Publicerad: 2023-05-04 14:49 | Uppdaterad: 2023-05-04 15:28

Aktuella utlysningar, vecka 18, 2023

Grants Office tipsar om aktuella utlysningar

Svenska och nordiska anslag


Forskningsanslag - Ollie och Elof Ericssons Stiftelse för Vetenskaplig Forskning

Stiftelsen stöder forskning inom ämnesområdena medicin, teknik och ekonomi. Stiftelsen vänder sig främst till unga, disputerade självständiga forskare som påbörjat uppbyggnaden av egen forskningsverksamhet. Anslagen ligger normalt på mellan 50 000-200 000 kr.

Closing date: 31 May, 2023

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Postdoktorala stipendier  - Hjärnfonden

Hjärnfonden delar ut stipendier och forskningsbidrag till neuroforskare vid svenska universitet och högskolor.  Hjärnfonden stödjer forskning inom neuroområdet rörande hjärnans och övriga nervsystemets sjukdomar, skador och funktionsnedsättningar, men även den friska hjärnan med dess normala funktioner och utveckling. Stipendium på 300 000 kronor per år avser forskning under två år och är öppna för sökande med svensk doktorsexamen.

Closing date: 7 June, 2023

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Etableringsanslag  - Jeanssons Stiftelser

Etableringsanslag till yngre forskare som är i färd med att etablera sin egen forskargrupp. Sökande bör ha någon form av institutionsanknuten tjänst, alternativt klinisk tjänst vid universitetsanknutet sjukhus, samt ha disputerat 2017 eller senare om ej särskilda skäl föreligger. Sökande kan beviljas årligt anslag vid två tillfällen, men ej mera. Sökande måste ange om det gäller fortsättningsanslag. För att erhålla ett fortsättningsanslag krävs tillfredsställande rapport om aktuell aktivitet. Anslag får ej sökas för egen lön. Anslag ges företrädesvis till sökande som ännu ej beviljats större anslag som täcker fleråriga kostnader för lön och drift.

Closing date: 22 June, 2023

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Ansökan om projektanslag för ALS-forskning  - Börje Salming ALS-stiftelse

Börje Salming ALS-stiftelse tar emot ansökningar för finansiering av grundvetenskapliga och patientnära forskningsprojekt som är inriktade på studier av orsaker till ALS, utveckling av nya metoder för medicinsk behandling av sjukdomen samt projekt för innovativa lösningar som kan

underlätta vid vård av ALS-patienter. Stiftelsen främjar forskning som kan leda till ökad kunskap om ALS och förbättra behandling av sjukdomen. För att uppnå dessa mål utlyser stiftelsen en anslagsansökan för grundvetenskapliga och patientnära forskningsprojekt inriktade på studier av orsaker till ALS, utveckling av såväl nya metoder för medicinsk behandling av sjukdomen som för innovativa lösningar som kan underlätta vård vid ALS. Anslag kan sökas för forskningsprojekt inom ALS som bedrives med något av landets universitet, universitetssjukhus eller sjukvårdsregioner som huvudman.

Closing date: 1 August, 2023

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Industriell postdoktor bidrag - Stiftelsen för Strategisk Forskning (SSF)

Syftet med programmet är att bidra till behovsdriven excellent forskning inom SSF:s verksamhetsområden, naturvetenskap, medicine eller teknik, främja korsbefruktning mellan akademi och näringsliv och bidra till utbildning av strategiskt relevanta industriforskare. Bidraget ska finansiera forskningen för en forskare med en högst fem år gammal doktorsexamen. Forskaren ska ha en minst 50-procentig anställning vid en högskola eller ett universitet där också hälften av forskningen ska ske. Resterande forskning ska ske på företaget och vara kopplad till deras forsknings- och utvecklingsaktiviteter.

Closing date: 12 September, 2023.

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Europeiska anslag


EFSD and Japan Diabetes Society (JDS) Reciprocal Travel Research Fellowship Programme

The objective of the EFSD/JDS Reciprocal Travel Research Fellowship Programme is to encourage collaborative research in the field of diabetes. Applications for Fellowships may be accepted from any single, non-profit institution or group of affiliated institutions from Europe, associated countries and from Japan.

The Fellowship shall be used for a scientific project, and enable applicants from Japan to travel to Europe or its associated countries and applicants from Europe or its associated countries to travel to Japan. The host institution must be a recognised research institution and applicants should have demonstrated their ability in the field of diabetes research.

Budget: 50’000EUR. The scientific project will be one to twelve months in length with some extra time allowed to complete a language course. The budget may include items such as salaries, travel, sustenance and consumables.

Closing date: 3 July, 2023

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European Association of Cardiothoracic Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care - Research grants

These support research concerning any aspect of cardiothoracic or vascular anaesthesia, or intensive care. Applicants should be members of EACTA and age of 40 years or younger and are either intending specialist or within the first years of appointment as a cardiothoracic specialist.

Support from the applicants home Institution (e.g. letters of support from departmental heads, colleagues, hospital administrators) would be welcomed.

Budget: Grants are funded to a maximum of €30,000. The Research Grant can be split in up to three minor grants to a value €10,000 each.

Closing date: 9 June, 2023

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German Cancer Research Center | Deutsches Krebsforschungszentrum, DKFZ Postdoctoral Fellowships

The German Cancer Research Center invites applications for its international postdoc programme. This supports young scientists to undertake post-doctoral study at any of the basic or translational cancer research labs at the DKFZ.

Young scientists from anywhere in the world with a background in biology, physics, mathematics, bioinformatics, epidemiology and other related research fields, may apply. Applicants must have obtained a qualification equivalent to a PhD or MD and be at an early stage of their career, having held a PhD or MD for no longer than two years prior to the application period. Up to 10 fellowships are available, each including a salary over initially two years.

More Information: Next call will open in July.



Catalyst Pump-Priming Projects - University of Birmingham

The BactiVac Network, based at the University of Birmingham, invites proposals for its catalyst pump priming projects scheme. This promotes new collaborations, in particular involving LMIC partners, resulting in preliminary data necessary to attract further, more substantial funding leading to long-lasting and beneficial partnerships that grow bacterial vaccinology. The aim is to accelerate the development and progression of vaccines against bacterial pathogens, particularly those of direct relevance to LMICs. Projects that achieve the following are prioritised:

  • facilitate onward progression of bacterial vaccines along the pipeline to licensure;
  • offer robust solutions to overcome the difficult preclinical to clinical transition;
  • advance the ability to tackle the global challenge of antimicrobial resistance;
  • involve BactiVac partnerships, particularly new partnerships, with a long-term work plan;
  • include LMICs or industrial partners;
  • demonstrate a clear pathway to impact;
  • have realistic plans in place to demonstrate intellectual property has been considered;
  • include plans for achieving further substantive funding at the end of the project.

Budget: Grants are flexible, typically worth up to £50,000 over up to six months, but up to £100,000 may be provided for up to one year in exceptional circumstances. Funding is provided at 80 per cent of full economic costs for academic institutions and 100 per cent for other institutions.

Projects must start by 1 November 2023.

Closing date: 18 June, 2023 (23.59 hours UK time)

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Alzheimer's Research UK (ARUK) - Clinical Research Training Fellowship

Alzheimer's Research UK, in partnership with the Dunhill Medical Trust, invites applications for its clinical research training fellowship. This enables clinically qualified candidates to gain research experience and the skills necessary to apply for full clinical fellowships through Alzheimer's Research UK or elsewhere, either through a PhD or independent research programme.


Clinically qualified candidates, such as trainee old age or general psychiatrists, neurologists, clinical psychologists or similar specialists with limited research experience who do not hold a PhD may apply. Prospective fellows that hold tenure are not eligible. Applicants should demonstrate an upward trajectory with some evidence of outputs form previous research projects, such as publications or conference presentations. The lead applicant must be based in a UK academic or research institution, however, the application can include researchers or institutions outside the UK. Fellows must have at least one supervisor: a senior established investigator in the institution where the fellowship is to be held. At least one supervisor must be clinically qualified with an honorary clinical contract and at least one supervisor, or co-supervisor, must have a contract with the host institution covering the proposed duration of the fellowship. Supervisors must agree to provide the required facilities, have oversight of the fellow and their research programme, and contribute actively to the training of the fellow. Applications should preferably be made by the prospective fellow, but prospective supervisors without nominated candidates who plan to recruit a fellow may also apply. International candidates are welcome, however funds to cover the extra costs of international tuition fees must be sought elsewhere.

Budget: Fellowships last for up to three years and provide salary costs and up to £20,000 per year for research costs, including animals and running costs. ARUK only cover the tuition fees of UK and EU candidates.

Closing date: 26 July, 2023

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Amerikanska anslag


Federal Funding

CDMRP - Traumatic Brain Injury and Psychological Health Research Program (TBIPH)

Funded programs: Clinical Trial Award; Focused Program Award; Health Services Research Award; Investigator-Initiated Research Award; Translational Research Award

Upcoming deadlines:

LOI - 8th June, 5pm ET; Full application - 6th July, 11:59 ET. Health Services Research Award; Investigator-Initiated Research Award; Translational Research Award.

LOI - 15th June, 5pm ET; Full application - 28th September, 11:59 ET. Clinical Trial Award; Focused Program Award

Abstract: The TBIPHRP’s vision is to optimize the prevention, assessment, and treatment of psychological health conditions and/or TBIs. Proposed research can be aligned with TBI, psychological health, or both.

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CDMRP - Rare Cancers Research Program (RCRP)

Funded programs: Concept Award; Idea Development Award; Resource and Community Development Award.

Upcoming deadlines:

LOI - 26th June, 5pm ET; Full application - 29th September, 11:59 ET. Idea Development Award; Resource and Community Development Award.

LOI - 14th July, 5pm ET; Full application - 25th August, 11:59 ET. Concept Award.

Abstract: The RCRP is offering funding for research projects associated with rare cancers. The FY23 RCRP definition of rare cancers is cancers affecting 6 or fewer persons per 100,000 per year in the United States. Applicants will be required to provide a justification statement explaining the relevance of the investigated cancer types/subtypes that fall under the RCRP’s definition of rare cancers.

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CDMRP - Parkinson's Research Program (PRP)

Funded programs: Early Investigator Research Award; Investigator-Initiated Research Award; Synergistic Idea Award.

Upcoming deadlines: LOI - 27th July, 5pm ET; Full application - 17th August, 11:59 ET. Early Investigator Research Award; Investigator-Initiated Research Award; Synergistic Idea Award.

Abstract: The vision of the PRP is to improve the health and lives of people with Parkinson’s disease through innovative, clinically meaningful treatments. The mission of the PRP is to support high-impact Parkinson’s research that alters disease progression, improves disease symptoms, and develops treatments that benefit Service Members, Veterans, and all others living with Parkinson’s disease. Applicants proposing research on the effects of toxic exposure are directed to the Toxic Exposures Research Program.

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NIH - NIH Blueprint for Neuroscience Research: Tools and Technologies to Explore Nervous System Biomolecular Condensates (R21 Clinical Trial Not Allowed)

Funding Opportunity ID: RFA-DA-24-039

Upcoming deadlines: Full application - 14th November, 5pm ET

Abstract: The NIH Blueprint for Neuroscience Research is a collaborative framework through which 12 NIH Institutes, Centers and Offices jointly support neuroscience related research, with the aim of accelerating discoveries and reducing the burden of nervous system disorders (for further information, see The purpose of this Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) is to support the development of innovative tools and/or technologies to monitor or manipulate biomolecular condensates (BMCs) in vivo and enable investigators to adopt these tools to answer outstanding questions in basic neuroscience. This research will transform our understanding of the mechanistic role of BMCs in human nervous system health and disease and may serve as the foundation for the development of novel BMC-based therapeutics.

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Association for Frontotemporal Degeneration (AFTD) - Accelerating Drug Discovery for FTD

Upcoming deadlines: LOI - 19th May; Full Application - 28th July 2023

Amount: up to $200,000 for one year, depending on the stage and scope of the research. Slightly larger budgets can be considered – contact AFTD or ADDF to discuss. Funding is not provided for indirect costs/overhead, capital equipment, equipment service contracts, publication costs, or travel (unless pre-approved under special circumstances).

Eligibility: All independent investigators are welcome to apply.

Abstract: Through this program, AFTD, in partnership with the Alzheimer’s Drug Discovery Foundation (ADDF), seeks to advance and support innovative small molecule and biologic (antibodies, oligonucleotides, peptides, gene therapy) drug discovery programs for FTD.

Current funding priorities for this program include lead optimization of novel disease-modifying compounds (e.g., medicinal chemistry refinement, in vitro ADME) and in vivo testing of novel lead compounds, biologics, vaccines or repurposed drug candidates in relevant animal models for pharmacokinetics, dose-range finding, target engagement, in vivo efficacy, and/or preliminary rodent tolerability studies. This program does NOT support target identification/validation, assay development, or high-throughput/high-content screening.

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Foundation Fighting Blindness (FFB) - Translational Research Acceleration Program (TRAP) Award

Upcoming deadlines: LOI - 1st June; Full Application - 5th October 2023


TRAP I (funding up to $900K allocated over a three-year period): Funds research covering early preclinical development from target validation to proof of concept up to develop of a lead therapeutic (Phase I).

TRAP II (funding up to $1.5M allocated over a three-year period): Funds mid- to late-stage preclinical research covering lead optimization through drug candidate selection and IND enabling studies (Phase II).

TRAP III (funding up to $1M allocated over no more than a three-year period): This flexible award funds late-stage projects that need one or more critical experiments (e.g., lead candidate testing in non-human primates) to satisfy a transition requirement (i.e., FDA IND filing, Venture Capital investment, etc.).

Funding is not provided for indirect costs/overhead.

Eligibility: Applicants must hold a research leadership position (e.g., faculty position, director of research, etc.). A project shall have only a single Principal Investigator (PI; or single Program Director for a PPA), who is responsible for project oversight, fiscal management, and reporting.

Abstract: The primary interest for the Foundation is to fund research and development efforts that are creating novel, clinically relevant treatments and cures. The TRAP program is interested in submissions related to one or more of the research priority areas listed below; however, research and technologies that fall outside of the scope of these areas may be considered with adequate preliminary data and justification. In the application, please highlight which research priority area your research/technology falls within according to the definitions outlined: Novel Medical Therapies (NMT); Genetic Technologies (GT); Regenerative Medicine (RM).

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Multiple Myeloma Research Foundation (MMRF) - MMRF Myeloma Omics Initiative

Upcoming deadlines: LOI - 30th June; Full Application - 30th November 2023

Amount: $50,000USD.The MMRF will provide no-cost access to the analytical and bioinformatic resources available through the MMRF’s network of academic partner laboratories. Successful applicants will collaborate with one or more of the MMRF’s partner laboratories to conduct detailed analysis of samples provided by the applicant. MMRF will provide compensation of up to $50,000 for reasonable operational costs incurred for the collection, storage and shipment of samples to the analytical laboratories.

Eligibility: All researchers are welcome to apply.

Abstract: The Multiple Myeloma Research Foundation (MMRF) is pleased to announce a new Clinical Translational Research Program, the MMRF Myeloma Omics Initiative. This initiative will provide successful applicants access to state-of-the-art -omics platforms and analytical resources to analyze bone marrow and peripheral blood samples from patients enrolled in high value clinical studies in multiple myeloma and precursor conditions. Newly approved and investigational agents continue to enter the therapeutic ecosystem for multiple myeloma. This creates new challenges for clinicians who must incorporate or sequence these newer agents into current treatment regimens with proven therapies (and even supplant older, proven regimens). In order to understand how best to utilize and integrate newer agents into current regimens, to maximize clinical benefit and to determine which patient populations will achieve most benefit from a specific agent and/or regimens, will require a deeper understanding of multiple myeloma and patient biology at the molecular and cellular level.

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BrightFocus Foundation - Macular Degeneration Research Program

Upcoming deadlines: LOI - 31ST July; Full Application - 5th December 2023

Abstract: This fellowship program is intended to support young postdoctoral researchers during their final stages of mentored training. The award provides salary support for a young scientist to conduct postdoctoral studies in an established laboratory focused on research contributing to understanding the biological causes and/or new clinical treatment of macular degeneration and should also serve as the basis for the applicant's own independent research career.


Postdoctoral Fellowship Program

Amount: $100,000 per year. 2-year maximum duration. No indirect costs.

Eligibility: Candidates must hold an MD, PhD, DVM, DO, OD or equivalent degree received no more than four years before the time of application. For clinician scientists, this application should be submitted within two years after completion of their final clinical training. Exceptions to the above four-year and two-year eligibility period will be considered under unusual circumstances. Candidates must submit a written exception request to BrightFocus and obtain approval before applying. Applicant may apply for this fellowship before completing their terminal degree, if they have a firm commitment from the laboratory head in which training will take place, and the applicant is the main author of the application.

New Investigator Grant Program

Amount: $150,000 per year. 3-year maximum duration. No indirect costs.

Eligibility: Candidates must hold an MD, PhD, DVM, DO, OD or equivalent degree. Applicant must serve as the Principal Investigator on the project and have independent laboratory space. The applicant should use the indicated space on the application forms to clarify any position that is not immediately recognizable as an independent research position. While some of the grant can be used to support salary for the PI, the percent requested should be limited to the lesser of 35% of the total grant request, or 35% of the individual’s salary.

Innovative Research Grants

Amount: $200,000 per year. 3-year maximum duration. No indirect costs.

Eligibility: Candidates must hold an MD, PhD, DVM, DO, OD or equivalent degree. Applicant must serve as the Principal Investigator on the project and have independent laboratory space. While some of the grant can be used to support salary for the PI, the percent requested should be limited to the lesser of 35% of the total grant request, or 35% of the individual’s salary. Co-PI salaries are capped at the lesser of 25% of the total grant request, or 25% of the individual’s salary. Note: Postdoctoral fellows should not be named as Co-PI on Innovative Research awards but should instead apply for the MDR Postdoctoral fellowship. Previous recipients of this award are not eligible.

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Pfizer, Inc. - Global Awards for Research in DMD-AWARD

Upcoming deadlines: Full Application - 10th July 2023

Amount: Individual projects requesting up to $100,000 will be considered. Maximum allowed overhead rate of 28%.

Eligibility: All researchers are welcome to apply.

Abstract: This competitive program aims to fund innovative and novel research proposals that seek to advance the understanding and management of Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD). Research projects that will be considered for support include the following basic and clinical research of gene therapy for DMD:

  • What is the prevalence of Adeno-associated virus (AAV) neutralizing antibodies within a DMD patient population
  • Strategies that can circumvent pre-existing neutralizing antibodies (nABs) to AAV that may allow future re-dosing or enabling eligibility for gene therapy for those patients with pre-existing nABs
  • What mechanism underpin the immunologic adverse effects of gene therapy and strategies that can be used to mitigate the risk and treat adverse responses
  • What mechanisms influence the durability of response to gene therapy and what factors predict response to guide decision making
  • Innovative and novel approaches that can support assessment and long-term follow-up for those DMD boys receiving gene therapy
  • Establish Minimal Clinically Important Difference (MCID) for relevant assessment used in DMD
  • Identify novel risk factors and potential management strategies for rapid DMD disease progression, cognitive impairment or development of other co-morbidities
  • Understand and predict response to treatment and the disease course of DMD
  • Develop and/or validate diagnostic, prognostic or response biomarkers in DMD
  • Understanding the clinical, economic and societal burden of DMD
  • How changes in motor function relate to changes in DMD patient and caregiver quality of life and/or activities of daily living
  • Treatment patterns in DMD, including the evolving use of steroids, exon-skippers, and gene therapy

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2023 Michelson Prizes

Funding the next generation of global health innovators

Apply now for the 2023 Michelson Prizes: Next Generation Grants.

The $150,000 Michelson Prizes are awarded annually by Michelson Medical Research Foundation and the Human Immunome Project to provide critical funding for early-career investigators to pursue cutting-edge, transformative research.

We are looking for bold research concepts that challenge the status quo and could have a lasting impact on vaccine and immunotherapy discovery. A distinguished committee of internationally recognized scientists will identify the most innovative proposals. Early-career investigators from a broad range of disciplines are encouraged to apply.

Deadline for submissions is June 11, 2023.

For more information about eligibility and the application process, please visit Human Immunome Project or Michelson Medical Research Foundation.

Apply here