Publicerad: 2024-03-07 10:56 | Uppdaterad: 2024-03-07 11:03

Aktuella utlysningar, vecka 10, 2024

KI Grants Office tipsar om aktuella utlysningar

Svenska och nordiska utlysningar

Härmed utlyses Karolinska Institutets pris för innovation och nyttiggörande 2024

Priset riktar sig till en eller flera forskare/forskarstuderande som utmärkt sig genom framstående nyttiggörande av forskningsresultat som lett till en innovation.

Kandidat(er) till priset kan nomineras av alla. Självnomineringar accepteras.
Ni inbjuds att föreslå kandidater som är aktiva forskare/forskarstuderande (anställd, adjungerad eller anknuten till KI).

Om en enskild individ inte kan anses ensam stå bakom innovationen kan högst tre personer dela på priset.

För ytterligare kriterier, se bifogat nomineringsformulär.

Nomineringen (nomineringsformulär inkl. motivering) ska vara oss tillhanda senast den 11 april.

Underlaget skickas som pdf till

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Rese- och utbildningsstipendier – Blodcancerfonden  

Fonden har öppnat ansökan för rese- och utbildningsstipendier. Dessa medel delas ut två gånger per år och är i första hand avsedda för utbildningar (kurser och konferenser) med syftet att öka kunskapsnivån bland landets hematologer och hematologisjuksköterskor.

Closing date: April 1, 2023

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Project support - Laerdal Foundation for Acute Medicine

The Laerdal Foundation invites applications for its project support. This supports practically oriented research within its focus areas. Applications that relate to factors 2 and 3 of the Utstein formula for survival - improved efficiency of education or implementation are particularly welcome. Grants are worth up to NOK 400,000 each for between 12 to 18 months. Only necessary expenditures expected to fall due within a period of 12 months from the start of the project may be covered. In order to be able to support as many as possible of the many qualified applications, the Board has decided that, as a rule, no single project shall receive more than NOK 250,000.

Closing date: April 1, 2024

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Research grants - LEO Foundation 

LEO Foundation announces open competition research grants to support the best dermatology research projects worldwide. The foundation welcomes applications for research projects that improve the understanding of skin biology as well as the underlying medicinal, biological, chemical, or pharmacological mechanisms of dermatological diseases and their symptoms. It also welcomes applications for projects that address clinical issues among people who are at risk of developing, or have developed, a skin disease, including how it impacts their quality of life and the societal costs involved. Foundation does not currently support projects on skin cancer, however, skin cancer models may be permitted if used as tools to investigate other aspects of skin or skin diseases.

Closing date: April 2, 2024

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Tvärvetenskapliga forskningsprogram - Mistra 

Mistra finansierar ambitiösa och djärva forskningsidéer inom miljöområdet, för att komplettera den huvudsakliga finansiering till långsiktiga, tvärvetenskapliga forskningsprogram. Forskningsidéer inom minskad resursförbrukning och diplomati för hållbarhet som bryter ny mark och ifrågasätter konventionella synsätt är syftet med projektutlysningen Mistra Utmana. Mistra Utmana adresserar två områden – Minskad resursförbrukning och accelererad cirkulär ekonomi och Diplomati för hållbarhet. Sökanden uppmanas att formulera modiga idéer som kan bryta ny mark och ifrågasätta konventionella synsätt och paradigm. Syftet är att idéer med potential att bidra med lösningar på komplexa miljö- och samhällsutmaningar ska utforskas. Utlysningen genomförs i två steg och projekten finansieras med högst 6 MSEK för en projekttid om högst tre år.

Closing date: April 5, 2024

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Visiting Researchers - LEO Foundation

Visiting researcher grants aim at fostering genuine international collaborations and strengthening the exchange of knowledge, ideas, methodology, and technology between Danish and international skin research communities. Visiting researcher grants stimulate a cohesive and agile skin research ecosystem by supporting temporary embedment of skin researchers in a foreign research environment with the aim of fostering genuine international collaborations and strengthening the exchange of knowledge, ideas, methodology, and technology between Danish and international skin research communities.

Closing date: April 10, 2024

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Research Networking - LEO Foundation 

LEO Foundation announces open competition research grants to support the best dermatology research projects worldwide. Through our Research Networking Grants, the Foundations seeks to enable knowledge-sharing and facilitate networking and collaborations within the skin research community by providing researchers and students with opportunities to present and discuss the newest research within their field.

Closing date: April 10, 2024

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Karriärstöd  - FORMAS 

Utlysningen riktar sig till dig som är nydisputerad eller i tidiga skeden i din karriärutveckling. Du kan söka medel för att genomföra ett eget forskningsprojekt där du får formulera dina egna frågeställningar inom Formas områden: miljö, areella näringar och samhällsbyggande. Frågeställningarna får gärna vara tvärvetenskapliga.

Utlysningen Karriärstöd för forskare tidigt i karriären ger dig som forskare tidigt i karriären möjlighet att stärka din kompetens i att leda och driva ett eget projekt, och bidra till en tydlig förflyttning av kunskapsläget inom Formas ansvarsområden och ta nästa steg i din karriär. Det ska bredda dina perspektiv och stärka din självständighet, och göra det möjligt för dig att ta nästa steg i din karriär. Detta med ny eller delvis ny riktning för forskningen jämfört med det du gjort tidigare.

Closing date: April 10, 2024

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Stipendium - Svensk Förening för Sjuksköterskor i Diabetesvård (SFSD)

SFSD utlyser stipendium för projekt eller fortbildning inom diabetesvård. Berättigad att söka är en eller flera diabetes sjuksköterskor som arbetar inom diabetesvården (primärvård, sjukhus, barn, kommun och vårdutbildningar). Minst en av de sökande måste vara medlem i SFSD och som varit medlem minst tre år.

Closing date: April 12, 2024

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Internationell forskningsprojekt – Forte och Transforming Health and Care Systems (THCS) 

“Innovate to prevent: Personalised Prevention in Health and Care Services” är den andra transnationella utlysningen inom det europeiska partnerskapet Transforming Health and Care Systems (THCS). THCS är ett partnerskap inom EU:s ramprogram för forskning och innovation, Horisont Europa med yttersta målet att förbättra vård- och omsorgssystem i Europa och samordna och optimera forsknings- och innovationsinsatser. Utlysning syftar till att stödja implementeringen av innovativa personcentrerade hälso- och vårdmodeller för förebyggande strategier för att förbättra hälso- och omsorgssystemens kvalitet, effektivitet, rättvisa och hållbarhet, med hjälp av befintlig digital teknik och tjänster. Att förbättra kvaliteten på de förebyggande tjänsterna kommer att leda till att medborgarnas och patienternas livskvalitet förbättras, samt att belastningen och kostnaderna för hela hälso- och omsorgstjänsterna minskar. Utlysningen är ett samarbete mellan 21 länder och Europeiska kommissionen. Varje land finansierar sina egna aktörer i de internationella konsortierna. Varje konsortium ska bestå av parter från minst tre olika länder som deltar i utlysningen och det får vara max tre aktörer från varje land. Svenskt deltagande möjliggörs genom ett samarbete mellan Forte och Vinnova. Utlysningen består av projektbidrag, som kan löpa mellan 12 och 36 månader. 

Closing dates:

  • for pre-application to THCS: April 16, 2024
  • for full application to THCS: May 14, 2024
  • for application in Prisma: May 30, 2024

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Projektbidrag – Cancerfonden 

Cancerfonden finansierar forskning av hög kvalitet som stödjer alla aspekter av cancer. Fonden stödjer innovativa idéer inom vårdvetenskap (som livskvalitet, rehabilitering, palliativ behandling), folkhälsovetenskap (som epidemiologi, prevention, livsstilsfaktorer), samhällsvetenskap (som hälsoekonomi, sociologi) och  kommunikations- och beteendevetenskap (som implementering av kunskap om prevention).

Closing date: April 25, 2024

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Interventionsstudier - Kostfonden 

Fonden utlyser nu totalt 1,6 miljoner kronor under två år till en eller flera högkvalitativa interventionsstudier som bryter ny mark inom kostområdet och är relevanta ur ett patient- eller samhällsperspektiv. Matval har en kraftig inverkan på blodsocker- och insulinnivåer, speciellt hos personer med bukfetma, och också på tarmfloran och vår tarmhälsa. Via effekter på insulinet och blodsockret kan kosten indirekt påverka en rad olika signalsubstanser och hormonella system i kroppen. För att utforska detta område, fonden utlyser totalt 1,6 miljoner kronor till en eller flera kliniska interventionsstudier som undersöker om någon form av innovativ kostbehandling kan påverka ett sjukdomsförlopp via en förändring av kroppens biokemi eller tarmflora. Projekt som är relevanta ur patient- och samhällssynpunkt och där studieupplägget kan motiveras av välgjorda prekliniska studier och/eller mindre kliniska studier kommer att prioriteras. Bidraget kan sökas av enskilda forskare som kan verka som projektledare och arbetar i ett nordiskt land. Sökande ska ha svensk doktorsexamen eller motsvarande.

Closing date: May 15, 2024

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Residential Fellowship - The Swedish Collegium for Advanced Study (SCAS)

SCAS offers a General Residential Fellowship Programme, mainly in the humanities and social sciences, open to scholars from all countries. At the time of application, the candidate must have held a PhD (or equivalent degree) for at least three years. Early career scholars must have a promising track record of independent achievements beyond the postdoctoral level, including significant publications, and be active in international fora. Senior must have demonstrated a track record of significant and original research achievements over a sequence of years and be active at the international forefront of their research fields. Scholars apply for a full academic year or one semester.

Closing date: June 1, 2024 

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RSMH utlyser forskningsstipendium 2024 

RSMH delar 2024 ut ett forskarstipendium på 100.000 kronor till humanistisk och social forskning som kan leda till ett bättre liv för människor med psykisk ohälsa.

Enligt fondens regler kan stipendium sökas av en person som bedriver humanistiskt och socialt inriktad forskning som kan leda till ett bättre liv för människor med psykisk ohälsa. Forskning som sätter brukarens erfarenhet och kunskap i fokus ska särskilt uppmärksammas.  

RSMH ser stipendiet som en ”igångsättningshjälp” till forskare och doktorander/blivande doktorander som kanske ännu inte är etablerade och som presenterar en intressant idé. 

Årets stipendiat offentliggörs i maj 2024. 

Skicka ansökan till: 

Closing date: April 17, 2024.  

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Europeiska anslag

Upcoming Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) Postdoctoral Fellowships 

MSCA offers Postdoc opportunities within Europe with a 2-year fellowship (European Fellowship), or outside Europe (2 years) with a mandatory 1-year return phase to Europe with the 3-year Global Fellowship. Fellows with a PhD degree or have successfully defended their PhD thesis by 11th September 2024 and have less than 8 years of research experience can apply. The fellow, PI and organization must be identified. 

Opening date: 10 April 2024 
Closing date: 11 September 2024.

More information on MSCA 


Information Seminar MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowships

Grants Office invites you to an information seminar for this upcoming call, where we will introduce the subtypes of MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowships, eligibility criteria, and application support provided by Grants Office e.g. the Bootcamp for proposal writing. Sweden’s National Contact Point for MSCA, Isabel Dellacasa Lindberg from The Swedish Research Council will present the political aspects behind the program. The information seminar is aimed at KI employees and KI associated researchers, as well as researchers who plan to apply with KI as their host organization. 

Time: Wednesday 27th March 10:30 – 11:00  
Venue: Ragnar Granit, Biomedicum, Campus Solna. 
Registration is required. A Zoom link will be sent out to registered participants a few days before the seminar. Coffee/Refreshment will be provided.

For questions contact 

European Hematology Association (EHA) Innovation Grant

The EHA Innovation Grant is intended to encourage and support the creation of consortia and the generation of preliminary data to facilitate applying for larger funding opportunities.

Eligibility: Each consortium must include at least 3 Principal Investigators (PI) operating in 3 different European countries. At least one of the PIs must be within 5 years of his/her first senior appointment. More junior independent group leaders are encouraged to participate, and their addition would add value to the evaluation. 
Applicants who currently hold or have sent a proposal for a EHA Research Grant or EHA Bilateral Collaborative Grant in the current call are not eligible for an EHA Innovation Grant.

Amount: The grant is for a maximum of 2 years and a total of €300,000 will be provided, for the whole consortium. No more than 40% of the total grant should be allocated to one member of the consortium. Co-financing from public or philanthropic institutions is acceptable and must be specified in the project proposal. Co-financing from industry or for-profit entities is not acceptable.

More information 

Closing date: 2 April 2024

Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) International co-investigator scheme

The Swiss National Science Foundation, in collaboration with the Swedish Research Council, the Research Council of Norway and the Arts and Humanities Research Council and Economic and Social Research Council in the UK, invites applications for its international co-investigator scheme. This supports and facilitates cross-border collaboration between European research partners by funding sub-projects conducted by Swiss-based researchers abroad. Collaborations with researchers in Denmark, Norway, Sweden or the Netherlands may address any discipline, whereas collaborations with UK based researchers are limited to the humanities and social sciences. The following funding restrictions apply:

  • Denmark, Norway, Sweden and the Netherlands - funding may cover up to 50 per cent of the sub-project costs;
  • the UK - sub-projects costs may not exceed 30 per cent of the overall project budget.

Eligibility: This funding scheme is aimed at researchers in Switzerland whose project includes a subproject abroad. The SNSF or partner agency evaluates and finances both the project and subproject. Main applicants must be based in Switzerland or Swiss institutions abroad. Both Swiss and international applicants must have conducted research for at least four years since gaining their PhD. Applicants without a doctorate must have a research track record of at least three years. International co-investigators must be based at an institution eligible for their national research council funding.

Grants are worth at least CHF 50,000 each for a period of one to four years.

Only one application may be submitted per deadline. This call is repeated 2 times a year.

More information  

Closing dates: 1 Apr 2024; 1 Oct 2024

The European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology - Project Proposal 

The European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology invites applications for its project proposal programme. This supports projects involving several experts groups from European countries and benefiting patients with skin diseases or contributing to the understanding of skin diseases, physician capabilities or patient care.

Eligibility: Projects must involve several expert groups from European countries with a synergistic or complementary role in pursuing the objectives of the project. The project must be co-ordinated by investigators with sufficient background experience and/or training in the specific research field. An investigator cannot apply in more than one project as a Project Leader in a single round proposal.

Amount: The budget limit on project funding is €100,000. The budget includes:

  • Salary for project leader and other essential personnel;
  • Equipment, supplies and software;
  • Facilities and administrative costs;
  • Travel expenses;
  • Publications and miscellaneous costs.

The funding period essentially starts at the beginning of the year that follows the submission.

More info 

Closing date: 1 Apr 2024. This call is repeated once a year.

Volkswagen Foundation/Novo Nordisk Fonden/Wellcome Trust: Transdisciplinary Approaches to Mobility and Global Health

The purpose of this call is to promote multi-perspective research on how mobility and health are interlinked, influencing the general health, various health determinants and the well-being of local and mobile populations, and how the effects of mobility could be addressed in a sustainable way. Furthermore, projects on how ideas/concepts that influence Global Health move beyond borders and how they affect societies are welcome. The mobility of animals and goods, and what this means for the spread of animal and vector-borne diseases and their effects on human populations may also be investigated.

  • The scientific background of the participating project team members is not restricted and should be based on the needs of the projects. The transdisciplinary nature of the project, e.g., between life sciences and social sciences, must be demonstrated in the application.
  • The consortium must consist of one main applicant and 2 to 4 co-applicants.
  • The number of co-applicants in LMICs must match (or exceed) those in HICs, meaning that minimum two co-applicants must be from research institutions located in LMICs.
  • The main applicant must be an established researcher within his/her field of research.
  • Due to statutory limitations, the foundations are restricted to the following:
    • Volkswagen Foundation will only be able to award grants with the main applicant from a research institution in Germany.
    • For Novo Nordisk Foundation, the geographical location of the main applicant is not restricted. However, at least one of the applicants should be from Nordic region (Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, Sweden).
    • For Wellcome, the geographical location of the main applicant and co-applicants is restricted to the UK and Low-or-Middle Income countries.
  • Co-applicants can be researchers at different stages of their academic careers; however, a PhD or Master student cannot be a co-applicant.
  • A significant part of the research must be performed locally in LMICs and include close collaboration with local communities, stakeholders, and other relevant actors.
  • NGOs and/or NPOs (non-profit organizations) can be collaborators in the projects and must be subcontracted by a research institution.

    The main applicant is the researcher who formally submits the application in the application system (NORMA) on behalf of all project partners. The scientific project leader need not be the same as the person who submitted the application.

Amount: Upper:  €1,550,000EUR Lower:  €50,000EUR

Phase 1 – Pilot Project
Pilot grants of EUR 50,000 for up to 7 months period will be awarded to the shortlisted applicants, who will be invited to form consortia, design the final project, and submit a full project proposal.

Phase 2 – Full project proposal
The foundations will award project grants between EUR 500,000 – 1,500,000 per project for projects of 3-5 years duration.

More info 

Closing date: Phase 1 – Pilot project: 25 March 2024; Phase 2 – Full proposal: 4 March 2025.

Amerikanska anslag

Federal Funding

Priority HIV/AIDS Research within the Mission of NIDDK (R01 Clinical Trial Optional)

Funding Opportunity ID: PAS-24-163 

Upcoming deadlines: May 07, 2024; September 07, 2024; January 07, 2024

Abstract: This Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) seeks to stimulate HIV/AIDS research within the mission of the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK) that aligns with the HIV/AIDS research priorities outlined by the NIH Office of AIDS Research (OAR). These priorities were most recently described in NOT-OD-20-018 UPDATE: NIH HIV/AIDS Research Priorities and Guidelines for Determining HIV/AIDS Funding

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CDMRP - Tick-Borne Disease Research Program (TBDRP) - Anticipated Funding Opportunity for Fiscal Year 2024 (FY24)

Award Mechanisms: Idea Development Award; Therapeutic/Diagnostic Research Award

Abstract: The FY24 Defense Appropriations Act is anticipated to provide funding for the TBDRP to support innovative, high-impact tick-borne disease research. The TBDRP is providing the information in this pre-announcement to allow investigators time to plan and develop ideas for submission to the anticipated FY24 funding opportunities. Pre-application and application deadlines will be available when the announcements are released. Applicants are encouraged to submit applications focused on persistent Lyme disease, and other tick-borne diseases and conditions endemic to the U.S.

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Impact of Comorbidities and Co-Infections on HIV Reservoirs (R01 Clinical Trial Not Allowed)

Funding Opportunity ID: RFA-DK-25-013

Upcoming deadlines: July 30, 2024

Abstract: This Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) seeks to foster new multi-disciplinary teams to address how HIV Comorbidities and co-infections within the missions of NIDDK and NIAID interact with viral reservoirs, potentially confounding cure strategies aimed at either sustained viral suppression or elimination from the body. These teams will mechanistically interrogate the impact of inflammation, metabolic perturbations, or other pathophysiological processes associated with these comorbidities or co-infections on reservoir dynamics, and/or the interplay of these conditions and co-infections on HIV reservoir biology in ways that are likely to interact with potential cure strategies.

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Developing Digital Therapeutics for Substance Use Disorders (UG3/UH3 Clinical Trial optional)

Funding Opportunity ID: PAR-24-064

Upcoming deadlines: July 17, 2024; November 19, 2024; March 26, 2025; July 17, 2025

Abstract: The purpose of this notice of funding opportunity (NOFO) is to accelerate the development of Digital Therapeutics (DTx) to treat Substance Use Disorders (SUDs). Advances in technology offer unprecedented opportunities to develop clinical-grade mobile, web, or other software-based platforms designed to deliver treatments that are safe and effective for SUD. FDA authorization of DTx can play an important role in increasing the availability of treatments to patients with SUD. The primary objective of this NOFO is to move DTx to their next step in the development process, with the ultimate goal of generating new, FDA authorized, disseminated treatments for SUDs. Applications may focus on the pre-clinical and/or clinical development and testing of new DTx or existing DTx developed for other indications.

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Ovarian Cancer Research Alliance (OCRA), US – Collaborative Research Development Grant 

Upcoming deadlines: LOI – 27th March, 2024; Full application (by invitation) - 13th June, 2024

Amount: $900,000 total. $300,000 per year over a 3-year period. 

Eligibility: The Principal Investigator (one Principal Investigator must be selected) and other investigators must have full-time faculty appointments. They should not currently be in a training program. At least one key investigator must be a physician with expertise on ovarian cancer. International collaborations are welcome.

Abstract: The purpose of this grantmaking program is to provide funds for ovarian cancer and/or related gynecologic cancers research projects that may involve several investigators within one institution or collaborations between groups in multiple institutions. Interdisciplinary collaborations are encouraged. The selection committee will consider most favorably applications that are creative, original, and hold the most promise in the areas of screening and early detection, etiology and prevention, molecular therapeutics, cancer biology and genetics. Submissions that focus on health services research, quality of life, and epidemiology are also encouraged. Proposed projects should focus on ovarian cancers and/or related gynecologic cancers.




American Tinnitus Association (ATA), US – various research grants

Upcoming deadlines: Full application – 26th April, 2024

Amount: See link for individual program funding. indirect costs covered up to 10%.

Eligibility: See link for individual program eligibilities. 

Abstract: ATA Grants support one- or two-year investigations aimed at contributing substantively to the scientific understanding of tinnitus and improving patient care and quality-of-life for those affected by tinnitus. ATA is accepting applications for 2 new funding opportunities:

Innovative Tinnitus Research Grant for Established Investigators - This grant is open to senior/mid- and early-career researchers.

Innovative Tinnitus Research Grant for Early Investigators - This grant is aimed at enabling tinnitus researchers in the early stages of their careers. Applicants for early career research grants should have completed their most recent and relevant degree no more than seven years prior to the application deadline.


Prostate Cancer Foundation (PCF), US – PCF Challenge Awards 

Upcoming deadlines: LOI – 8th April, 2024; Full application - 17th June, 2024

Amount: Up to $1,000,000 total. Indirect costs are not supported by this grant.

Eligibility: Applicants must be composed of a team of at least three (3) investigators from non-profit academic research centers, including one young investigator. The young investigator may hold the title of Postdoctoral Fellow, Instructor, Research Associate, Assistant Professor, or equivalent and should be within six- years following completion of a professional degree or subsequent mentored academic or clinical training program. He or she should not have been granted commitments for

more than $1,000,000 in direct research funding from all sources including institutional funds at the time of this application.

Abstract: The Prostate Cancer Foundation (PCF) is pleased to announce a Request for Team Science Applications for PCF Challenge Awards for investigations of metastatic, lethal prostate cancer. These awards will be funded depending on the level of innovation in applications received. PCF seeks high-risk, currently unfunded projects from academic institutions around the world. We especially encourage applications on prostate cancer disparity research that will help to define the origins of differential outcome for prostate cancer patients in men of under-represented populations, including those focusing on biology or health care access policy. 




Morton Cure Paralysis Fund (MCPF), US – Research Grants

Upcoming deadlines: Full application - 30th April, 2024

Amount: Most research awards range from $5,000 to $75,000 and are based on one-year contracts. A second year may be considered upon review.

Eligibility: Open to all.

Abstract: The Morton Cure Paralysis Fund (MCPF) is committed to developing effective therapies (cures) for paralysis associated with spinal cord injury and other disorders of the central nervous system (CNS). MCPF funds activities that hold promise of identifying therapies (cures) for paraly­sis in humans. MCPF has a particular focus of placing projects in the research pipeline, that is, enabling scientists to develop the proof concept data necessary to apply for larger NIH grants. The development of effective therapies for chronic injury is a high priority for the organization. Basic research will be supported if it has clear potential to accelerate progress at the applied end of the continuum and/or if it reflects innovative research or a ‘change of direction.’
