Föreläsningar och seminarier Crossing Borders-webbinarium – “Extra-adrenal glucocorticoid synthesis in the intestinal mucosa: implications for local immune homeostasis and cancer development”

2022-04-12 15:00 - 16:00 Add to iCal
Online Online via Zoom
Crossing Borders
Crossing Borders. Foto: AIMES.

Varmt välkommen till nästa Crossing Borders-webbinarium! Thomas Brunner, University of Konstanz, Germany, kommer prata om “Extra-adrenal glucocorticoid synthesis in the intestinal mucosa: implications for local immune homeostasis and cancer development”.

Vi är glada att välkomna Thomas Brunner som kommer prata om följande:

Glucocorticoids as medical drugs have an important application in the treatment of inflammatory diseases and cancer. Seventy years ago, glucocorticoids were, however, first discovered as endogenous stress hormones, primarily produced by the adrenal glands in response to emotional, physical and immunological stress. Recent years have led to the discovery and characterization of alternative sources of these immunoregulatory steroid hormones. Our group discovered for the first-time glucocorticoid synthesis in the intestinal mucosa in response to immunological stress. In this presentation I will discuss the transcriptional regulation of intestinal steroidogenesis, its implication in the regulation of inflammatory processes of the intestine, and how colorectal tumors have high-jacked glucocorticoid synthesis to evade destruction by the immune system.

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