Föreläsningar och seminarier Cognitive Neuroscience Club med Michael Dimitriou: "It also happens in the periphery: Advanced signal-processing at the level of muscle spindles "

2022-04-25 15:00 Add to iCal
Online Online via Zoom (https://ki-se.zoom.us/j/62957388041)

Den sista veckan i varje månad bjuder Cognitive Neuroscience Club in till en föreläsning på temat kognitiv neurovetenskap. Måndagen den 25 april 2022, kl. 15:00, välkomnar vi Dr. Michael Dimitriou, forskare vid institutionen för integrativ medicinsk biologi, Umeå universitet. Mötet hålls online via Zoom.

"It also happens in the periphery: Advanced signal-processing at the level of muscle spindles"


Speaker: Dr. Michael Dimitriou, Research Fellow, Department of Integrative Medical Biology, Umeå University, Sweden

Muscle spindles are encapsulated sensory organs found in most of our muscles. It is commonly assumed that the role of spindles is to provide reliable information concerning muscle stretch. In my talk, I will argue that the traditional view of the spindle as a basic mechanoreceptor is outdated. Spindle neurons can be independently tuned by spinal γ motor neurons that receive top-down and peripheral input, including from cutaneous afferents. I propose that spindles under different control play a flexible and higher-level role, providing a unique service to the nervous system: that of a peripheral signal-processing device that helps augment and expedite sensorimotor performance. This proposal can unify previous -seemingly contradictory- knowledge about spindles and more recent findings in humans engaged in fundamental sensorimotor tasks. Incorporation of advanced (e.g., selective) signal-processing at the periphery may prove a critical step in the evolution of sensorimotor control theories.

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Meeting ID: 629 5738 8041


Laura Crucianelli Anknuten till Forskning