruppen bör ha relevant kompetens inom området och vara internationellt uppkopplad till relevanta forskarmiljöer och aktörer. Ansökan görs via e-post.

Closing date: May 31, 2024

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Resestipendier - Svenska Sällskapet för Medicinsk Forskning  

Resestipendier för doktorander inom preklinisk och klinisk medicinsk forskning syftar till att täcka personliga kostnader i samband med resa till en annan forskningsinstitution eller klinik för studier av betydelse för sökandens eget forskningsprojekt. Stipendier stöder resor för att lära sig ny metodik eller samla in forskningsdata, eller andra likartade ändamål. Behöriga att söka är registrerade doktorander verksamma inom preklinisk och klinisk medicinsk forskning i Sverige med minst en egen refereegranskad publikation. Stipendier uppgår till SEK 50,000 och beviljas högst tre gånger.

Closing date: June 1, 2024

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Reseanslag - Radiumhemmets Forskningsfonder  

Radiumhemmets forskningsfonders reseanslag stöder forskningsanknutet deltagande i kurser och kongresser inom klinisk cancerforskning. Sökanden ska företrädesvis ha sin arbetsplats i anslutning till Region Stockholm eller Karolinska Institutet.

Closing date: June 1, 2024

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Grant to strengthen collaborative interactions within research and education with Universitätsmedizin Berlin (Charité)  –  Karolinska Institutet 

Karolinska Institutet (KI) and Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin (Charité) have entered into a bilateral agreement. The Internationalisation Board at KI is pleased to announce the availability of limited competitive funds for KI faculty and staff for grant applications to strengthen collaborative interactions within research and education. The funds are to be used primarily, but not limited to any of the following key areas: Cancer, Precision Medicine, Advanced Therapy Medicinal Products (ATMPs), Artificial Intelligence (AI), Global Health. Funds are to be used to initiate and sustain collaborations within research and education. The grant may include support for transportation and accommodation at the host site for the proposed period of interaction. It is also possible to apply for funds for short term exchange/fellowship or to facilitate writing of a larger grant proposals. The maximal amount awarded will be 50 000 kr per proposal to the KI applicant, which may be used to support the proposed period of project work costs.

Closing date: June 10, 2024

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Forskningsstipendium – Neuroförbundet Stockholm

Neuro Stockholm ger varje år stipendium till patientnära forskning inom Neurologi, som bedrivs inom regionen. Stipendiet delas i år ut till två forskare och är på 250 000 kr vardera.  Sökande forskare ska ha ett godkänt forskningsprojekt. Projektet eller sökande ska ha ett forskningskonto. Stipendiaten ska vara beredd att hålla en allmän temaföreläsning om sitt projekt under det kommande året, inom ramen för Neuro Stockholms föreläsningsserie.

Closing date: June 16, 2024

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Serendipity Grants - LEO Foundation   

 The Serendipity Grants target current LEO Foundation grantees  with the purpose to enable explorative investigations of novel and unexpected, also known as serendipitous, ideas or discoveries, which have emerged as a consequence of investigations performed during a current LEO Foundation-funded project. The discovery or idea should be outside the scope of the original project and may even reside outside the primary research focus of the grantee. The discovery or idea should be at an early stage of maturity where it would be unlikely to receive support via other LEO Foundation funding instruments. A Serendipity Grant can last for up to two years and has a limit of DKK 4 million, including administrative costs.

Closing date: June 25, 2024 

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Towards deeper collaboration with UK and USA partners within Health and Life Science – VINNOVA  

The call is aimed at those who wish to deepen collaboration with partners in the US and/or the UK within health and life science. The purpose of the project should be to enable long-term research and innovation collaboration.

Closing date: August 22, 2024 

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The Cilla Weigelt Award

The Cilla Weigelt Award aims to encourage and support PhD students investigating molecular mechanisms of relevance for rare and undertreated diseases. This annual award is through a nomination procedure, and in 2024 the selected awardee will receive a personal prize of 20 000 SEK and a research grant of 30 000 SEK to support scientific exchange (e.g. participation in scientific conferences, sabbaticals, travel to establish scientific collaborations). 

The candidate recipient must carry out PhD studies at a Swedish university at the nomination closure date, to be eligible. Only one nomination can be made per supervisor. Priority will be given to students who have more than one year left of their studies before graduation. 

The award is administered by the Foundation Center for Molecular Medicine (CMM) at Karolinska Institutet and Karolinska University Hospital. The awardee will be announced in the first week of October 2024, and a prize ceremony will be held at the Chiesi Global Rare Diseases R&D office in Stockholm (Campus Solna) shortly thereafter.

Closing date: June 16, 2024

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Utlysning av medel för alkoholforskning

Systembolagets Alkoholforskningsråd delar årligen ut anslag till olika forskningsprojekt. Samhällsvetenskaplig och folkhälsovetenskaplig alkoholforskning prioriteras, tillsammans med forskning som är av särskild betydelse för det förebyggande arbetet mot alkoholskador. Från och med 2017 delas tio miljoner kronor ut per år, varav två miljoner viks för fokusområden som har identifierats som särskilt angelägna och där mer forskning behövs. Alkoholforskningsrådet ser gärna ansökningar från yngre forskare. Rådet administreras av Centralförbundet för alkohol- och narkotikaupplysning (CAN). 

Closing date: September 15, 2024

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Inbjudan att nominera till Ulla och Stig Holmquists vetenskapliga pris i organisk kemi 2024

Universitet och högskolor ges härmed tillfälle att inkomma med förslag till kandidat för erhållande av Ulla och Stig Holmquists vetenskapliga pris i organisk kemi. 

Ulla och Stig Holmquist stiftelse för organisk kemi är en till Uppsala universitet anknuten stiftelse och av stiftelsens avkastning ska 80 % årligen delas ut av Uppsala universitet. Priset delas ut till aktiv forskare med huvudsakligen nationell verksamhetsbakgrund inom ämnet organisk kemi, vilken gjort banbrytande forskningsinsatser inom detta område. Priset räknas som ett av de större vetenskapliga prisen i Sverige. Uppsala universitets rektor utser pristagare på förslag av en nämnd bestående av respektive dekan för kemiska sektionen, farmaceutiska fakulteten och medicinska fakulteten.

Closing date: May 27, 2024


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Call of Abstracts Mayo-KI Annual Meeting 2024

This year’s Mayo Clinic – Karolinska Institutet conference will be held 16-17 October, 2024 in Stockholm.

The collaboration steering committee is pleased to invite you to submit an abstract for a presentation or poster within any of the areas listed below. The intent of this meeting is to highlight and display existing collaborative excellence and promote future collaboration between Mayo Clinic and Karolinska Institutet.


  • In general, presentations are approximately 10-15 minutes long, including 5 minutes for discussion, but this may vary for specific break-out sessions.
  • Posters will be part of the poster session during the conference
  • Presenters are expected to attend the entire breakout session and provide suggestions for improvements for future meetings.
  • Session chairs are responsible for coordinating breakout sessions. Please contact session chairs for questions regarding break out sessions.

Abstract Deadline

  • The deadline for abstracts is May 30, 2024, to ki‐
  • Invitees will be announced by late June, 2024.
  • The final program will be distributed late September 2024.

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Ansökan och nominering till IVAs sjätte 100-lista är nu öppen! TEMA: Innovation genom tvärvetenskap

Forskning ska komma näringslivet och samhället till nytta. Det är bakgrunden till IVAs 100-lista som lyfter fram aktuella och lovande forskningsprojekt. Nu söker vi kandidater till 2024 års 100-lista, den sjätte i ordningen.

Temat är tvärvetenskap. Den forskning vi söker ska ha sin bas inom vetenskapsområdet teknik eller ekonomi vid ett svenskt lärosäte eller forskningsinstitut och arbeta tvärvetenskapligt för att lösa brännande samhällsproblem och stärka näringslivets konkurrenskraft.

Forskningsprojekten ska dra nytta av kunskap, perspektiv och metoder från flera olika vetenskapliga discipliner för att hitta innovativa lösningar på komplexa problem. Exempel på några områden där forskningen kan adressera utmaningar och behov är:

  • Omställningen till ett fossilfritt och cirkulärt näringsliv och samhälle.
  • Smart, hållbar, effektiv och cirkulär utvinning/återvinning av råvaror och energieffektivisering.
  • Nya produktionsprocesser och utveckling av nya regelverk.
  • Utveckling av gröna och blå* näringar mot en resurseffektiv bioekonomi.
  • Digitalisering inom industri och offentlig förvaltning med hjälp av teknologier som till exempel AI och 5G för ökad effektivitet, kvalitet, kundanpassning med mera - inklusive forskning kring nya affärsmodeller.

En grundläggande förutsättning för att komma med på 100-listan är att forskningen håller en god vetenskaplig kvalitet. Projektet kan befinna sig såväl i en tidig som mer mogen fas, men ha en tydlig potential att inom en överskådlig tid skapa nytta i näringslivet eller i andra delar av samhället.

Vid urvalet ska den tvärvetenskapliga inriktningen vara beskriven. Och särskilt vikt läggs vid att forskaren eller forskarteamet har en uttalad drivkraft att kommersialisera eller på annat sätt nyttiggöra resultaten. Det kan vara genom en kommersiell produkt eller tjänst, men också på andra sätt, till exempel genom nya verktyg och metoder.

Sista dag för nominering är den 9 augusti. Sista ansökningsdag är den 15 augusti. Ansökan och nominering görs på, alternativt ansök direkt via länken nedan. Där finns även mer information om 100-listan och svar på vanliga frågor. 2024 års lista kommer att presenteras i november.

För mer information:
Kontakt:, projektledare, 073-635 93 50,, projektkoordinator, 076-529 09 92

Ansök här 

Europeiska anslag

Infectious Disease Award - Wellcome Trust: Understanding dengue and Zika spread, immunity and clinical outcomes

This funding call will support multidisciplinary teams to generate evidence on where dengue and Zika viruses co-circulate and investigate the implications this has on host immune responses and clinical outcomes. Research funded through this award will support global efforts to understand and predict the spread of these pathogens, especially where data are limited. Funded projects will also help to design and implement future interventions to reduce dengue and Zika’s growing burden and impact on health. 

The lead applicant may only be a lead applicant on one application for this funding call. At least one lead applicant or coapplicant must be based in an African or Asian country that is currently experiencing a dengue and Zika outbreak or has experienced an outbreak in the past.

Funding amount: Up to £5 million per award

NB: Wellcome Trust covers max 15% overhead/indirect costs and some of the Intellectual Property (IP) policy is not in line with KI's IP policy. 

Closing date: 25 June 2024

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Mental Health Awar - Wellcome Trust: Applying neuroscience to understand symptoms in anxiety, depression and psychosis 

This award will fund innovative projects that combine computational and experimental neuroscience approaches to improve understanding of symptoms of anxiety, depression and psychosis.

This funding call is focused on projects that investigate symptoms of anxiety, depression and psychotic disorders. This includes:

  • all types of anxiety and depressive disorders (including obsessive compulsive disorder and post-traumatic stress disorder)
  • all forms of psychotic disorders (including schizophrenia, postpartum psychosis and bipolar disorder).

The following research priority must be addressed:

  • A focus on understanding the development, maintenance or resolution of one or more symptoms associated with anxiety, depression and/or psychosis.
  • Researchers must take a symptom-based approach rather than looking solely at diagnostic categories and are required to provide:
  • Evidence that the one or more symptoms chosen are a core feature of anxiety, depression and/or psychosis (broadly defined; the one or more symptoms chosen may be transdiagnostic or specific to one mental health problem).
  • A brief explanation of why the one or more symptoms chosen are important for people with lived experience of anxiety, depression and/or psychosis. This could be evidenced through existing qualitative literature and/or focus groups as part of project development.

Funding amount: £2-5 million per project team

Funding duration: 3 to 5 years

NB: Wellcome Trust covers max 15% overhead/indirect costs and some of the Intellectual Property (IP) policy is not in line with KI's IP policy. 

Closing date: 23 Jul 2024

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Award - Fondation ARC in Basic research and Clinician and translational research

The Fondation ARC Léopold Griffuel Awards count among the most important scientific prizes dedicated to cancer research in Europe. ARC rewards top-class researchers whose careers and work have led to major breakthroughs through two prestigious awards of €150,000 each.  

To be eligible, each applicant has to be still active in research, so that he/she commits to using the Award to pursue his/her scientific work. In addition, he/she has to commit to being available for the Award ceremony to be held in April 2025, in Paris.

Closing date: 23 September 2024

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Research Grant - European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases (ESCMID)

This funding is exclusively available for official ESCMID Study Group research projects in the fields of clinical microbiology and infectious diseases. The maximum amount granted per project is EUR 30,000.

Eligibility criteria:

1. Every Study Group can apply with a maximum of 2 research projects as indicated below:

  • 1 project as a single applicant plus 1 project in collaboration with another Study Group
  • 2 projects in collaboration with another Study Group

Important: 2 projects as a single Study Group will not be accepted.

2. The research project may be based on laboratory investigations, clinical studies, experimental animal studies, or a combination of these. Research must be carried out as a collaborative project involving at least two separate institutions in two different countries. The research project should be designed for a maximum duration of 2 years. The research project should start after signing the grant agreement (approximately end of 2022 – beginning of 2023).

3. Applicants must be principal investigators for the proposed research. The Study Group(s) involved must display full support of this proposal by written approval by the Chairperson, Secretary and Treasurer of the respective Study Group(s) (see next paragraph).

4. The applicants must be ESCMID members in good standing. Members of the ESCMID Executive Committee are ineligible.

5. Applications will be peer-reviewed and the best projects will be selected based on the application and research proposal.

Closing date: 19 Jul 2024 anticipated

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Research Fellowship - Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) Postdoctoral Fellowships 
MSCA offers Postdoc opportunities within Europe with a 2-year fellowship (European Fellowship), or outside Europe (2 years) with a mandatory 1-year return phase to Europe with the 3-year Global Fellowship. Fellows with a PhD degree or have successfully defended their PhD thesis by 11th September 2024 and have less than 8 years of research experience can apply. The fellow, PI and organization must be identified. 

Closing date: 11 September 2024

KI information

KI Bootcamp for proposal writing  

More information on MSCA  

Call link 

Research Grant - European Commission HORIZON-HLTH-2024-DISEASE-13-01 

Implementation research for management of multiple long-term conditions in the context of non-communicable diseases (Global Alliance for Chronic Diseases - GACD)

The European Commission is a member of the Global Alliance for Chronic Diseases (GACD), an alliance of international funding agencies representing over 80% of the world’s public health research funding and the first collaboration of its kind to specifically address NCDs. The GACD supports implementation science to improve health outcomes. This topic is launched in concertation with the other GACD members and aligned with the 9th GACD call.

The topic is focused on implementation research for management of multiple long-term conditions in the context of NCDs (MLTC NCD) in LMICs and/or disadvantaged populations in HICs. Proposals should focus on implementation science around interventions that will generate evidence about when, for whom, and under what circumstances, patient-centred approaches can improve integrated care for patients with MLTC NCD.

Closing date: 26 November 2024

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Amerikanska anslag

Federal Funding

CDMRP – Parkinson's Research Program (PRP) - 2024 (FY24)

Award Mechanisms: Early Investigator Research Award; Investigator-Initiated Research Award

Deadlines: LOI due on July 17, 2024; Full proposal due on August 6, 2024.

Abstract: The FY24 Defense Appropriations Act provides funding for the Parkinson's Research Program (PRP) to support Parkinson's disease (PD) research. The PRP is providing the information in this pre-announcement to allow investigators time to plan and develop ideas for submission to the anticipated FY24 funding opportunities. The FY24 PRP funding opportunity announcements for the following award mechanisms will be posted on the website. Applications submitted to the FY24 PRP must address one or more of the following Focus Areas: Biological mechanisms or biomarkers (e.g., fluid, imaging, tissue, devices) of unmet medical needs that could lead to the development of treatments for PD and Interventions that address unmet medical needs of PD that include both clinical and preclinical models. 

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CDMRP – Melanoma Research Program (MRP) - 2024 (FY24)

Award Mechanisms: Focused Program Award-Rare Melanomas, Idea Award, Melanoma Academy Scholar Award, Survivorship Research Award, Team Science Award. 

Deadlines: LOI due on July 29, 2024; Full proposal due on August 26, 2024.

Abstract: Applications submitted to the FY24 MRP Idea Award, Melanoma Academy Scholar Award, and Team Science Award must address at least one of the following Focus Areas:

  • Identify and understand risk factor determinants and biomarkers for melanoma.
  • Develop new tools for the detection, diagnosis, and monitoring of melanoma.  Studies may include developing technology, biomarkers, etc., that can distinguish between lesions/individuals at higher risk for progression from those who may only require surveillance.
  • Define the mechanisms of melanoma initiation, response to therapy (prior to tumor metastasis), progression, recurrence, emergence from tumor dormancy, and/or metastatic spread.  Studies may include the role of the tumor microenvironment and/or microbiome in these processes.
  • Develop new preclinical models that more faithfully represent disease evolution observed in humans, from melanomagenesis through progression.
  • Address unmet needs across the entire cancer research spectrum (biology, etiology, prevention, early diagnosis and detection, prognosis, treatment, and survivorship) for rare melanomas.
  • Address the psychological impacts of a melanoma diagnosis, symptom trajectories, adverse effects of treatment, and other outcomes that affect individuals with melanoma and their family members.
  • Address the physical impacts of symptom trajectories, adverse effects of treatment, and other outcomes that affect individuals with melanoma. 

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CDMRP – Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Research Program Research Program (ALSRP) - 2024 (FY24)

Award Mechanisms: Pilot Clinical Trial Award, Clinical Outcomes and Biomarkers Award, Therapeutic Development Award, Therapeutic Idea Award

Deadlines: LOI due on June 18, 2024; Full proposal due on July 10, 2024.


New for FY24!  Applications submitted to the FY24 ALSRP Pilot Clinical Trial Award must address one Focus Area when submitting their application, as outlined below:

  • Interventions:  Biomarker-driven, disease-modifying interventions for ALS 
  • Clinical Care:  Improving aspects of clinical care and symptom management for ALS

New for FY24!  Applications submitted to the FY24 ALSRP Clinical Outcomes and Biomarkers Award must address one or both Focus Areas when submitting their application, as outlined below:

  • Clinical Biomarkers:  Identification, development, and/or validation of promising biomarkers for ALS 
  • Clinical Outcomes:  Identification, development, and/or validation of clinician-, observer-, or patient-reported, and/or performance outcome measures for ALS 

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CDMRP – Epilepsy Research Program (ERP) - 2024 (FY24)

Award Mechanisms: Idea Development Award, Leveraging Research Award, Research Partnership Award, Virtual Post-Traumatic Epilepsy Research Faculty Award

Deadlines: LOI due on June 5, 2024; Full proposal due on June 20, 2024.


Applications submitted to the FY24 ERP should address one or more of the following Focus Areas:

  • Markers and Mechanisms: Identifying biomarkers or mechanisms of PTE, which may include:
    • Predictive biomarkers of epileptogenesis (acute and chronic)
    • Research into the prevention of epilepsy and/or seizures
  • Epidemiology: Epidemiological characterization of PTE following traumatic brain injury (TBI), which may include:
    • Understanding and improving the quality of life of individuals with PTE, their families, and/or care partners
    • Predictors of the development of epilepsy
    • Outcomes, including latency to and prevention of epilepsy, comorbidities, and mortality
    • Longitudinal Studies: Studies of the evolution of PTE, which may include:
      • Understanding and improving the quality of life of individuals with PTE, their families, and/or care partners
      • Treatment and health care outcomes research, including quality of car
        • Comorbidities (e.g., psychiatric disorders, cognitive/physical deficits, sleep disorders, fatigue)
      • Innovative Research: Tools intended to better inform or improve upon PTE research and care, which may include:
        • Strategies that will improve seizure detection, characterization, visualization, or diagnosis (e.g., artificial intelligence, bioinformatics, clinical databases, devices, tissue banks)
        • Development of new models or better characterization of existing etiologically relevant models for PTE

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CDMRP – Lupus Research Program (LRP) - Anticipated Funding Opportunity for Fiscal Year 2024 (FY24)

Award Mechanisms: Idea Award; Impact Award; Transformative Vision Award; Transformative Vision Development Award

Abstract: The FY24 Defense Appropriations Act is anticipated to provide funding for the LRP to support the full spectrum of research projects or ideas that specifically focus on scientific and clinical lupus issues which, if successfully addressed, have the potential to make a major impact in lupus research. Applications submitted to the FY24 LRP must address one or more of the following Focus Areas: Understanding how lupus disease heterogeneity impacts risk of disease, disease presentation, clinical course, and outcomes using a diverse range of research disciplines; Understanding the biological mechanisms of lupus disease; Determining the pathobiology of end organ injury related to lupus disease in target human tissues; Improving quality of life for individuals living with lupus; Understanding the underlying genetic and epigenetic components and gene-environment interactions of lupus; Innovative health care delivery models improving outcomes for lupus; and Design and implement an intervention either at the individual and/or health care system level to improve the quality of life and mental and behavioral health for individuals living with lupus.

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CDMRP – Alcohol and Substance Use Disorders Research Program Research Program (ASUDRP) - Anticipated Funding Opportunity for Fiscal Year 2024 (FY24)

Award Mechanisms: Consortium Award

Abstract: The FY24 Defense Appropriations Act provides funding for the Alcohol and Substance Use Disorders Research Program (ASUDRP) to support research of exceptional scientific merit in the area of alcohol, opioid and other substance use disorders research. The ASUDRP population of interest includes individuals with alcohol and other substance use disorders, including opioid use disorder, particularly when co-occurring with PTSD, TBI and/or other mental health conditions. With the goals to treat alcohol and other substance use disorders, and to improve treatment adherence, prevent relapse and reduce risk of misuse, the applications submitted to the FY24 ASUDRP must address the following focus areas: New medication targets; Novel medications; Re-purposed medications; Vaccines and other immunotherapies; Drug-drug combinations; More potent, longer-acting formulations to counteract opioid (including fentanyl and its analogs) overdose.

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Using Archived Data and Specimen Collections to Advance Maternal and Pediatric HIV/AIDS Research (R21 - Clinical Trial Not Allowed)

Funding Opportunity ID: RFA-HD-25-009

Upcoming deadlines: July 25, 2024

Abstract: The purpose of this Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) is to utilize archived HIV/AIDS data and biospecimen collections to generate new research questions and findings related to epidemiology, pathogenesis, treatment, prevention, clinical manifestations, and HIV-associated co-infections in maternal, pediatric, and adolescent populations.

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Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI), US – Addressing Rare Diseases 

Upcoming deadlines: LOI – 4th June, 2024; Full application (by invitation) – 4th September, 2024

Amount: $12,000,000 maximum over 5 years. PCORI has a 40 percent indirect cost cap.

Eligibility: Open to all established researchers. Foreign organizations and nondomestic components of organizations based in the U.S. may apply; their application should clearly demonstrate the benefits of their research to the U.S. healthcare system and U.S. patient-centered research.

Abstract: PCORI is seeking to fund high-quality, patient-centered comparative clinical effectiveness research (CER) projects that focus on rare diseases. PCORI is particularly interested in submissions that address the following Special Areas of Emphasis (SAEs). The purpose of identifying these SAEs is to encourage submissions to these areas, not to limit submissions to these topics. Applicants addressing an SAE should identify the area that is best associated with their research approach: Approaches to symptom management for individuals with rare disease; Approaches for timely diagnosis of rare diseases; or Approaches to improving care delivery for individuals with rare diseases.


Multiple Myeloma Research Foundation (MMRF), US – Research Fellow Award Program

Upcoming deadlines: Full application – 28th June, 2024

Amount: $150,000. Investigators may request up to $75,000 total costs, including up to 10% indirect costs, per year for a two (2) year period (total award is $150,000).

Eligibility: Researchers with a Ph.D., M.D. or equivalent degree at the post-doctorate, clinical fellow, or junior faculty level are encouraged to apply. Post-doctorate and medical fellows applying for the award must work under the supervision of a research mentor in the multiple myeloma field. The MMRF Fellowship program is targeted to early career scientists. Applicants must have obtained their highest degree within 10 years of the application date. Applicants may not hold a position higher than Assistant Professor. Applicants who are beginning studies in the multiple myeloma field must have a research sponsor/mentor at their institution who is active in the multiple myeloma field, and who can provide guidance to the applicant in the proposed area of research.

Abstract: The MMRF seeks proposals for the MMRF Research Fellowship Program, an initiative supporting early career researchers at the post-doctorate, medical fellow, or junior faculty levels currently active or interested in research in multiple myeloma. The goal of this initiative is to engage and support early career investigators interested in basic and clinical research focused on multiple myeloma and its precursor conditions, with the goal of advancing our understanding of myeloma disease biology, disease risk, and treatment response and relapse. Areas of interest include but are not limited to the following areas of research: Host immunity in multiple myeloma; Disease monitoring; Disparity Research; and Innovative Data Solutions.


Amyloidosis Foundation, US – Research Grant Program

Upcoming deadlines: Full application – 13th September, 2024

Amount: $75,000 US will be provided to the awardees sponsoring institution for the direct support of the recipients work during the award year.

Eligibility: Candidates will have completed their doctoral studies or clinical fellowship within ten years prior to application. Applicants must have a mentor, who guarantees an environment that will support the research project of the applicant. 

Abstract: The Amyloidosis Foundation is committed to serving patient needs by supporting research and providing annual grants for junior research scientists whose research targets the challenges in the field of amyloidosis.


Histiocytosis Association, US – Request For Research Proposals

Upcoming deadlines: Full application – 16th June, 2024

Amount: $50,000 for one year. No indirect costs covered by this grant.

Eligibility: Open to all.

Abstract: Proposals for scientific research are accepted for studies into the causes, mechanisms, and improved means of treatment for histiocytic disorders. Proposals are evaluated on the basis of science, feasibility, and relevance. All proposals are expected to address one or more of the histiocytic disorders; below are areas of particular interest; however, all relevant areas of interest are considered. Mechanisms of disease pathogenesis; Biology (maturation, migration and immune function) of dendritic cells, macrophages and/or lymphocytes in disease pathogenesis; Derangements of cytokine production or function; Neurologic and neuropsychiatric manifestations of histiocytosis; Studies of rare histiocytosis subtypes/forms-- Juvenile xanthogranuloma, Erdheim-Chester disease, Rosai-Dorfman disease; Studies of histiocytic disorders in adults; Discovery of new disease markers; and Quality of life, symptomatology, and survivorship.


Manpei Suzuki Diabetes Foundation

The Manpei Suzuki International Prize is for original and excellent achievements in diabetes research. The award comprises a certificate of honor, USD 200 000 and a Japanese objet d'art.

Closing date: July 1, 2024

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Hideyo Noguchi Africa Prize

The Government of Japan established the Hideyo Noguchi Africa Prize in July 2006 in memory of Dr. Hideyo Noguchi whose contribution to medical advancement and self-sacrificing activities in Africa remain a paragon of professionalism. Mindful of the ominous human suffering persisting in Africa, the region facing the most serious health challenge on the globe, the Prize aims to honour individuals with outstanding achievements in the fields of medical research and medical services to combat infectious and other diseases in Africa, thus contributing to the health and welfare of the African people and of all humankind.

Closing date: September 20, 2024

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